The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 411 It's over!

Chapter 411 It's over!

Seeing her tolerant eyes, everyone naturally knew that she would not blame the "guard" who started without permission.

"Try it, both of you, it's delicious!" Yu Shengjun made another amazing move, he picked up two pieces of meat one by one, and put them into the bowls in front of Fu Yushu and Shao Qi respectively.

And Fu Yushu and Shao Qi casually picked up the chopsticks to pick up the meat in the bowl and ate it. They thought it was delicious, and they all nodded.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Hui and the others' eyes widened.They exclaimed in their hearts, how could those three guards be so defiant?The empress dowager was simply ignored, even if the empress dowager allowed them to start without permission, at least there were empress Chenghuan and imperial concubine there!Moreover, the identities of many people present are higher than them!How could they...

Tang Lin, Shi He, and Han Lingying below each exchanged glances, and they were too ashamed to lift their heads.Especially Tang Lin, the hairs all over her body stood up.

The empress dowager ignored those people, looked at Zheng Ming in front of her, and took a closer look. She hadn't paid attention to her before when she was seeing a doctor, but now she realized that this young imperial doctor is also good-looking, even though she doesn't have her son Astonishing, but not inferior. "Zheng Ming!"

Hearing this, Zheng Ming looked away from Yu Shengjun and the others, and immediately knelt down to the Empress Dowager, "The Empress Dowager, the sinners are here!"

The Empress Dowager said, "Get up and answer!"

Zheng Ming still lowered his head, "The offender dare not! The offender owes his great kindness to the emperor, regardless of what the offender has done, the offender will never forget it, even in the next life, it will be difficult to repay it all!"

The empress dowager was slightly angry on purpose, "I told you to get up and answer, so you get up!"

Concubine De panicked, she was really afraid that Zheng Ming would do something wrong, and after that, the two of them, as well as the child in their womb, would not be able to leave the palace.

"Get up!" Tang Lin simply got up and left her seat, and came to pull Zheng Ming up, "The emperor has said that although Zheng Ming has done rebellious things, but because you have made great contributions to the Imperial Hospital, I will spare you for the time being! Queen Mother I don't blame you anymore, why don't you thank the Queen Mother soon?"

Zheng Ming immediately lowered his head, "Cao Min, thank you Queen Mother!"

Some concubines thought that if they committed an unforgivable crime, it would be great if there was someone in the palace who had made great contributions like Zheng Ming to treat them!

The empress dowager waved her hand, "Go find a seat and sit down, don't stand!"

Zheng Ming nodded and said: "Yes! Empress Dowager!" After speaking, he turned his head to look at Concubine De, and after returning a smile, he walked to the seat behind Anfeng and sat down.

When the empress dowager was about to look at the last man facing the stranger,
At this time, Yu Xinruitang walked in suddenly and followed closely behind.As soon as she came in, she greeted everyone, "Everything is good! It's very lively!"

Passing behind Yu Shengjun, her footsteps stopped abruptly, and in front of everyone, she exclaimed at Yu Shengjun, "Hey, Brother Huang!"

To Tang Lin, Yu Xinrui's words were undoubtedly an atomic bomb that bombarded everyone!Yu Xinrui's "Brother Emperor" instantly changed Yu Shengjun's expression. He stared at her tightly, his eyes full of cannibalism.

The Empress Dowager, Tang Lin, and Qi Qi Ba Ba and the others, except for the few concubines, undoubtedly sweated for Yu Shengjun, to see if he could continue to conceal his status as emperor.

However, Yu Xinrui is smart, she is Yu Shengjun's biological sister, so naturally, like him, she has inherited the high-quality genes of her parents.

Seeing the suffocation in the eyes of many people, and the questioning look in the eyes of some women, Yu Xinrui rolled her eyes, and then said to Yu Shengjun: "...the most important bodyguard of the emperor!" Then, with both hands Pinch Yu Shengjun's cheek, squeeze Yu Shengjun's face as far as possible, gritted his teeth, and said with a smile: "Isn't this the most important guard around the emperor? You know, I used to like you, you like Is this Gong? You don’t know. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. Unfortunately, I seldom see you. What have you been doing recently? Are you eating well? Are you dressed warmly? Did my emperor brother mistreat you and make you perform very difficult tasks?"

Yu Xinrui's eloquent tongue successfully dispelled the doubts in Concubine Hui and Concubine Ning's hearts.

Jun's face was about to burst!Yu Shengjun endured the pain and kept staring at Yu Xinrui's face. If it wasn't for her quick wit, he would have strangled her just now!
But she is also worthy of being his imperial sister, who knows how to observe the faces of the people around her and respond accordingly.

"Cough!" At this time, the empress dowager coughed deliberately, raised her face slightly, lowered her voice, and said with a serious smile: "Be careful! You already have a son-in-law!"

Yu Xinrui let go of Yu Shengjun, glanced at An Leng beside her, and then said to her queen bluntly: "Isn't this not married yet?"

The dark and cold face changed, this hateful princess, is she going to regret it?

Yu Xinrui walked up with a smile, and then bowed to the empress dowager. Although she looked savage, she saluted very gracefully, "The emperor has seen the empress!"

An Leng also went up and nodded slightly, "Mother is auspicious!"

The empress dowager reprimanded An Leng slightly, "My son-in-law, this is your wife, she needs to be disciplined a lot in the future, she has no rules all day long, how decent is she!"

Instead of being angry, Yu Xinrui smiled, happy to be criticized by her mother.

An Leng always had a cold face, even in front of the Empress Dowager.However, in terms of words, there was no intention of confrontation, "Yes! Queen Mother! My son will keep it in mind!"

"Hey, who is this?" In a blink of an eye, Yu Xinrui saw a face-to-face man standing beside him, "You are so handsome, Queen Mother, this is not the eldest son-in-law! Who is he?"

The face-to-face man who had been ridiculed for a long time finally got everyone's "care."

The man bowed his waist towards Yu Xinrui, and said respectfully: "My minister, Yang Zi, is the magistrate of Qinghe County. He has seen the princess."

Yu Xinrui wondered, "How can you, a ninth-rank prefect, have the ability to come to the palace? Moreover, you even came to my mother's Xiangning Palace!"

When Yu Xinrui mentioned this, the man named Yang Zi suddenly felt a lot of embarrassment.Others are either concubines of the harem, guards of the Ministry of Guards, or imperial doctors.Only he, a small prefect of Qinghe County, dared to come to such a noble place with the cheek.

Concubine Xian stood up at this time, she felt Yang Zi's embarrassment, her eyes became hot, and she felt very uncomfortable.Seeing that Yang Zi was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do, she wanted to run away for him!Here, why is there no one who is willing to help him, who is of low status, get rid of this embarrassing atmosphere?
"Oh!" Suddenly, Tang Lin screamed, pulled Yang Zi to look at her, and exclaimed: "You are Yang Zi? I saw you in person!"

Concubine Xian's body was filled with five flavors.It was Tang Lin who helped her again!She owed Tang Lin too much, too much!

The embarrassing atmosphere at this moment completely disappeared after Tang Lin exclaimed.

Looking at the heroic and especially beautiful girl in front of him, Yang Zi was really moved in his heart.If it wasn't for this woman's words to relieve the embarrassing atmosphere, what would he do if he didn't know how to speak lightly.

Yu Shengjun didn't eat any more, but looked at Yang Zi intently, to see if this person was worthy of his concubine's entrustment for life!

Very good-looking, frail yet masculine, full of righteousness!Well, it is expected to become one of the upright officials of the Great Royal Kingdom.

Yang Zi recognized Tang Lin, "Are you... Concubine Tang?" After reuniting with Jiang Gulan, she told herself that there was a concubine in the palace with different personalities. Concubine Tang, presumably, is the person in front of her eyes.It really is a unique national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

This kind of rare woman, he did not expect that one day, he would be lucky enough to meet and talk to her.

"Hehe!" Tang Lin was not surprised that the other party recognized her, she glanced at Concubine Xian, and then said to him, "Sister Xian Concubine told you, right?"

Yang Zi nodded and admitted bravely, "Yes, Tang Concubine!"

Tang Lin broke into a sweat, "Calling me Tang Concubine is more of a surprise, just call me Xiao Tang!"

Yang Zi didn't dare to be more polite, "I don't dare."

Tang Lin was sweating again!
"My minister, see the queen mother, the queen mother is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!" Yang Zichao knelt down and kowtowed her head on the ground.

The reason why he was in the palace this time was because he had received an invitation letter sent by the empress dowager.I thought the emperor would let Jiang Gulan go, and let them who had been in love for many years be together in this life.But it didn't take long before the invitation letter from the Empress Dowager arrived, saying that he and Jiang Gulan would go to the palace together for the appointment.

Before entering the palace, he was still a little worried, whether it was the emperor's repentance, and planned to punish the concubine Xian again, and by the way, take him as an "adulter" along with him.

But the truth is very simple, the empress dowager just let the two of them enter the palace and have a meal together.

The Empress Dowager said: "Get up!" After Yang Zi got up, she sighed, and said: "At the beginning, the Ai family ordered the selection officer to go out to select girls in the folk. As long as you sign up, you can participate in the draft. At that time, the selection officer sent to see Concubine Xian's beauty was worrying, but at that time Concubine Xian refused to apply, she didn't want to enter the palace to be a concubine! At that time, the selection officer threatened her with the lives of the entire village! Beauty, enter the palace! When it surfaced that Concubine Xian’s younger brother was a fake eunuch, the Ai family thoroughly investigated the events of the year, only to find out that it was caused by the selection officer! The Ai family has punished the selection officer! Because the emperor never came Fortunately, there is no concubine in the harem, so Xianfei is still innocent! Aijia divorced her for the emperor, she is no longer a virtuous concubine, but Jiang Gulan, Yang Zi, are you willing to take her home for a good life? take care of?"

Knowing what was going on, Yang Zi didn't feel angry, and immediately knelt down to thank her: "My humble minister... I really can't repay the great kindness of the emperor and the queen mother, thank you queen mother, thank you!"

Tang Lin asked: "Master Yang, can you follow the Queen Mother's advice and take care of Jiang Gulan?"

Yang Zi nodded three times, and said gratefully: "As long as I, Yang Zi, are alive, I will definitely not make Gu Lan feel sad!"

At this moment, the scene in front of me moved many people.Especially those concubines, their eyes were red.

"It's so touching!" At this moment, the crying voice came from the corner, it was not someone else's, but... An Lin.

He stood by the door, wiping away his snot and tears.

Seeing his simple crying, Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun seemed to have a telepathy, and laughed together, and it was the kind that was so helpless, speechless and wanted to despise An Lin.

At this time, Lao Mo came in with melon seeds and peanuts, seeing An Lin wiping tears, and a group of people waiting to look at him, she wondered, "What happened, Manager An?"

An Lin raised his head, "It's okay!" Only then did he realize that everyone was looking at him, and immediately lowered his head with a blushing face, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.

Seeing An Lin like this, Concubine Xian cried and smiled, many people still blessed her and Yang Zi.

The Empress Dowager looked away from the door, and said to Yang Zi: "Yang Zi, get up, it's about to start, go down and find a seat."

"Thank you Queen Mother!" After getting up, Yang Zi went down and sat behind Zheng Ming.

Lao Mo walked towards Yu Shengjun with a plate of peanuts and a plate of melon seeds, and placed them in front of Yu Shengjun's table.

"Thank you, Lao Mo!" After thanking, Yu Shengjun picked up the melon seeds and ate them.

(End of this chapter)

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