The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 427 How Miracles Happened!

Chapter 427 How Miracles Happened!
The audience was stunned!Isn't this embroidered in a dancing way?

On the stage, a voluptuous figure was shuttled back and forth on the stage, and the skillful hands followed the twisting body so that the needle and thread were inserted on the screen very deftly, and the golden picture jumped up.

It was the first time I saw Shihe have such abilities, and Fu Yushu, who was standing in the outer pavilion, was stunned. He opened his mouth and never closed it.

"My God!" Shao Qi stared at the beautiful dance on the stage, his eyes widened. "As expected of General Shihong's daughter, now I realize that I have underestimated everyone!"

An Feng sighed softly, "It seems that Miss Tang is going to be embarrassed later!"

Yishuang glanced at Tang Lin on the stage, saw Tang Lin's mouth opened like an egg, and watched Shihe embroider wonderful patterns on the big screen, and couldn't help shaking his head sadly, "Miss Tang has been frightened by Empress Cheng Huan's embroidery skills Already!"

Fu Yushu's mouth was closed at this time, thinking that Shihe might pass the test again and again with embroidery, he was very worried. "Every concubine has to show her strength. If the other concubines can't beat Shihe, then wouldn't Shihe... be the queen?"

Cao Dan comforted: "Brother Fu, Sister Tang hasn't played yet, don't worry!"

Seeing Shihe's stunning embroidery dance, Fu Yushu's heart was about to break, "How can I not worry, that's not the Xueyan you like. If you're not careful, Shihe really won't be able to break away from the queen's identity!"

Yitang said: "Don't jump to conclusions, maybe Miss Tang will win!"

Shao Qi frowned and smiled bitterly, "Do you think it's possible? I'm sure that Lingying can't achieve Shihe's effect. It's not that I underestimate Lingying, it's that Shihe is too capable!"

"Let's wait and see!" After speaking, Yitang ignored everyone and looked at the stage.

Shihe is on the stage, dancing and spinning, shuttles back and forth in front of the screen with needle and thread. She has sharp eyesight and quick hands, and can grasp how to go online and how to compose pictures. In addition, she moves fast. A golden dragon has already shown a golden tail.

The Empress Dowager stared intently at Shihe on the stage, tightly holding the teacup in her hand, the tea in the cup overflowed from time to time.She was very nervous at the moment. Her carefully arranged post-election plan ended up not letting Tang Lin take the back seat, but continuing to let Shihe sit.She couldn't help thinking, could it be that Empress Cheng Huan was destined to be his son's lifetime empress?
Yu Shengjun didn't focus on Shihe on the stage like everyone else, he pressed his mother's trembling hand, "Mother, don't be nervous, Linlin will not let you down, trust the emperor!"

After the mother's mood stabilized, Yu Shengjun slowly raised the wine cup, then raised his head and drank it down.From time to time, he glanced at the ghostly figure on the stage, and the corners of his lips evoked a lazy and evil arc.She actually bluffed everyone. Shihe did have some skills, but her opponent was Tang Lin. Compared to Tang Lin, who was a ghostly horse spirit, no matter how good her skills were, she still fell in her hands!
"No!" Concubine Hua exclaimed in a low voice, staring closely at Shi He on the stage, she had no choice but to praise. "I must worship her as my teacher, she's amazing!" Shaking Concubine Ling next to her, "What do you think?"

Concubine Ling couldn't take her eyes off her eyes. Hearing what Concubine Hua said, she nodded repeatedly, "I also want to worship her as my teacher. This is the person who has reached the highest level of embroidery I have ever seen. No wonder the Empress Dowager Choose her as queen!"

Seeing Shi He's great performance on the stage, the imperial concubine just glanced at it for a while, then turned her gaze away indifferently, and said in her heart: "Practice makes perfect, what's so amazing! How dare you show such a small skill on stage? Shameless!"

In an instant, on the big white screen, such a picture suddenly appeared: on the blue sea, with turbulent waves, a golden dragon took off from the turbulent waves in the mid-air under the blue sky, roaring upwards, very vivid.

After Tang Lin came back to her senses, she looked at the big screen, and the picture of "Golden Dragon Leaping Over the Sea and Flying into the Sky" was roughly completed, and Shi He was trying her best to embroider the dragon's eyes.Seeing this, she quickly turned her head and looked at the censer next to An Lin, only to see that there was still a thumb-long incense on the censer that was about to burn out.She turned her head to look at Shihe, clenched her hands into fists, "Shihe, come on!"

When Shihe heard her voice, she winked and smiled, and worked harder on the screen.Now, she has finished embroidering the dragon's eyes, and is embroidering something on the blank space next to it.

After taking a sip of tea, Yu Shengjun looked towards the stage, and saw the word "下" appearing on the screen.

When the stick of incense burned down to the size of half a thumb, everyone in the audience held their breath nervously, anxiously expecting Shihe to put the needle and thread back into the basket before the incense burnt out.

The characters "Tian" and "Lin" already exist.

Shihe glanced at the incense burner, and regardless of the sweat on her forehead, she worked even harder to embroider the last word on the screen.

Fu Yushu was already dripping with sweat seeing Shihe working so hard, his heart ached, and he was also moved by her behavior.She worked so hard, but she sincerely apologized to Yu Shengjun!

When the stick of incense is completely burned and the ashes fall,
Everyone in the audience stood up at this moment, and Shi He had already withdrawn the needle and thread, her slender body turned a graceful arc, and then all the needle and thread in her hand fell into the basket.

She turned around and looked, a picture of "Golden Dragon Leaping Over the Sea and Flying into the Sky" had been completed on the big screen, whether it was color matching or online, it was perfect.

When Yu Shengjun looked at the screen, the audience shouted out the four large characters embroidered on the screen like a rainbow: "Jun! Lin! Heaven! Down!"

Immediately afterwards, Shihe knelt down on the stage to Yu Shengjun, "Congratulations to my emperor for laying down a vast territory for our Yuxin, and Shihe offers meager gifts on behalf of the subjects of the world, and wish my emperor to become the overlord of the world!"

Then, except for Tang Lin and the empress dowager, everyone knelt down and said loudly: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The scene was like a rainbow, more magnificent than the golden dragon flying into the sky on the screen.

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, and saw that he was extremely noble, condescending and worshiped by thousands of people, and his independent temperament and arrogance were vividly displayed. In her eyes, he was a living golden dragon in human form.

For some reason, there was warmth in her eyes.What kind of big shot has she never seen?But someone like him is still the first.Wouldn't it make you want to cry because of knowing such a him?
The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curved gracefully, and Tang Lin responded with a smile that was gentle but brighter than stars.Then, facing the crowd, he raised his hand and said, "Everyone is free!"

Everyone got up one after another.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the scene with his majestic eyes, then fell on Shihe's face on the stage, and said calmly: "Shihe, I like this gift you gave me very much! I also thank you for the people of the world Your magnificent words! I am very happy to have such a wonderful woman like you in my Great Imperial Kingdom! I have received your apology, and I... will not blame you again!"

Hearing what he said, Shihe, who had been wronged for almost a year, burst out laughing and crying, "Thank you emperor for understanding Shihe, thank you emperor, thank you..."

Yu Shengjun didn't say anything anymore, he gave An Lin who was standing on the stage a wink, intending to tell An Lin that it's time to end this session.

An Lin understood, and nodded back to Yu Shengjun, then walked towards Shihe, and said respectfully: "Empress Empress, you did a great job in the first half, go to the side and take a rest first!"

"Thank you!" Shihe said gratefully, and then sat down on a stool at the corner of the stage.It was time for Tang Lin to play next, and she wasn't a little excited, because she thought she was already proficient in embroidery, and it was impossible for Tang Lin to keep up with her.Embroidery is something she has never left since she was a child, so she is very proficient, but it is undoubtedly very strange to Tang Lin.

Another stick of incense was inserted on the incense burner by Xiao Xiong, and he only waited for An Lin's order before lighting it up.

An Lin stood face to face in front of the big screen embroidered by Shihe, looking intently at the picture of "Golden Dragon Leaping Over the Sea and Flying to the Sky" on it, as if he saw the magic, and seemed to be thinking about how he embroidered this picture.

Everyone saw her staring at the pattern so earnestly, touching her chin from time to time, putting her hands on her hips from time to time, and breathing in and out from time to time, thinking that she was stumped, they couldn't help affirming in their hearts-she was bound to lose.

After a while, when An Lin was about to ask himself something, Tang Lin suddenly turned to Yu Shengjun and said pleasantly, "Your Majesty, can you add a very interesting link to the competition?"

Yu Shengjun was stunned, very interesting?He asked, "How interesting?"

Tang Lin said excitedly: "It's a bet! Bet on whether Empress Cheng Huan will win or me in the first half! Everyone present can bet, starting from one copper coin, betting as much as you want, there is no limit, I lose Now, all the money will be given to Empress Cheng Huan, if I win, all the money will be given to me. Everyone pays for the whole mood, and if they think we performed well, they will pay. What does the emperor think?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at the scene, many people had already taken out their purses, his eyes flashed a sly look, and when facing Tang Lin, he deliberately looked very serious, "Then... I'm sure!"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yitang, Xiao Xiong, An Leng and Yifeng came out carrying an empty iron box, starting from the cabinet, and walked one by one, almost every person who passed by dropped money.

After more than ten minutes, everyone had finished voting, and the box with the "Shihe" note on it was full of money.And the box with the "Concubine Tang" note on it has only a few taels of silver.

Tang Lin glanced at the two boxes, but didn't respond, and then told An Lin: "Light the incense, I'm going to start embroidering pictures!" Then, she walked to the basket she had prepared for her, squatted down, Start preparing the needlework.

After An Lin lit the incense, he stood up.

Yu Shengjun leaned back on the dragon chair, put his arms on the support, put his fingers in front of his nose, and narrowed his eyes slightly to watch Tang Lin's every move.He wants to see how much this modern man weighs!Tang Lin squatted beside the basket, carefully arranging the needles and threads in the basket.

After a while, seeing that she hadn't embroidered yet, many people were puzzled, and looked towards Tang Lin with their heads and shoulders slanted, but the basket was placed on the corner of the screen, and Tang Lin was facing the back at the moment. No one saw what she was doing squatting there.

Seeing that the stick of incense on the censer was burning slowly, many people who knew Tang Lin were anxious, especially Fu Yushu. What? I don’t know how anxious I am, if she hadn’t embroidered the picture of Shihe within a stick of incense, Shihe would have entered the shortlist, I am really anxious to death!”

Shao Qi said in a good voice: "Brother, you can't rush to bleed, the results of the first round are still waiting for you to see! The officer has her own ideas, we just wait patiently!"

Fu Yushu said anxiously: "I think our patience has not been worn out, and the incense will be burned out. She Tang Lin was invincible in the bodyguard selection competition and in the training camp, and she will not be overwhelmed by the difficulties in front of her." Are you scared and squatting in the corner? A little girl like her can beat all the heroes, why can't even a weak person like Shihe be defeated?"

Sun Bailing interjected, "If Miss Tang is really incompetent, how can the Empress Dowager and the Emperor let the concubines compete with her? If you can't trust Miss Tang, you have to trust the Emperor, right? The Emperor has always planned strategies, otherwise, how could he have the ability to fight against her? Yu Xin, who is on the verge of subjugation, has become the Great Yu Kingdom today. We should trust the emperor's decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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