The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 441 Amazing 101 Flavors!

Chapter 441 An amazing thousand and one flavors!
"This..." An Lin suddenly became embarrassed, "Concubine Tang is so serious now, let's not bother her."

Concubine Xian thought, what An Lin said was right, maybe Tang Lin was really recording the process and ingredients of "Thousand Flavor Pot", if Tang Lin's concentration was disturbed rashly, wouldn't Tang Lin be harmed. "Then... let's just wait!"

"I don't know what's going on now," the empress dowager was fidgeting, full of anxiety, "but the Ai family was anxious to death."

Yu Shengjun comforted: "Mother, Yixiang has not arrived yet, and the result of the competition has not yet come out. Don't be impatient. Linlin has mentioned to me before that in her hometown, there are opponents challenging every day. Now that we're here, she won't have her previous opponents. It's rare that Concubine Xian's "Thousand Flavor Pot" is somewhat difficult today. For Linlin, it is very worthwhile to challenge. No, she has already devoted herself to it. "

"Ah," the empress dowager sighed, she suddenly thought of Concubine Hui Bu Erhan, "Concubine Hui has a photographic memory, with a stick of incense, she can finish reading a book, Concubine Xian's "A Thousand Years" Compared with her photographic memory, it is not up to the mark at all. Xiao Tang's opponent is still behind, if she can pass the level of Concubine Xian by chance, it is difficult to guarantee that she will pass the level of Concubine Hui. Another point, Xiao Tang is not my family member, so she must not be very clear about many things in my court. There is no concubine Li who does not know anything in this world. The battle between Xiao Tang and Concubine Li is even more difficult, let alone Han Concubine, Concubine Ning, Concubine Xuan and others."

"Mother, look at how worried you are..." Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth. If you really can't win, you will lose a few games at worst. Now Linlin has entered the list of candidates. If she loses, she will still lose." You can continue to compete and still have a chance!"

The empress dowager glared at her son, "Is the emperor so calm?"

Yu Shengjun sneered, "Queen, apart from being calm, what else can the emperor do to help Linlin? Oh yes," remembering that he had asked Zhang Xiangyang to prepare the Four Treasures of the Study for him just now, and they were all placed on the table in front of him.

See if he can explain every process of "Thousand Flavor Pot" one by one.

Taking the brush and dipping it in ink, Yu Shengjun just wrote down the words on the paper. Every word was written very fast, not inferior to Tang Lin.His handwriting is not like that written by Tang Lin, nor is it as neat and elegant as Tang Lin's.His handwriting is sharp, not to mention majestic and majestic, the imperial arrogance is fully displayed in the strokes.

Zhang Xiangyang looked down and was suddenly startled.There are great tonics such as Tianshan Snow Lotus, Wannian Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng.Good medicines include angelica and so on.Poultry includes chickens, ducks, fish, geese, dogs, horses, cattle and sheep.Red-crowned cranes and other rare long as they are edible in this world, whether they are big tonic or small tonic, or medicinal materials, as well as various famous and unknown flowers, as well as famous and unknown grass leaves... They were all listed on paper by Yu Shengjun.

"Thousand Flavor Pot" is a fusion of everything that can be eaten.Zhang Xiangyang was too shocked.Concubine Xian can make "Thousand Flavor Pot" dishes that are safe to eat and delicious. He has already secretly admired him. Now, he has witnessed that his master can actually list the "Thousand Flavors Pot" through his sense of smell without thinking too deeply. Flavor pot" process and the names of various ingredients... He really doesn't know how to use words to describe his shock at the moment.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Xiangyang, like everyone else, was wondering whether Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun were writing carelessly on paper.

Time passed minute by minute.

After Tang Lin wrote three full pages, she stopped and looked at her watch. It was still 15 minutes before the stick of incense was burned.Half of the time has passed, and she has to speed up, otherwise she will really lose to Concubine Xian.

After looking at the watch, Tang Lin continued to devote herself to the competition physically and mentally. She kept recording in the notebook with her hands, and in her mind, the dazzling array of things on the stage were also rapidly playing.She will not miss anything that is ready to be on the stage, and it is included in the book.At the same time, through her very sensitive sense of smell, she smelled out what ingredients were in the pot.Every time she smelled it, she quickly recorded it in the notebook.

Fu Yushu, who was in the corner of the outer cabinet, asked the other guards: "Sir, you are so serious, do you think she is writing something related to the "Thousand Flavors Pot"? Why do I think she didn't care about the food in the pot at all!"

Shao Qi said: "Our Chief Tang has always had a unique style of doing things. We have thought that she must lose more than once, but in the end she can win very beautifully. I guess it will be the same this time, creating a miracle again!"

Fu Yushu pointed to the various ingredients on the stage and asked Shao Qi, "Can you name those ingredients one by one?"

"Sure!" Shao Qi looked around, raised and lowered his fingers, "There are Tianshan snow lotus, Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, Shouwu, pilose antler..." As he spoke, he saw a black cloud Something stopped.Then, with a look of frustration on his face, "Okay, I admit that I don't know the names of all the ingredients, but can you tell me what is the black lump and the black flower in the past?" thing?"

Fu Yushu laughed openly, "Say you don't understand. That black one is a crow!"

Sun Bailing interjected, "That flower is a pitcher plant!"

Shao Qi wiped off his sweat, "Even the crow has become one of them? How can Concubine Xian study these things when she has nothing to do? How can she, a woman, have the opportunity to get in touch with so many things?"

Sun Bailing reminded: "Don't forget, this is Da Nei. What does the Imperial Dining Room want and can't get?"

"Bai Ling." Fu Yushu asked, "I have discovered that many ingredients cannot be mixed together. Once eaten, food poisoning is inevitable. Please analyze how Concubine Xian mixes various ingredients without any scruples?"

"This..." Sun Bailing carefully analyzed it in his brain for a while, and finally apologized to the two of them: "You two, I'm sorry, I can't find out how Concubine Xian did it. I guess I have to wait for the officer to announce it later. It's over. The game should be over soon!"

In the last 5 minutes, Tang Lin put away the pen neatly, and every time she got things done, she would stretch her limbs and show a relaxed and comfortable expression, "It's finally finished, but I was tired for more than 20 minutes!"

At the same time, Yu Shengjun also took the pen and completed the record.Then, he motioned to Zhang Xiangyang, "Let Concubine Xian also compare this with mine, and see if there is any difference with her and Tang Lin's."

"Yes." After speaking, Zhang Xiangyang took the five blank papers on the table, and then went to the stage.After getting on the stage, he handed the five blank sheets of paper to An Lin, and said: "It was written down by the emperor, and he said to compare it with that of Concubine Xian and Concubine Tang, is there any difference!"

An Lin just took a few pieces of paper together with the letter from Concubine Xian in his hand, and then went to look for Tang Lin, "Concubine Tang, is it okay?"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Okay, let's compare it with Concubine Xian to see if I wrote everything correctly!" As expected, it should be exactly the same as Yu Shengjun's record, and it is more detailed than Concubine Xian's. "Concubine Xian, here I am, sorry for your trouble!" An Lin handed three items to Concubine Xian.

Concubine Xian only took Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin's, not her own.Said to An Lin: "All the words in the letter were written by me. I remember every process clearly in my mind, so I don't need a letter to compare!"

"That's fine!" After speaking, An Lin nodded and stepped aside.

Concubine Xian first took a look at Yu Shengjun's paper, after all Yu Shengjun is the emperor, and if you want to compare, you must first compare the emperor.With just a glance, she not only saw Yu Shengjun's majestic and majestic words on the paper, but also saw every process listed by Yu Shengjun on the paper. Not only is there no typo, but the ingredients used, how many kinds, and the names of the ingredients are all accurately recorded. Not only that, but also how many rare ingredients are used. The year is written out accurately, just like the Polygonum multiflorum in the "Thousand Flavor Pot", which has grown in the mountains for 1000 to [-] years, Yu Shengjun actually recorded the real year accurately.

She quickly looked at one after another, until the fifth one, Concubine Xian didn't find anything wrong with it. At first she read it with a calm mind, but she couldn't have imagined that the more she looked down, the more shocked she was!
Seeing Concubine Xian's shocked expression, everyone became nervous and anxious. What was the result?It's really anxious to wait!
After a while, Concubine Xian tremblingly raised the hand holding Yu Shengjun's record, perhaps too shocked, unable to calm down her excited heart for a while.She looked towards Yu Shengjun, her lips twitched for a while, and then she raised her voice in front of everyone: "For me, every process and every ingredient of "Thousand Flavor Pot" is still in my memory." New, after all, I have studied this dish for several years. But I never thought that the emperor, who manages everything every day, can know so well about "Thousand Flavor Pot" in a quarter of an hour, and every process is accurately recorded!"

Without waiting for An Lin to say something to the audience, everyone in the audience shouted towards Yu Shengjun, "Long live the emperor!"

"Quiet! Be quiet!" An Lin pressed his hands to the audience, signaling for everyone to calm down.After everyone calmed down, he asked Concubine Xian: "Concubine Xian, is there any difference between the emperor's detailed explanation of "Thousand Flavor Pot" and yours?"

Concubine Xian didn't hesitate at all, and immediately shook her head excitedly, "No, there is no discrepancy at all. Every process described on this paper is the same as every process of the "Thousand Flavor Pot" I made, and there are no wrong steps. The emperor has memorized every ingredient needed in the "Thousand Flavors Pot", even the names are accurately memorized!"

No one would have thought that the emperor, who is usually high above and would never enter the imperial dining room, would know so many ingredients. Not only that, but watching the concubine Xian cook the "Thousand Flavors Pot" once, he would be able to memorize all the processes.

Some people in the audience were thinking again, the emperor saw the "Thousand Flavors Pot" made by the concubine Xian, and it was reasonable to memorize the steps one by one, but could the concubine Tang memorize all the steps one by one if she hadn't seen it?
At this time, Yu Shengjun gave An Lin a wink, signaling An Lin to end the link in front of him as soon as possible.An Lin understood, then turned to everyone, and said: "Next, Concubine Xian, please announce the final result of Concubine Tang's match!"

Concubine Xian calmed down her excited heart, then opened Tang Lin's notebook, and read it carefully.

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, just as Yu Shengjun cast his gaze on her face.She raised the corner of her mouth and narrowed her eyes to give him a complimenting smile, intentionally praising his excellent performance just now.

Yu Shengjun also returned a complimenting smile.

At this moment, when Tang Lin was about to exchange a few more words with Yu Shengjun with hand gestures, Concubine Xian suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my God!" Immediately, the eyes of everyone on and off the stage turned to Concubine Xian.

"What happened to this?"

"Comparison gone wrong?"

In the audience, some people began to discuss in low voices.

"Concubine Xian, what's the matter?" An Lin ran over and asked worriedly.

Concubine Xian raised her head to look at An Lin. At this moment, her eyes were full of shock and disbelief. She said excitedly to An Lin: "Concubine Tang is such a genius! She actually, unexpectedly..."

An Lin was so anxious that he wished he could grab the book in Concubine Xian's hand and read it, "My Lady Xian, what is it?"

Concubine Xian looked at Tang Lin, and Tang Lin was looking at her wonderingly.She walked over quickly, grabbed Tang Lin's shoulders, and said excitedly, "Sister, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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