The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 463 Eastern Moonlit Night - Mysterious Visitor!

Chapter 463 Eastern Moonlit Night - Mysterious Visitor!
Mu Yunqing looked at Burhan, with a look of guilt on his face, "I didn't expect that I made your life difficult! I saved you in the temple that day. I thought you were still in your boudoir! A day of playing with you , we climbed mountains and waded through water, during which I held your hand! You are an innocent woman, but I, Mu Yunqing, treated you lightly and gave you a token to take this responsibility to you in the future That is the token to enter my Mumen. No matter where the token is, it will emit a faint fragrance at night, and the fragrance emitted by each token is different! The fragrance of the token, Only I, a mumen, can tell it! After a month of separation in the temple, I searched for you by following the incense, but I never expected that you were in the huge harem! Afterwards, I went to the temple to inquire about it. I know that Concubine Hui has accompanied the Empress Dowager to worship the Buddha for a day or two! After I know your identity, I have no ability to...take you away!"

Who dares to rob women with Ming Jun!
Crystal clear teardrops silently slid down Burhan's beautiful cheeks. "I know your troubles, just as you know mine!"

Mu Yunqing gently raised her little hand, and looked at her expectantly.I spent all my energy trying to make my voice as soft as possible, but when I uttered it, it was hoarse. Was it because I was afraid of being rejected? "You, will you now... will you let me be responsible for you? I, Mu Yunqing, fell in love with you the moment I saved you, and I can't help myself until now! Your weakness makes me want to hurt you so much pity!
Bu Erhan inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, and inhaled deeply again... After the turmoil in her heart subsided, she nodded with tears in her eyes, "Yes! You are responsible!"

"Heh—" Mu Yunqing hugged Bu Erhan's waist excitedly, and turned around several times.

After Mu Yunqing stopped, Tang Lin patted him on the shoulder unceremoniously, and warned: "Mu Yunqing, I can warn you, be nice to my good sister, otherwise, I will fix you! And , you have to remember, her surname is Bu, radish’s Bu, the intriguing Erhan, the Han’s Han, Bu Erhan! She is the jewel in the palm of the court minister, if you bully her, not only will I not let you go, but her family No one will let you go!"

Mu Yunqing promised: "One day I, Mu Yunqing, will not let Erhan be wronged!" Then, she hugged Bu Erhan into her arms.

In Tang Lin's eyes, Bu Erhan is like the lotus flower in Han's name, with a lotus-like appearance and a calm and indifferent temperament.Seeing that Bu Erhan had a good home, she felt less worried.If Mu Yunqing doesn't show up today, she still has to worry about Bu Erhan, when will the owner of that iron order show up...

"Mu Yunqing! Tell you something!" Tang Lin patted Mu Yunqing on the back.

Mu Yunqing let go of Bu Erhan, motioned her to sit aside, then turned around and asked Tang Lin, "Concubine Tang, why do you want to find Yunqing?"

Tang Lin asked him in a low voice: "Let me ask you, is your "Mumen swordsmanship" famous in the world?"

Mu Yunqing didn't doubt why Tang Lin knew the "Mumen Sword Art", he thought, since Tang Lin knew his identity, she should know that the "Mumen Sword Art" was a treasure handed down from his Mumen. "Back to Concubine Tang, although the "Mumen Swordsmanship" is not the best in the world, it is the best in the world! Because of its profound swordsmanship, I, Mumen, have been able to survive in the martial arts world for generations! Concubine Tang, why are you doing this? ask?"

"Uh..." Tang Lin poked the back of her head, trying to find a reason to explain it off, but she said, "Oh, that's right, someday I'll go to the rivers and lakes, if I meet someone who makes you admire the swordsmanship, Don't you know that it's someone you adore? At that time, I can go to your house for a meal!"

Mu Yunqing said with a smile: "As long as Concubine Tang is willing to come, Yunqing will definitely recruit you with good wine and good food!"

"Yes, yes, I will definitely visit when I have time!" Tang Lin responded politely, and then asked: "Then learning your sword it easy?"

"Oh! How is this possible?" Mu Yunqing smiled suddenly, with an expression of disbelief. "Anyone who knows my Mumen swordsmanship knows that my Mumen swordsmanship is extremely profound, weird, and complicated. My Mumen swordsmanship has never been passed on to the outside world. Even if people from the Mumen sect want to learn the highest level, it is difficult It's a matter of heaven! If it is easy to learn, it is impossible to have a unique position in the martial arts!"

Tang Lin whispered to herself, "Why do I think it's so easy to learn? Could it be that it's fake? Where did it really go?"

"Concubine Tang, is there anything else you want Yunqing to answer?" Mu Yunqing asked politely, with a friendly smile on her lips.

"No, thank you!" Tang Lin waved her hands, and then stood up. She might have been squatting for too long, and suddenly she couldn't stand still, and her feet kept moving backwards. As a result, she stepped on a black shoe.After she stood firmly, she raised her head and hurriedly thanked, "I'm sorry comrade, I'm really right..."

For some unknown reason, Tang Lin was suddenly stunned!Tang Lin was startled. The person in front of her could rival Yu Zichen and Fu Yushu in appearance, and also possessed the maturity and stability of Yu Zichen and Fu Yushu!The more important point is that this man is evil. He seems to be presumptuous, but he also gives people a deep feeling!

When Mu Yunqing and Bu Erhan sat down under the stage, everyone's eyes fell on the ring.Just like Tang Lin, she was shocked by the appearance of the man on stage!
Perhaps, it was because there were dozens of people on the stage in a row that there had never been a beautiful boy, but now one finally appeared, which naturally won the attention of everyone in the room!

When Yu Zichen, who was sitting under the stage watching the blind date, noticed the person on the stage, he was shocked: "It's him!"

Tang Lin took a look at the new blind dater in front of her who was neglected by her. This person was dressed like a Jianghu, "Sir, can you introduce yourself?"

The man frowned, and said with a bit of aggrieved words: "Are you very old?"

Tang Lin also frowned her pretty eyebrows, and asked back: "Did I say you are very old?" Cut!This person has a barrier to understanding language!
The man asked again: "Then why did Concubine Tang call my sir?"

Now, Tang Lin understood why her superior asked herself that way. She dared to interpret the "sir" in his mouth as an elderly wife.

Tang Lin gave a dry laugh, not intending to explain, "Then... Young Master, please introduce yourself to everyone!"

The man faced the crowd, with a sinister and presumptuous arc on his lips, but it didn't make people feel that he was arrogant, arrogant, or difficult to get along with.

After the man glanced at the people in the audience, he said four words easily, "Eastern Moon Night!"

Yu Zichen suddenly thought, "That's right, it's him, I thought I misjudged the person, but... why did he come to the blind date meeting in the palace?"

"Dongfang Yueye?" Tang Lin was taken aback, what a strange name.Then asked: "Is this your name?" Oh!While the names of the ancients are full of poetry, they are also quite different.

The man who called himself Dongfang Yueye nodded, "That's right!"

"Good Mr. Dongfang! Whether Mr. Dongfang can stay on stage or not depends on the girls in the audience," Tang Lin said, looking at Lang Yinzhi and the others, and said, "Girls participating in the blind date, can Mr. Dongfang Yueye stay?" I will continue to observe you in the arena, it depends on your performance later! Next, please raise the signs in your hands, agree with Mr. Dongfang to stay, and face me with the side of the sign that says "pass"! No If you agree, face me with the side that says "failure"! Next, let's start!"

Except for Lang Yinzhi, everyone turned the side of the sign that said "Pass" to Tang Lin.But Lang Yinzhi "failed".

The eyes of Tang Lin and Dongfang Yueye fell on Lang Yinzhi at the same time, and frowned at the same time.

Tang Lin smiled and asked, "Yinzhi, why did you say no? Mr. Dongfang has an extraordinary appearance, isn't he attractive to you?"

Lang Yinzhi glared at Dongfang Yueye angrily, then turned his mouth to Tang Lin aggrievedly, and complained: "Concubine Tang, he is presumptuous, he dares to despise me, I don't like this kind of person!"

"Oh," Li Miaosong pinched Lang Yinzhi fiercely, complaining that Lang Yinzhi didn't raise his sign, "You should let him stay on the stage for us to observe, you don't like it, so don't let us get it too Right? Please, my dear sister, let him pass, he can only stay on stage if he passes unanimously, don't let him go!"

Lang Yinzhi became irritable, how could a good sister like the man on stage who looked down on women, "I said enemy, listen to me, he is not a good man!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Dongfang Yueye smiled playfully, and fought back against Lang Yinzhi, "If Tang Concubine didn't have her own heart, I, Dongfang Yueye, would rather pursue Tang Concubine to death than a bad woman like you!"

These words made Lang Yinzhi anxious, he stood up immediately, pointed at Dongfang Yueye, "Damn it, who are you talking about?"

Dongfang Yueye stared at her, "I'm talking about you! Look at you, there is no other concubine Tang who is as beautiful, nor concubine Tang as generous and decent, nor is she half as talented as concubine Tang! In this world, there is no man who is I don't want to marry a woman like Concubine Tang!"

"You, you," Lang Yinzhi was so angry that he couldn't speak, his fingers and angry eyes kept pointing at Dongfang Yueye on the stage.

"Concubine Tang, Yue Ye has offended you!" Dongfang Yue Ye respectfully nodded to Tang Lin, and then jumped off the stage with neat movements, letting Tang Lin see that she was a martial artist.

In the tent, Dongfang Yueye could know through others that the person hosting the blind date meeting was Concubine Tang, but when he got off the ring, he went straight to the empress dowager, finally stood in front of the empress dowager, and nodded respectfully at the empress dowager , "Yueye pays respects to the queen mother, the queen mother is auspicious!"

Several questions arose in Tang Lin's mind. She felt that Dongfang Yueye was not an ordinary person.This Dongfang Yueye seemed to have known the Empress Dowager a long time ago, otherwise, he wouldn't have recognized the Empress Dowager at a glance.Second, this Dongfang Yueye was more courageous than other blind daters, daring to openly bicker with Lang Yinzhi, who was once Concubine Hua, in the arena.You know, there are many ministers and princes present in the audience, how dare he be so bold as a commoner.

Regarding Dongfang Yueye's unqualified greeting, the empress dowager did not become angry. Instead, she just nodded with a smile, but didn't say anything, as if she had known Dongfang Yueye for a long time.

"Follow me!" Dongfang Yueye didn't say anything more to the empress dowager, grabbed Lang Yinzhi and pointed at her arm in front of everyone, pulled her away from the seat, and walked away.

After Lang Yinzhi reacted, she became even more annoyed and struggled non-stop, who knew that she was a martial arts practitioner and boasted that she was proficient in eighteen martial arts, but at this moment, she didn't even have the strength to break free, she felt ashamed and annoyed, because I am ashamed that I don't have the strength of the other party, annoyed by the other party's reckless behavior towards me, "Rogue, let me go, let me go..."

Everyone watched Lang Yinzhi curse all the way, struggle all the way, and was forcibly taken away by Dongfang Yueye all the way, but they didn't take any action.

It wasn't until those two people walked away that everyone turned around.

Tang Lin looked at Li Miaosong and the others in the audience, and saw that they all looked sad. It seemed that they were worried about why the beautiful man took away Lang Yinzhi instead of them.It was they, not Lang Yinzhi, who favored Dongfang Yueye, but Dongfang Yueye took Lang Yinzhi away.

"Everyone, the blind date will be suspended for a while. After a short break, the show will continue!" As the person in charge of the blind date, Tang Lin did not allow anything to happen.Dongfang Yueye took Lang Yinzhi away rashly, the purpose is unknown, she must follow to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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