The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 465 Blind date to send gold bars?

Chapter 465 Blind date to send gold bars?
Dongfang Yueye said angrily: "These Jianghu people are too rampant, they should have been wiped out one by one like the anti-imperial society, so as not to cause trouble again!"

The empress dowager said: "Go up to the emperor, and let's talk about it in detail after seeing the emperor!"

Tang Lin returned to the square and sat down in the empress dowager's seat. Many people went to deliver tea to other blind daters, but few sat by the ring.

After sitting down, Tang Lin looked around and saw a man dressed in Jianghu. Suddenly, she thought of the ring that Dongfang Yueye took out, and then she thought of the ring of Yu Shengjun, and then , She also remembered the purple-clothed woman she saw in Yu Shengjun's room once, she thought it was Yu Shengjun's mistress... Until now, she still couldn't figure out who that woman was, How could the bed break through the gate of the Ouchi guards and enter Yu Shengjun's room!

Tang Lin said to herself: "It's strange, why did you think of the woman in purple? Also, Dongfang Yueye's ring... What did Yu Shengjun hide from me?"

While Tang Lin was thinking deeply, suddenly, a woman's scream came from the tent behind the ring, "Ah—"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin stopped thinking and rushed towards the tent in one step.Tang Lin ran into the tent step by step, quickly ran to a crowded place, pushed aside several layers of onlookers, and came to the innermost part.I saw a handsome young man in gorgeous clothes lying on the ground in a coma, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and he had obvious symptoms of poisoning.

Li Miaosong knelt beside the man, her pale face seemed to have been greatly frightened, her eyes were still full of fear at the moment, she looked at the man on the ground empty, and beside her was a broken Tea cups all over the place.

On the other side of the man, squatting a person is Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing was concentrating on taking the man's pulse.

The other guards, concubines, and idlers all watched closely from the side as Sun Bailing felt the man's pulse.

After Sun Bailing took the man's pulse for a while, his face was very heavy. Tang Lin noticed and asked, "Bailing, what's the matter with this man?"

Holding a cup of tea in his hand, Yishuang answered for Sun Bailing: "Miss Tang, just now everyone brought tea for us to all the people who came to our blind dates. Unexpectedly, after Miss Li Miaosong drank the teacup for this young man lying on the ground, this The young master suddenly collapsed, unconscious, no one knows what happened to him earlier! It just so happened that Sun Bailing was also delivering tea to others, so he came to feel the man's pulse right away!"

Sun Bailing put down the man's hand, then leaned down, sniffed at the man's sleeve, and immediately frowned even tighter.After smelling it, she stood up and said to Tang Lin, "He's poisoned!"

Tang Lin was startled, "Poisoned? What kind of poison? Is there any help?"

Sun Bailing shook his head, showing a helpless expression, "Sir, I'm sorry, Bailing doesn't have an antidote for this poison! From this person, I smell a strange smell! If my guess is correct, it is rumored that there is no cure. One of the most poisonous medicines! After eating this kind of poison, it will emit that smell through the body skin! The symptoms of this kind of poison are recorded in medical books, but there is no antidote!"

At this time, someone pointed the finger at Li Miaosong who was kneeling on the ground with empty eyes. "This person just drank the tea brought by this young lady, and then fell down!"

Immediately, Li Miaosong came back to his senses, knelt down to Tang Lin, cried and defended himself desperately, "I didn't, I didn't poison him! Concubine Tang, you have to believe me, I don't know this person, how could I Put poison on him! Besides, I didn’t know there was poison in the tea! I just helped to deliver the tea for everyone. If I knew it was poison, I wouldn’t have done it if I was killed, hoot,”

Seeing Li Miaosong crying so helplessly, everyone couldn't bear it.

Li Miaosong knelt down to Gu Yan again, grabbed Gu Yan's skirt, and begged: "Sister, help me, sister did not harm that person, really did not."

"Sister, don't be like this," Gu Yan felt sorry for Li Miaosong at this moment, bent down, helped Li Miaosong up, and said affirmatively: "Sister, I believe in you, you will not harm anyone, you will not,"

Li Miaosong shrank her nose, looked at the person lying on the ground, tears quickly filled her eyes again.Such a young and handsome man died because of his own cup of tea, how could such a thing happen.If time could be repeated, she would rather drink this cup of tea by herself than him. "But why did he get poisoned? Why? Everyone is fine after drinking tea, but why does he have trouble after drinking it?"

Gu Yan comforted: "Sister, calm down first, don't get excited, there are still us." After releasing Li Miaosong, she squatted down, picked up a broken cup, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, and then she concluded that One thing, "There is no problem with the tea!"

Tang Lin said: "As for poison, Gu Yan is an expert in this area, I trust her judgment." Looking at Gu Yan, she ordered: "Gu Yan, look, is there any antidote for the poison the man is suffering from? "

Gu Yan squatted down and sniffed the man's sleeve.After straightening up, she shook her head at Tang Lin, "I am indeed rumored to be a poison with no antidote, and the person who eats it will die after half an hour of poisoning!"

Suddenly, Li Miaosong's body trembled, his head buzzed, and he felt like the world was spinning. Then, he leaned back lightly, and he was dumbfounded, "I can't be saved? That's Say, I, I, Li Miaosong, took my life on my shoulders?" Just thinking about it, she was reborn from the deep palace, but when she was about to regain her freedom, her freedom was completely far away from her, and her tears fell even more fiercely. "I... I'm done?"

Yishuang said to Sun Bailing and Gu Yan: "You two master detoxifiers, can't you cure a poison?"

Gu Yan and Sun Bailing lowered their heads in shame.

At this time, Tang Lin crossed her hands behind her back, glanced at the surrounding people extremely calmly, and said without anger, "The murderer must still be at the scene!"

Immediately, the people in the tent became panicked, for fear that they would also become the souls of the murderer.

Yu Zichen, who was present, glanced at the people around him calmly.

After Tang Lin glanced at Nie Wanqi, Bu Erhan and other concubines, she glanced at the guards, and finally, she glanced at the many blind daters present. At this moment, when a person caught her gaze, she acted very calm.

Other people's eyes showed different contents, but those eyes had only a calmness, and this calmness was too normal, and because it was too normal, it seemed extraordinary.

Tang Lin quietly remembered those eyes. She didn't go to find out the owner of those eyes immediately, but ordered the guards on the field, "Send this poisoned young man to the Tai Hospital, and let the people from the Tai Hospital Do your best to save him!"

"Yes!" Shao Qi and Fu Yushu responded at the same time, then came to help the man lying on the ground up, and left the tent.Han Lingying and Shihe followed out.

Li Miaosong was in a daze for a moment, and then she also chased him out.If that person dies, she will not feel better, she must follow to see.

Gu Yan was worried about Li Miaosong, "I'll go and have a look!" After talking to Tang Lin, she left the tent.

Tang Lin looked at Sun Bailing and said, "Bailing, you should also go to the imperial hospital. Perhaps, with the help of the imperial doctor, you and Gu Yan know how to detoxify that young master. No matter whether you can detoxify him or not, you must do your best. Do your best to save patients!"

"Yes!" Sun Bailing replied, and then left the tent.

Tang Lin exchanged glances with Yu Zichen calmly, then, looking at the others, she ordered, "This tent is full of poisonous gas, everyone leave the tent and go outside to get some fresh air, don't stay here!"

People left one after another.

Before the owner of those eyes left, he glanced at Ye Se who hadn't left yet. This glance contained a lot of emotions, but Ye Se didn't see it.

Seeing that Tang Lin didn't leave, and she was full of sorrow, Ye Se came over to comfort her, "Concubine Tang, don't worry too much, it will be fine!"

Tang Lin hummed contemptuously in a low voice, even Ye Se couldn't hear it.The corner of her mouth curled into an extremely beautiful but eerie arc, "Of course it will be fine!"

At this moment, Yu Zichen suddenly appeared at the door, stopped the owner of those eyes, and said coldly: "Stop!"

Ye Se looked at the door and saw that Yu Zichen blocked the way of a man in black. The man in black had his back facing her and Tang Lin. Although he couldn't see the man in black's face, the figure in black was well-proportioned. It is also beautiful to cut off the appearance.

Tang Lin crossed her arms and walked up two steps, and sneered at the back of the man in black, "Murderer, do you think you can escape here?"

The man in black didn't turn around. He looked at the gentle and calm Yu Zichen in front of him, with puzzled eyes, "Tang Concubine can recognize that I am the murderer, and I have nothing to say. After all, we have looked at each other before, but how about you?" Can you recognize me?"

Yu Zichen smiled lightly, with Yu Shengjun's usual calmness, "As a prince, I can't even discern this point, how can I be worthy of being the prince of the Great Yu Kingdom?"

The man in black was startled, "Are you the prince?" The only prince who has enjoyed power in the imperial capital all year round is the second prince, Yu Zichen. Presumably, this is the one in front of him.Unexpectedly, while she looks good, she also has abilities. "I really underestimated you, my lord!"

Yu Zichen said with a smile: "You're welcome! But this king really wants to remind you that you can't escape from this palace compound, so grab it as soon as possible! Confess your identity and the purpose of your trip!"

The man in black turned around, and Tang Lin and Ye Se caught sight of the exotic appearance and charm.

It turned out to be a person who is not from China, Tang Lin asked sternly: "You are definitely not from China, who are you? Your purpose of entering the palace, if I guessed correctly, should be Ning who is beside me." Concubine—Jeser!"

Jesse was startled, and pointed at himself, "Me?"

The man in black looked at Yeser, his sharp eyes softened for a moment, "Yeser, I am your elder brother!"

This time, Ye Se and Tang Lin were shocked at the same time.

Ye Se's almond eyes widened, she was very surprised, "What, you are my brother?" She was confused. "How is this possible? My father only has me as one daughter. My father said that my mother died long ago and only gave birth to me as a child. How could there be a brother! Moreover, my father did not marry a second wife, let alone that! You lie!"

Tang Lin looked at the man in black. He looked handsome, quite mature and stable. Judging by his age, he was estimated to be in his early thirties, which was at least ten years behind Ye Se, who was in his early twenties.Ning Gao is only in his early forties, how could he have such a big son. "You are indeed lying, you are not Ning Gao's son at all! You and Ye Se are ten years apart, how could you be her elder brother! What are your intentions?"

Yu Zichen added, "Your Excellency, if you don't confess, don't blame me for handing you over to the guards! Prisoners who have entered the guards have always ended up worse than death. I advise you to confess as soon as possible and hand over the antidote!"

The man in black asked, "What if there is no antidote?"

Yu Zichen said clearly: "A life is worth a life!"

Tang Lin asked again, "Who the hell are you?" The man in black said truthfully, "I'm not the elder brother of Jesse's blood, but I am his righteous brother, his father, and my adoptive father. I am Xida The person outside the desert is a child of a local herdsman. He was abducted by a caravan to do hard labor when he was a teenager. When he arrived in the imperial capital, he was saved by his adoptive father Ning Gao and escaped from the hard labor. Jesse is the biological daughter of his adoptive father. And I am the adoptive son of my adoptive father, naturally, her elder brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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