The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 473 Finally ushered in the day of relocation of the old capital!

Chapter 473 Finally ushered in the day of relocation of the old capital!

"Junjun!" Tang Lin came over and asked, "What's going on? Isn't this little slave innocent?"

Yishuang explained: "Miss Tang, you don't know, in fact, she is the murderer who killed the two concubines in the harem. There is a courtyard in the harem that is a forbidden area, and there is a well in it, and the water under that well leads to Yuhe. Then The reason why the corpses of the two concubines appeared in the Yuhe River was because they flowed into the Yuhe River through the well in the forbidden area of ​​the harem. The reason why the corpses rushed to the Nangong Palace was because the well had two passages, and one passage was not patrolled by the Imperial Forest Army. , and the corpse rushed to Yuhe on the side of Nangong from the passage where there was no guard guard patrolling, and was discovered by the students of the training camp afterward!"

Tang Lin yelled angrily: "Since she killed someone, she should have paid for it long ago. Why did you keep her until now?"

Yishuang said: "Her true identity has not been found out yet, and even severe torture will not force her to reveal it!"

"Look for me! It's not easy for her to speak in person? Leave it to me!" Tang Lin suddenly laughed, which made Xiao Nu feel terrified.Yu Shengjun let go.Due to the sudden letting go, Xiao Nu couldn't stabilize herself, her head hit the ground, her head buzzed for a moment, she felt the world spinning, and her sanity disappeared for a while before recovering.

Yu Shengjun stood up and twitched the corner of his mouth in disgust.

Tang Lin squatted down, opened her big eyes, and looked at the pale, embarrassed and dying little slave kindly and innocently.

Xiaonu was also looking at Tang Lin. She was shocked. When did such a wonderful woman exist in the harem?Could it be that the other party was the Queen of the Great Yu Kingdom that the guards spoke of when she was tortured?

Tang Lin stretched out her hand, pinched Xiao Nu's chin lightly, and sighed: "Oh! You are so beautiful, how did you get to where you are now? The two beauties who died will soon be banned if nothing happens. They became concubines, and they were listed as the twelve concubines with the noble concubine and others! But, when the bright future came, they were poisoned and killed! I want to know why you want to kill people, huh? Come on, you are dying anyway, Why bother to go to hell with a secret!"

Xiao Nu pouted contemptuously, and stared at Tang Lin's eyes coldly, "If you want to kill or scratch, you can do it, I wish you could do it right away! Trying to dig something useful out of my mouth...don't even think about it!"

"Miss Tang." Yishuang said angrily, "Don't talk so much nonsense with her, use torture!"

Tang Lin smiled, "Using torture? If she can be recruited by torture, there won't be so many scars on her body. Don't worry, I said that if you can dig out her secrets, you will definitely be able to! Someone forced a confession!" She looked at Xiaonu, narrowed her smile, and said, "I will satisfy you!"

Xiao Nu smiled conceitedly, even the emperor couldn't do anything about her, let alone a mere little girl. "But I won't satisfy you!"

Tang Lin stopped talking nonsense with the other party, and took out the needle tube and needle from her pocket one by one.Yu Shengjun knew that she had a lot of things to take with her, so after helping her undress today, he left all the things on her suit in his bedroom.Before going out to the imperial garden, she put those things back on her body one by one, just in case.

After sucking up all the liquid in a container, Tang Lin pointed the needle at Xiao Nu, and smiled evilly, "This is a hallucinogen, a high-tech product, and it is forbidden for ordinary people in society, but it is not for secret agents. Yan, but it is a bestseller. I usually use this medicine to steal other people’s information, and I am very reluctant to use it, but today, I want to use it all on you. Since your perseverance is so strong, I will take the medicine harder. I'm not afraid that you won't recruit! Don't worry, this medicine will only paralyze your mind and will not endanger your life. After you have explained everything that should be explained, leave your life to the emperor to deal with!"

Many people were astonished, how could Concubine Tang have such a strange thing?The emperor did not allow people to investigate Concubine Tang, presumably Concubine Tang's background must be complicated, otherwise, how could Concubine Tang have many abnormalities!

Perhaps, the emperor was afraid that after the investigation, the situation of Concubine Tang would be bad.But even so, many people's curiosity about Concubine Tang did not decrease, but increased instead.

When the needle pointed at him, the little servant showed a trace of fear, shrank back, and fear grew in his eyes.She tried to force herself to be calm, but she couldn't be at all.

Xiao Nu's reaction made Tang Lin pull her lips coldly, "I'm afraid now? Don't you think it's too late?" Stop talking nonsense, grabbed Xiao Nu's arm, without any pity, and stabbed the needle into the little slave's arm.Anyone who opposes Yu Shengjun is her enemy, and she will never be soft.

The fatal sting made Xiao Nu's brows tightly frowned.

Tang Lin pressed down on the needle, and the liquid inside was quickly injected into Xiao Nu's blood vessel.

Xiao Nu only felt a stimulating coldness quickly passed through her arms, and ran through her limbs, making her already cold body even colder, as if it had just entered autumn, and the next second, it would be cold winter, which made her feel cold. Caught off guard.

After injecting all the potions, Tang Lin withdrew the needle from Xiao Nu's arm.When she looked at Xiao Nu again, Xiao Nu's sanity began to slacken. Tang Lin's figure became more and more hazy in front of her, and several shadows were formed from the original one shadow.

Tang Lin asked Yishuang, "Since she wanted to die so much, why didn't she bite her tongue and kill herself?"

Yishuang said: "She did such a thing before, but she was stopped by the guards. Later, in order to prevent her from committing suicide, there were guards who took care of her! It's just that this woman's mouth is very hard, no matter how tortured, she can't say no. Come up with something useful!"

Tang Lin looked at Xiao Nu. Xiao Nu was out of her mind and had hallucinations. She took Tang Lin as Yu Shengjun and reached out to touch Tang Lin's face. She said coquettishly, " Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Xiao Nu's estrous appearance made Tang Lin sure that Xiao Nu liked the emperor.She looked up at Yu Shengjun, said nothing, looked at Xiaonu, and asked softly: "You like me very much, don't you?"

Xiao Nujiao nodded.

Taking advantage of the effect of the medicine, Tang Lin continued to ask: "I am the emperor, tell me, why did you kill my concubine?"

Immediately, the tenderness on Xiao Nu's face disappeared, and she changed into a face of resentment, "Why? Why? This is all the Empress Dowager's fault!"

Many people were shocked, especially the empress dowager.

The empress dowager was very distressed, "When did the Ai family have a festival with her?"

Tang Lin continued to interrogate: "I like you too, but I can't forgive you for what you did to my concubine, but as long as you confess your affairs to me, I will forgive you and accept you as my concubine, okay?"

When Xiao Nu heard this, tears filled his eyes, and he nodded excitedly.

Tang Lin asked: "Why is it the Queen Mother's fault? Does she have any trouble with you?"

At this moment, Xiao Nu burst into tears, and cried out: "My mother was once the emperor's favorite concubine, but her background was humble, but she became a thorn in the side of the empress dowager, and she was thrown into the well alive by the empress dowager. My mother is familiar with water, and she died in the Yuhe River long ago. I am also glad that there were no Imperial Forest Army patrolling the Yuhe River. My mother followed the Yuhe River, left the palace, and finally left the Royal Forest. The deserted courtyard in the harem, It is the place where my mother lived before she was alive, and it is the bedroom that the late emperor bestowed upon her."

After hearing Xiao Nu's words, the Empress Dowager suddenly thought of the deserted courtyard, "Isn't that where Concubine Yan lives?"

Tang Lin continued to interrogate Xiaonu, "Your mother told you these things, right? You entered the palace to avenge your mother's revenge on the Empress Dowager, right? Then tell me, you just have a grudge against the Empress Dowager, why do you want to?" Harm my concubines? They are innocent."

Xiaonu said in pain: "I don't want to, but one day, when I came outside the deserted courtyard, I heard two people scolding my mother behind others' backs, saying that my mother deserves to die, and finally there was retribution. I saw it clearly, Are they two beauties, or the beauties who are about to be named concubines. They dare to say that about my mother, I hate them, so I found a chance to kill them, and then threw them into the well in the deserted courtyard in the middle of the night! If it wasn't for their cheap mouths Why should I make it difficult for them! I just went to the palace to find the empress dowager to avenge my mother! Because of the empress dowager's frame, my mother lost the late emperor's favor and left the late emperor! I hate the empress dowager!"

Tang Lin asked, "Where's your mother?"

Xiao Nu lowered her head in pain, "Dead!"

Tang Lin asked again: "How did you die?"

Xiaonu said: "I heard that the late emperor died in battle. My mother couldn't bear the bad news. After she passed out, she couldn't wake up again. My mother thought about the late emperor day and night. If it wasn't for the empress dowager's frame, she would stay by the late emperor's side." She was the one who was born and died!"

He thought that his status as a slave was a threat to the imperial court, but now it seems that he might be a threat to Yu Shengjun.Tang Lin seemed to have thought of something, and it was a very important matter, "Little slave, did your mother remarry after leaving the palace?"

Xiao Nu shook her head, "No! My mother only thinks of the former emperor, and she didn't remarry!"

Tang Lin asked sharply: "Then are you your mother's flesh and blood?"

"Of course!" Xiao Nu said nonchalantly.

What was the purpose of Tang Lin's question, everyone understood.Tang Lin wanted to verify whether Xiao Nu was a princess.

"Master," Yishuang sensed that something was wrong, "Little slave may be..."

Yu Shengjun remained silent, looking at Xiaonu indifferently.

Tang Lin then asked Xiao Nu, "Xiao Nu, tell me, was your mother pregnant when she fell into the well? If you were the child of the former emperor, then you would be my imperial sister, but you have to know, A younger sister cannot love an elder brother, this is incest, do you understand?"

"I just like you! I..." When Xiao Nu was about to answer, his eyes suddenly went into a trance, and then he closed his eyes and passed out.

"Damn it!" Tang Lin was so irritable that she swears, "I passed out at the critical moment!"

Yishuang asked, "Why is she like this?"

Tang Lin said: "I didn't expect her willpower to be so strong. Even my medicine will lose its effect after a long time. Maybe her body is too weak to bear the power of the medicine, and she passed out!"

Yishuang said anxiously: "But she hasn't revealed her identity yet! If it's really a princess who was left behind among the people, we will treat her like this, the former emperor will know, and he will definitely be sad!"

Tang Lin glanced at Xiao Nu's appearance, then stood up, and looked at the Empress Dowager, "Queen Dowager, Xiao Nu has confessed who her biological mother is. Perhaps, you know Xiao Nu's life experience better!" I just don't know, Concubine Yan Was it murdered by the empress dowager?

The empress dowager glanced at everyone with a faint gaze, and everyone's fearful gaze, no matter how well hidden they were, could not escape her eyes.His gaze finally fell on Tang Lin, and he asked lightly, "Xiao Tang, do you think Aijia is a vicious woman?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "No!"

Yu Xinrui asked anxiously: "Mother, is this little slave related to us by blood?"

The empress dowager was silent for a while, before she said calmly: "She..." The empress dowager was silent for a while, before she said indifferently: " not a royal princess!"

After getting this answer, both Yu Xinrui and Yu Zichen heaved a sigh of relief.Thinking of his Yu family, they all gave birth to straightforward children, how could there be such a vicious woman like a slave who took someone's life because of a few insults.

Unlike Yu Zichen and Yu Xinrui, Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief.He didn't react when he heard the answer from his mother's mouth.Before that, he didn't know the identity of Xiao Nu, but he knew about Concubine Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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