Chapter 477

Xiaoshi said truthfully: "Young master, this jade was not bought by Xiaoshi from the market. This jade pendant was a young man who forced it into Xiaoshi's hands when he walked on the street a few months ago. After asking about the situation, the young man had already left. Xiaoshi has never been able to understand this matter. When the young master asked where the jade came from, Xiaoshi could only say that he didn't know. The young master has a special liking for jade. If the young master does not dislike it, You might as well accept the jade in Xiaoshi's hand."

Yu Shengjun has already decided in his heart, he wants to get the jade pendant back, and after moving to Xindu, hide the jade in a secret place, so that Tang Lin can't find it, and it won't fall into other people's hands.What Xiaoshi said was exactly what he wanted.

He thought, this jade pendant must have been given to Xiaoshi together, because he wanted to deliver the jade pendant to the people together.But this jade has been in Xiaoshi's hands for a long time, so he took it empty-handed, wouldn't it become a gift from the woman as a token of love?It must not be taken empty-handed.

Yu Shengjun touched his cuffs and took out a hundred taels silver note.Since they were going out of the palace in micro-clothes, only he and Tang Lin needed him to bring the banknotes for urgent needs.Before leaving the palace, An Lin was asked to prepare a bank note for him.

"Miss Xiaoshi, this is the money for the jade pendant," said Yu Shengjun, replacing the bank note.

As soon as Xiaoshi saw the banknote, her heart was hurt immediately, she wanted the person in front of her to owe her a favor so much, don't be so fussy.She gently pushed the bank note back, and put the jade pendant into the hands of Yu Shengjun, "Young master is Xiaoshi's benefactor. Xiaoshi was able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, all relying on the money of the young master, how can Xiaoshi shamelessly take the young master's money?" Money. This jade pendant is not something for a small poem, so you can take it."

The last thing Yu Shengjun wants is to owe favors to irrelevant people. "I have taken the jade pendant, but Miss Xiaoshi must keep the money. It is only right and proper to exchange one thing for another."

After stuffing the banknote into Xiaoshi's hands, Yu Shengjun took the jade pendant and turned and left quickly.

Holding the bank note, Xiaoshi chased after him, "My lord—" But after running a few steps, Yu Shengjun's figure disappeared into the sea of ​​people in front of him, and he was nowhere to be found.She stood still, with tears in her eyes, looking forward to seeing the crowd of people in front of her.

Suddenly, someone stretched out his hand from behind and patted Xiaoshi on the shoulder.

Before this moment, Xiao Shiben had a weak face, with a pair of vivid spiritual eyes.After being slapped by the person behind her, her eyes suddenly became stern, which can make people tremble all over.She immediately turned around and shot, who seemed to be incompetent in martial arts, but sent it with a palm,
Someone who came to catch her move said in time, "Like a poem!"

It was a woman's voice.The voice is slightly deep, but not old.

After Xiaoshi recognized the voice, she pulled her hands away.A little impatiently said, "Ruhua, don't carry me behind your back next time you show up, don't blame me if you miss!"

The woman called picturesque by Xiaoshi is also wearing a cloak, and the real appearance cannot be seen clearly under the white gauze.She was dressed in blue clothes, and her figure was as graceful as Xiaoshi.She said angrily: "It's not because of your confusion. If it wasn't for me today, you would be lying on the ground now. You have been in the capital for several months. Have you found out the trace of Master Yichan?"

Xiaoshi turned to the side with a cold face, and said impatiently, "No!"

Ruhua was so angry, "I said you couldn't do it earlier, I should ask the head to let me take charge of the imperial capital, not you! You said that if you sneak into the brothel and contact people, you can find out the traces of Master Yichan, but you messed up It’s been several months, why is there no clue at all?”

"Stop talking!" Xiaoshi said impatiently, "Maybe this stinky monk is not in the imperial capital at all. This stinky monk was injured by our head back then, and only half of his life is left. I thought I could catch him and take him to the martial arts world." Jue Xue, who knows, the whole person has disappeared without a trace since then, and it took more than ten years to disappear. A person who disappeared for more than ten years can't be found by the head, let alone us!"

Ruhua said: "The Demon Sect is now in the world, and the election conference is coming soon. If the head of the sect is not protected by martial arts masters, it may be difficult to control the whole world. The head of the sect said, since we can't find Yichan, let's go back quickly! The head has a new, very important task for us to complete!"

Xiao Shi asked, "What task?"

Ruhua couldn't explain it in general, "It is said that our four sisters are going to Xindu to find opportunities to confuse the emperor and assassinate the new empress! To confuse the emperor is second, to get rid of this new empress of unknown origin... the most important thing!"

Xiaoshi looked up at the sky, the corners of her mouth curved sinisterly.

At this moment, Tang Lin was sitting by the pier watching the passing boats. Suddenly, she felt a chill on her back, and said to herself wonderingly: "It's strange, I'm not afraid of the air of ten degrees below zero. It's only ten degrees now. Why do I feel the cold?" Do you agree?" Ten days later, in the afternoon.

When Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun came to the pier again, the pier was already an empty port.Apart from the spectacular sight of hundreds of ships docked at the pier, the scene of the crowds at the pier ten days ago no longer exists.

Yu Shengjun looked at the boundless sea with a calm expression.The Hubu Shangshu on the left side of Hou said: "Your Majesty, tomorrow, it's time for us to move out of the old capital!"

Tang Lin, standing on the right side of Yushengjun, looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers of Yuxin in front of her, and couldn't help feeling: "The old capital is actually very beautiful, but it's a pity that it was built in a dangerous area!"

After returning to the palace, Yu Shengjun went to check the empty palaces alone, saying that it was an inspection, why not say it was the last time to remember.

Today's empty city left him with too many memories.Whether it's the lively scene of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, or the details of the training camp, or the aura of officials when they go to court, etc... Now, he is about to take away the memories here, and his footprints will always remain into this palace.

At some point, Yu Shengjun stood on the Wangtian Pavilion.Looking up, it is the vast blue sky and white clouds; looking down, it is the Jinxiu Emperor City thousands of miles away.Every plant and tree constitutes the prosperous scene of Yuxin today.

Tang Lin walked up to the Wangtian Pavilion and came to Yu Shengjun's side. She looked over and saw the clear sky, which was so beautiful that it was hard to let go of this beautiful picture. "This is the first time I've stood on it. It turns out that there are quite a few places in the imperial capital here!"

Yu Shengjun asked her: "Do you like the old capital?"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, I like it, but I like the future of Xindu even more. I believe that under the emperor's governance, it will not be any worse than the old capital, on the contrary, it will be even worse."

Yu Shengjun smiled softly, "Oh! When did my queen's mouth become sweet!"

Tang Lin coquettishly said, "My mouth has always been so sweet, okay? It's just that you didn't notice it, Your Majesty!" After glancing at the sky, she said, "It's almost dusk, Junjun, is there anything else you can't do? ?”

Yu Shengjun took her hand and planned to go down to the Wangtian Pavilion, "There is nothing to do, let's go back to have dinner, then have a good sleep, and leave tomorrow for Xindu!"

After nightfall, Yu Shengjun fell asleep with Tang Lin in his arms.

One night passed quietly.

At dawn today, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin woke up.After finishing their last breakfast in the old capital, they dressed neatly, accompanied and escorted by a group of guards and imperial guards, and left the palace in a mighty manner.

Standing in front of the main palace gate, Yu Shengjun turned his head and watched the palace gate being slowly closed, his vision gradually blurred.After suppressing his emotions, he turned around and got into the carriage with Tang Lin.The team set off.

The mighty team stopped at the pier.

After Yu Shengjun got out of the car, he reached out to help Tang Lin and asked her to get off.

Afterwards, they boarded the largest boat by the pier.

I don't know how long it took, hundreds of big ships sailed mightily on the boundless river and sea.And the empty pier in the old capital, in the eyes of Yu Shengjun, became farther and farther away, until it disappeared into a thick fog.

Yitang and other personal guards were all on the same boat as Yu Shengjun, and they stood guard at every corner of the boat to prevent fluctuations.

Yu Shengjun stood quietly at the bow of the boat, with his hands folded behind his back, looking at the sea area where there was no oasis in the distance.Facing the cold wind, his thousands of black hair fluttered in the cold wind along with the hem of his clothes.

Tang Lin came out of the boat, holding a cloak embroidered with dragon patterns in her arms, which was made of the same material as the dragon robe.She stopped for a moment facing Yu Shengjun's quiet back, then walked up, gently put the cloak on him.

After Yu Shengjun felt it, he tightened his cloak and smiled warmly at Tang Lin, "Thank you!"

Tang Lin's hands were removed from his cloak, and she faced the front, facing the oncoming wind. She was only wearing a military uniform, and she was not afraid of the icy sea breeze. "The sea here is really clear!"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "The sea of ​​the future world is still it."

Tang Lin smiled wryly and said: "It is indeed the same sea, but its purity is not as good as here. I have no regrets to be able to see the ancient sea in my lifetime. At least, there have been many miracles in my life that no one else can see." !"

Seeing her nostalgic expression, Yu Shengjun tightened his cuffs.Inside the cuff is the jade pendant he bought from Xiaoshi. "Linlin, do you still want to go back to your former world?"

Tang Lin pursed her lips, gave him a slight smile, then shook her head, and said, "I don't want to!" When he asked why, she continued, "I have an elder brother, a younger brother, and an elder brother and younger brother to take care of me." Parents, I don't have to worry. Besides, my parents are both senior military officers, so even if they have no children, they will still be taken care of by the state after retirement, so they don't have to worry about the rest of their lives!"

Hearing what she said, Yu Shengjun's guilt-ridden heart eased a little.Now that she is willing to stay, he no longer has to worry that she will leave him at any time.The wide cloak stretched out, protecting Tang Lin in his warm and safe cloak, "Even if you are no longer with your family, I believe that no matter where you are now, your family will silently bless you, hope you Happy! Linlin, live a good life with me from now on!"

Tang Lin responded lightly, "Yeah!"

After a while, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin returned to the boat.

Back in the boat, Tang Lin wanted to go to the room to sleep, but thought that she couldn't sleep, and it was useless to lie on the bed.She began to walk back and forth in the cabin, and Yu Shengjun was drinking tea leisurely, seeing her walking back and forth thinking about something, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin stopped and looked at the spacious cabin without the third person, she frowned at Yu Shengjun, "It will take more than a month to arrive in Xindu, this month, we should find some programs to pass the time, right? "

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows with interest, "Oh? To pass the time? Linlin thought of something interesting?"

At the first moment, Tang Lin thought of the group of people in her training camp, and then, she was suddenly inspired.She rushed to Yu Shengjun's side all of a sudden, grinning at him, as if she wanted to plot against him.

"Why?" Yu Shengjun saw Tang Lin's malicious intentions at once, he purposely put on a serious face, and said seriously: "If it is too much, I will not allow it!"

Tang Lin smiled at him again, and then said in a childlike voice: "Junjun, it will take more than a month to arrive in Xindu, and I can't get off the boat to play this month, it's so boring, or... let us People from the training camp come here to play? Anyway, there are Imperial Forest Army and many guards escorting them, so don’t worry about anything happening! Call them in, okay? With them, this month will pass soon!”

For Yu Shengjun, most of Tang Lin's words would not be rejected.He was still worried that such a long waterway would bore Tang Lin to death, and wanted to find something for Tang Lin Lele, and it happened that she proposed it.She was right, with a large number of people guarding the ship, it wasn't a big deal for a few guards to be lax.

(End of this chapter)

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