The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 480 It's better to be the emperor's woman

Chapter 480 It's better to be the emperor's woman

Tang Lin said lazily: "Just like you, the little prince is just a young child, and he can say whatever he wants, and he has no taboo."

At this time, at a certain corner of the street, there was a man wearing a black hat and holding a sword, leaning lazily against the wall.After seeing Tang Lin who was sitting on the horse wearing sunglasses, the man never looked away.In winter, bathing in the afternoon sun is the most pleasant thing.After Tang Lin yawned, she casually glanced around. She glanced at the figure leaning against the wall in a certain corner without paying much attention.

The man in black, wearing a black hat, holding a sword and lazily leaning against the wall is a man of excellent figure.Wearing a bamboo hat and covering it tightly, I don't know what it looks like.

The team continued to go outside the city.

After Tang Lin's figure disappeared, the man in the corner walked to the nearby inn. Finally, he entered the inn and sat down at an empty table not by the window. Then, he put the sword in his hand on the table!
When Xiao Er came up, the man glanced around, and what caught his eyes was a woman standing in front of the window at the moment.The woman was wearing a white hat and a white dress, carefully watching the welcoming team on the street outside.

Behind the woman, there is a table, and three women who are also dressed in the same dress as her are sitting beside the table.

The man paid more attention to the four women, watching the team so carefully, is there some purpose?
The second came up and greeted with a smile on his face: "Guest officer, do you want to be a top student or stay in the hotel?"

The man looked away from the four women, fell on Xiao Er's face, and said: "First, bring me a good pot of tea, I want a good Longjing tea, and then just serve me some vegetarian dishes, please don't worry." !"

Xiao Er was surprised, he had never met a guest with such a gentle and pleasant voice, the words were gentle and polite, and the voice was pleasant to listen to.

"Okay, guest officer, wait a moment!" Xiaoer replied respectfully, and then withdrew.

The tail of the procession was already visible on the street, the woman standing in front of the window stopped looking, went back to the table where the three women were sitting and sat down, and said to the three women in a low voice: "It should not be the emperor's patrol team! "

A waiter brought over a stack of steamed buns, "Girls, the steamed buns you want! Please use them slowly!" After putting down the steamed buns, he withdrew.

Among the three women, one woman took off her bamboo hat at this time, and the face that appeared in the air was Xiao Shi's face.

After putting the bamboo hat aside, Xiaoshi picked up a steamed bun and slowly gnawed on it, not forgetting to say to the woman who spoke earlier: "Ruhua, you are wrong, you shouldn't be, it is not the emperor's patrol team at all!"

Ruhua took off her bamboo hat, her beauty is not inferior to Xiaoshi's, especially her facial features are impeccably matched, but her expression is very cold. "The palace is heavily guarded, we can't get in, but if we don't try to get in, how can we assassinate the queen!"

"Hush!" The two women who had not taken off their bamboo hats booed at the same time, stopped Ruhua, and looked around cautiously.

One of them said: "This is not a place to talk, so talk less!"

Xiaoshi thought for a while, and then said to the three people in front of her: "I see it this way, how about we split up into four groups and find a way to sneak into the palace? If we really can't get in, we can start with the prince's mansion first and let the prince take us into the palace !"

Ruhua sneered and said: "It's quite easy for you to say it. It's not like you don't know that there is only the second prince in the imperial capital now, and he is already married. Also, we have no chance to meet the second prince. , let alone let the prince take us into the palace!"

Xiaoshi said unhappily: "I've already said this, as for what you want to do to get into the palace, I don't care about that. After a while, we will separate from here, and the one who entered the palace must send a signal to inform us. that's all!"

After eating, besides picturesque, Xiaoshi and two other accomplices left the inn.

Ruhua casually asked Xiao Er when Xiao Er was changing tea for the table, "Xiao Er, do you know what the team outside was doing earlier? It's quite a long line, and is the current emperor going on tour?"

The man who was drinking tea was slightly taken aback when he heard what Ruhua said, and thought, why did the woman ask about the original team?

Xiaoer replied: "Girl, I don't know what's going on. I heard that some prince has returned to the court. It is a team that is going out of the city to meet the royal family. The younger one also heard from other people. Is the real situation true?" That way, the little ones won’t know.”

Ruhua smiled gratefully, "Yes, thank you!"

"Girl take it easy." After saying that, Xiao Er withdrew.

Ruhua drank the tea slowly, her sight on the table gradually blurred.The man sitting not far from her saw her expression one by one.

After a while, Ruhua went to the counter to check out, and said to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, this is the meal fee. Also, please open a room for me, the shopkeeper. This is the rent, thank you." superior.

Afterwards, a mistress took Ruhua up to the second floor.

The man did not leave the inn after eating, but went to the counter and said to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, is there any room available in your inn? If possible, I would like to live in the room next to the original woman!"

The shopkeeper said attentively: "Yes, yes, there are still many vacant rooms on the second floor. The rooms on both sides of the girl's room are vacant. As long as the guest officer likes it, you can live in any room. I will write it down for you immediately."

Outside the gate of the East City.

The team occupied most of the roads inside and outside the city.

The guards stood guard at the gate of the city, and they glanced at everyone who entered the city.

There is a tea shed not far from the door, with three or four small tables.On one of the small tables, melon seeds, peanuts and refreshments were all available, and the people sitting at the small table were none other than Tang Lin, Shao Qi, and Cao Dan.

Tang Lin was eating peanuts, looking at the people entering the city from time to time.

Cao Dan looked up at the sky. Although the sun was still hot, the sun had already set to the west. "We've been waiting for quite a while, Miss Tang, when do you think the little prince will arrive?"

Shao Qi guessed: "Sir, do you think the little prince has already entered the city?"

Tang Lin said: "The booklet the emperor gave me said that the little prince will enter the city at dusk today, but the dusk has not arrived yet, don't worry, let's wait, maybe something happened on the road that delayed the little prince's journey. If we can't wait after nightfall, let's make another plan!"

Soon, dusk arrived.On the edge of the sky, the clouds are colorful.

Cao Dan was already so sleepy that he lay on the table and dozed off, while Shao Qi was still peeling peanuts to eat, and from time to time looked at the people entering the city. "It's dusk, and people haven't come yet, sir, waiting like this is not an option!"

"I'll go over there and ask." After speaking, Tang Lin got up and walked towards the guards at the gate of the city.Walking up to a guard, he asked, "Has the person not come yet?"

The guard shook his head, "I didn't see it!"

Tang Lin asked: "Are you sure you will recognize the little prince once he appears?"

The guard nodded and said: "Yes, I can! Miss Tang, the master often asks us to go to the place where the young prince is stationed to see the young prince. We have seen the young prince more times than the master, so it is impossible not to recognize him! Maybe it is The little lord was late because he was delayed by something!"

"It's not impossible." After calming down and thinking about it, Tang Lin asked again: "Please describe the appearance of the little prince to me."

"Miss Tang, we have a portrait of the young prince here for convenience!" The guard took the scroll from another guard and gave it to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin took the scroll and opened it...

At this time, in the inn, in a room on the second floor.

The window was opened, the man looked out, and the wind that hit his face swept across his fair and handsome facial features.This is a slightly childish but extremely handsome face.

After glancing at the sky, the man closed the window, then went back to the desk in the inner room, took a pen, and copied a piece of white paper. After writing a line on the paper, he tore the paper in half, and then cut the paper into pieces. The one who wrote the words rolled it up, and immediately after that, he took out a white pigeon from his body.

After stuffing the paper into the small bamboo on the dove's feet, the man went to the window, opened it, and let the dove fly out.

The pigeons flew over the houses, across the vast sky, and after a thousand turns, they flew into the palace area.

The pigeon finally landed in the hands of a hall in the guard department.

After taking a look at the note, Yitang left the guard department.

Not long after, Yitang was already standing in front of the desk where Yu Shengjun approved the papers in the imperial study.

Yu Shengjun was looking at a note, and after glancing at the note, he let out a heavy sigh of relief, "Tang Lin still can't pick up anyone! My little brother deliberately reported the wrong time and returned to the city early so that the people who greeted him Team lost!"

Yitang asked: "Master, the Eighth Prince said that he wants to stay in the folk and has something to do. I don't know what it is. Do we want to help?"

Yu Shengjun waved his hand, "Don't bother him! If it's not an important matter in the army, he won't let people interfere. Since he can't go back to the palace to see me for a while, let him finish the matter and see me again, no urgent!"

Yitang asked again: "Then Miss Tang and the welcoming team..."

Yu Shengjun said: "Flying Pigeon will pass a letter to her later, telling her about the situation of the Eighth Prince."

It was dark.

At this time, at the gate of the city, Tang Lin held a white pigeon in one hand and ordered the team, "Go back, everyone! The emperor has ordered that the Eighth Prince will not be coming back today. You go back first, and I will give it to you when there is a situation." information!"

The guards and teams left one after another, and the city gate was empty after a while.

Tang Lin stood where she was, her thoughts wandering.She thought of a man in black and a black hat she saw at a corner of the street in the afternoon. What made her think carefully was the sword the man was holding.

"Sister Tang, why don't we go back to the palace with the team?" Cao Dan asked puzzled.

Tang Lin came back to her senses, and gave Cao Dan and Shao Qi a mysterious smile, "I think, I found the little prince!"

Cao Dan was shocked, "What? Sister Tang, have you found the little prince?" He immediately looked around, "Where is it? Where is the little prince?"

Tang Lin said: "I knew where he was in the afternoon, but now I don't know. How about this, I'll go find the little prince alone, and I'll let you know when I find it. Since you two have nothing to do, go home and have a look." Ling Ying and Xue Yan, don't worry about me!"

Shao Qi was about to say something, but Tang Lin stopped him, "I know what you're going to say, don't worry, I will take care of myself. You are waiting for me at home, if you find the little prince, I will go find you!"

As a last resort, Cao Dan and Shao Qi had no choice but to obey Tang Lin.After the two of them left, Tang Lin went back to the place where she met the little prince in the afternoon.

At this time, standing beside the inn, Tang Lin stared at the corner of the inn with her hips akimbo, "Where is this little brat?" She raised her head and looked to the second floor of the inn. Open... Ruhua opened the window and glanced at the street corner not far from the inn, but did not look downstairs.

When the picturesque appearance came into view, Tang Lin was slightly startled. She didn't expect such a beautiful woman to live in this small inn!

He simply glanced at the picture at the corner of the street, then looked away, and then closed the windows and doors, disappearing from Tang Lin's eyes.

Tang Lin lowered her head, exhaled annoyedly, and then looked around with her hands on her hips, her eyes were blurred in the crowded night market, "Little boy, little boy, if you don't want to sit in a good sedan chair, you have to be alone Entering the city will make me suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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