The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 491 There is such a peerless beauty!

Chapter 491 There is such a peerless beauty!

"I can only do my best." After speaking, the owner of the restaurant nodded and bowed to the foreigners, and then went to the kitchen.

Tang Lin chatted with a few people from other places, then went back to Yu Shengjun and the others, and just sat down, Yu Chengyun crackled and said, "Sister-in-law, are you too powerful? That's just two After working hard, I actually got a gold bar! Also, sister-in-law, do you understand the language of their country?"

After Tang Lin took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, she said, "I have learned the language of their country before, and I can understand basic conversations." Taking out the gold bar, he handed it to Yu Chengyun, "Hey, Eighth Prince, money Return it to you, keep it well, borrow it and return it, and borrow it later, don’t make it too difficult for me, ha ha!"

Tang Lin glanced and smiled, and her gestures exuded a charming and confident charm, which made Yu Shengjun secretly admire Tang Lin's communication skills, which he couldn't and couldn't learn.

After a while, Xiaoer brought out all the food and wine.

Tang Lin ate to her heart's content, and when she drank to her heart's content, she didn't forget to hold up her wine bowls to the two tables of foreigners inside and drink heavily, and said something that Yu Chengyun and the others couldn't understand, "Come, friends from afar, let's have a good drink." !"

The atmosphere in the inn was completely driven by Tang Lin.

Yu Shengjun drank clear tea, calm as water, the impetuousness in the inn did not disturb his peaceful heart.From time to time, he put vegetables into Tang Lin's rice bowl, and Tang Lin ate them all unintentionally.

After drinking a few bowls of wine, Tang Lin stopped drinking, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the brittle ones in the plate and ate them raw, one bite at a time, very rhythmic.

At this time, the people in the restaurant passed the dishes to the tables of those foreigners one after another.Tang Lin took a look from a distance, and saw that the appearance of those dishes was [-]% similar to those in Jun Die Xuan, but I don't know if the taste is the same.

The owner of the restaurant stood by the side and asked courteously: "Gentlemen, do these dishes suit your appetite?" In fact, he was very nervous. big.

The leader of the foreigner saw that the dishes on the table were prepared very strangely, and he was already very happy. When he took a bite, the feeling that melted in his mouth, but he couldn't tell, made him very happy, and he repeatedly praised : "Good! Really good!"

Now, the restaurant owner's tightened heart can finally relax a little.

While eating, the leading foreigner took out two gold bars from his bag and gave them to the owner of the restaurant, "Boss, this dish is so delicious, here is the food money for you, you take it, please come again." Give us another one!"

The owner of the restaurant is carrying two gold bars, and he has indescribable joy.

Before going out after dinner, the owner of the restaurant came over to Tang Lin with several silver tickets. He was so grateful to Tang Lin that he was about to cry, "Girl, thank you so much for your help! This old man exchanged gold bars for silver tickets. The girl deserves it, please put it away!"

Tang Lin didn't take it, but said calmly: "Boss, take this money, and buy some food for me in the future for the poor beggars outside, so as not to let them go hungry again."

"This..." The owner of the restaurant never thought that the girl who helped him would be so kind. "Girl, your heart is so kind, the old man promised the girl that he would use the money to buy food and distribute it to the poor!"

Tang Lin smiled gratifiedly, "Thank you!"

Seeing that Tang Lin was leaving, the leader of the foreigner came over immediately, called Tang Lin, and asked Tang Lin to say: "Girl, please slow down, I have something to ask for your help, I wonder if there is any way for me to see you today." Your Majesty? As long as I can see you, I will definitely not treat the girl badly!" Tang Lin and the others were really shocked, especially Yitang and Yishuang, who were already secretly vigilant in case this wave of people came with bad intentions!
"This..." Tang Lin was really frightened by these people. She thought about it, but she never thought that these people would ask her about the way of the current emperor. She glanced at Yu Shengjun. What a reaction.She asked the leading foreigner: "Why do you want to meet the current Holy One?"

The leader said without reservation: "To tell you the truth, we are businessmen from Jiazhi Kingdom who came to Dayu Kingdom to do business. Some time ago, I heard that the current emperor announced to the world that after we get married, we want to attend the wedding of the emperor and queen!"

Tang Lin asked in puzzlement, "Then what does this have to do with seeing the present saint?"

The man continued: "Participating in the royal family's wedding, such a big event, if we don't have the emperor's permission, how dare we participate? We can't participate either! We heard that the new queen has both civil and military skills, so we wanted to take advantage of this sensational wedding , to witness the beauty of the new queen!"

Yu Chengyun said with great interest: "If everyone can see the true faces of the emperor and empress of my Great Yu Kingdom, what is it? Because you are curious about the new face, you want to see the current emperor for approval. , then what do you think of the God of our kingdom?"

Yu Shengjun, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke very sharply as soon as he uttered, " are not as simple as curious about the face of the new queen, are you?"

The leading foreigner looked away guiltily, "D-of course it's true, it's as simple as that, no, no other meaning!" I never expected that when this handsome and extraordinary man didn't say anything, he already made people feel extraordinary. Export can make people visible.Insight is too strong.

Tang Lin apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you, little girl. It's not that I don't want to help, but there is really nothing I can do. Don't say that you want to see our current emperor and queen, and even our own people want to see it. God! You are just businessmen, not envoys between the two countries. I advise you not to ask others about the emperor, otherwise, you will be detained for interrogation!"

The leading foreigner put one hand on his chest, and bowed slightly to Tang Lin and the others, "Guys, I'm really sorry to bother you, so I'll bid farewell to you here. I will keep it in mind, everyone, go slowly!"

Seeing that Yu Shengjun didn't say anything, Tang Lin didn't take the opportunity to take the words of these foreign people, and turned and walked away.

The leader of the foreigner looked at the back of Yu Shengjun, his eyes became more and more complicated, and he said to himself: "I have been traveling between the two countries for so many years, and I have met countless people. This person is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. It can be called No. 1 in the Great Imperial Kingdom." Speaking of this, her eyes fell on the back of Tang Lin who was dressed in a strange dress, "This woman not only looks amazing, but also dresses very differently. The fluent language of our country is by no means a simple person!"

An accomplice from the back came up and said cautiously: "Boss, this is the Central Plains, a huge country. We should avoid inquiring about these things in the future. That woman is right. If the officers and soldiers of the court find out, it will be troublesome!"

The leader said firmly: "I have a request for the Queen of the Great Yu Kingdom, and I must find a way to attend the wedding of the Emperor and Queen of the Great Yu Kingdom!"

Back in the mansion, Yu Shengjun and Yu Chengyun went to rest in the hall, and Tang Lin immediately went to find Xiaoyao.

After a cup of tea, Yu Chengyun wanted to order the people in the mansion to tidy up a big room for Yu Shengjun and come out, but Yu Shengjun stopped him and said, "Chengyun, don't bother, elder brother is staying at Tang Lin's place tonight." !"

The female assassin's room is next to Tang Lin's room. Yu Chengyun is not afraid that the female assassin will plot against him, the elder brother, but he is afraid that the elder brother will find out about the female assassin, but the elder brother has already spoken, so he can still say something What, "Okay then!"

Before returning to her room, Yu Chengyun gave Tang Lin a wink, telling Tang Lin to pay attention, don't let Yu Shengjun know about the female assassin, Tang Lin nodded secretly, and then went back to her room with Yu Shengjun .

In the middle of the night, Tang Lin was lying beside Yu Shengjun with her eyes open, her eyelashes fluttering, she didn't move, she was thinking about something.

Slowly, Yu Shengjun opened his eyes, and asked in a very soft voice: "Have you not guessed it yet?"

Tang Lin supported her head with one hand and looked at his handsome facial features, and said in surprise: "Junjun, you haven't slept yet? I thought you were fast asleep! How do you know I'm guessing? How can you tell?"

Yu Shengjun turned sideways, pinched her face, and said with a smile: "Since you left the restaurant, you have been guessing whether those people attended the wedding to see you, or for other purposes! wrong?"

"Wow!" Tang Lin praised, "Junjun, you are so smart, then tell me, those people really came to our wedding with other purposes?"

He hugged her into his arms, stroked her small shoulders, and said softly: "Don't guess, no matter what their purpose is, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine! If they really have ulterior motives , I believe they will definitely take action on the day of our wedding!"

Tang Lin worried: "Will they spoil our wedding?"

Yu Shengjun smiled confidently, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Then I won't guess. If something really happens, I will stand with Junjun and fight side by side!" After speaking, Tang Lin snuggled into Yushengjun's arms and closed her eyes with great peace of mind.

Yu Shengjun patted her arm gently to let her fall asleep as soon as possible, but at this moment, his mind was deeper than the sea.

When Tang Lin had just entered the sleeping town, Yu Shengjun suddenly reached out and quickly tapped the acupuncture points on Tang Lin's body, making Tang Lin fall into a deep sleep.Then, he got up and got out of bed, put on his coat, fastened his belt, covered Tang Lin with the quilt, and walked out of the room.

Yitang and Yishuang stood guard at the door, and when they saw Yu Shengjun coming out, they called out respectfully, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun didn't say anything, walked to the next room, stood in front of the picturesque door for a while, and slightly hooked his index finger.

After understanding, come over and open the door.

Yu Shengjun walked in, glanced at the room, and walked towards the bed.

At this time, Ruhua was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully, but this appearance was more like a coma.

Yu Shengjun stood by the bed, looking up and down picturesque, Yishuang said beside him: "Master, when you and the Eighth Prince were resting in the hall when you and the Eighth Prince were back in the mansion, Miss Tang secretly found the maid in the mansion. This girl's decoction has a lot of Mongolian sweat medicine, and it is estimated that she will wake up tomorrow."

Yitang came over and said, "The person following us tonight is this woman!"

Yishuang was puzzled and said: "Master, why did Miss Tang and the Eighth Prince hide from you about this girl?"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Do you know her origin?"

Yishuang shook his head and said, "I haven't checked yet, so I don't know if it's good or evil!"

Standing in front of the bed, Yu Shengjun just looked closely at the picturesque lying on the bed, and did not do anything to picturesque.He was thinking in his heart that if Tang Lin and Yu Chengyun could hide it from him at the same time, then he must be a bad person!Maybe the two of them didn't want him to worry about this woman, so they hid it from him!
In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

Tang Lin turned over and found that the pillow was empty, so she opened her eyes.Looking up, Yu Shengjun was not by the pillow at all. She sat up and looked at the window. The sun was shining in. She scratched her forehead and felt very puzzled, "I wake up at six o'clock every day, why now? How big is the sun?"

"Xiao Yao!" Tang Lin shouted outside the door.

After a while, Xiao Yao opened the door and came in. She walked to the bed and said happily, "Miss, I'm here!"

Tang Lin rubbed her temples to make her drowsy head feel better, and asked Xiaoyao, "What time is it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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