The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 497 The 4th prince fell into the abyss?

Chapter 497 The fourth prince fell into the abyss?

Just as Guanshi Zhao was about to say something, Liu Si stepped forward and said, "Girl, to tell you the truth, my husband is the Fourth Prince of the current dynasty, and his name is Yu Jingchu. This is the first time he has returned to Xindu Miansheng. I delayed him!"

After hearing these words, Tang Lin was so surprised that she wowed, "The current court...the fourth prince?!" Liu Si nodded and said, "Yes girl, my husband is indeed the current court fourth prince. He has been in the court all year round. It is possible that very few people know the existence of the Fourth Prince when they are stationed in the wilderness, and this return to the Heavenly Capital is in accordance with the emperor's will, and no accidents must be allowed!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly several times, "Now I know that your husband is the Fourth Prince, how could something happen to him," no matter how dangerous the Fourth Prince is at the moment, she promised Yu Shengjun that the Fourth Prince would enter the city and return to the palace in glory However, even if she tried herself, she would still find the Fourth Prince. "Fourth concubine, I'm going to get the fourth prince back, and..." Looking at the servants who were beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces, he continued: "I didn't notice just now that you and your party were seriously injured, so it shouldn't be suitable to rush on the road overnight How about this, Fourth Princess, you can spend the night here, and tomorrow morning, if Fourth Prince and I don't come back, then I will send you the medicine you need here!"

Zhao Guanshi was puzzled, "Girl, if you haven't come back, it means you haven't left the mountain yet, so how can you deliver the medicine my wife needs?"

Tang Lin said: "Trust me, I can do it! It's getting late, I have to go to Ginkgo Village, the temperature is low at night, you should be careful, don't catch a cold." When she turned to leave, she suddenly remembered that there was still Nothing was done.

She removed the syringes, chemicals and other things she carried with her from her body.

Liu Si and the others were stunned when they saw that the thing Tang Lin stuck to her waist and covered by her clothes was like a hidden weapon, and at the same time, they couldn't see what it was.Who is this woman from?
After inhaling the potion, Tang Lin raised Liu Si's hand and inserted the needle into the blood vessel on Liu Si's arm.

The slight pain made Liu Si frowned and hissed.

Manager Zhao watched nervously, afraid that Tang Lin's actions would hurt his wife, "Girl, can you be gentle? My wife seems to be unable to bear it!"

After injecting all the potions, Tang Lin pulled out the needle and put it away. After everything was done, she got up and said to Liu Si: "Okay, I'll give you a shot of cardiotonic to make sure you'll be fine tonight. This is not Ordinary cardiotonics are beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

Liu Si's face was full of guilt, "Girl, you gave me this priceless item, how can I repay it..."

Tang Lin smiled and said: "You're welcome, this is what I should do!" If you please the fourth prince and the fourth concubine, then being a queen will lose two more hostility, so why not do it. "Then I'll go find someone first, see you later!" After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the dark forest, not afraid of the dark night and the gloomy atmosphere at all.

When Tang Lin's figure disappeared into the night, Manager Zhao suddenly woke up and slapped his forehead, "Oh my lady, we forgot to ask her benefactor's name, and we haven't asked where she is from yet."

Liu Sidao: "This girl is strong in martial arts, knows medicine, is smart and kind, and is not afraid of the night. Presumably, nothing will happen when we go to the Herb Mountain this time. We still have a chance to see her, and then we will ask her benefactor's name." Not too late."

A gust of cold wind swept across at this moment, making many people tremble.

Zhao Guanshi asked: "Ma'am, there are many birds and beasts in this mountain forest, and it is very cold at midnight, shall we go back to the city overnight?"

Liu Si glanced at those servants, although they were all in good spirits, but they were all enduring physical pain, how could she hurt everyone for her own sake, "Tonight, just stay here for the night. Come back, how can I feel at ease!"

Zhao Guanshi still wanted to persuade, Liu Si said again: "Go and gather some firewood and come back to start a fire, don't let everyone freeze."

Manager Zhao knew that Liu Si had decided to spend the night here, and it would be useless to say more, so he ordered a few servants to gather firewood.

The sound of howling wolves came from the nearby dark mountains and forests.

Tang Lin's watch has a light-emitting function. Although it is very weak, it can still illuminate the road.When she heard the howling of wolves, she stopped, glanced around, and continued on her way, letting the howling of wolves continue.

After walking for a while, Tang Lin saw a bright spot not far ahead, and thought to herself, that should be Ginkgo Village.It's not too late now, presumably there are many families in the village who have not turned off their lights to go to sleep, so there will be a bright light.

Following the light, Tang Lin walked straight forward. Calculated by her time, she walked for about ten to twenty minutes before she entered the entrance of Ginkgo Village.Today's Ginkgo Village is different from the original Ginkgo Village.

The original Ginkgo Village had to go through a winding path before arriving at Ginkgo Village.Moreover, the original Ginkgo Village was called Ginkgo Village because many Ginkgo trees were planted.However, Ginkgo Village, which was renamed from Tuanyuan Village, has only one road leading to the head of the village. There are no ginkgo trees, only miscellaneous trees.

Tang Lin walked towards Gingko Village by the faint light from the watch.Not long after, they came to the door of the first family in Ginkgo Village. This family had not turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Although Tang Lin knew the number of Uncle Liu's house, the environment of Ginkgo Village today is different from the original Ginkgo Village. It would be a waste of time to find it. Why not ask this family, so that it is better to go to Uncle Liu's house.

After making up her mind, Tang Lin looked at the gate of this somewhat gorgeous mansion, and saw the three characters "Village Chief's Home" engraved on the plaque.

Tang Lin was overjoyed. If she told the village chief about the situation of the fourth princess, wouldn't it be easier to get the medicine needed by the fourth princess?Tuanyuan Village has guarded the medicinal herbs mountain for generations, and the village head is the biggest leader. He explained the situation to the village head with reason and emotion, and maybe the village head can send the medicine to the fourth princess.

"If you can get it, try it!" After making up her mind, Tang Lin walked into the village head's house which was not closed.

After walking inside for a while, but seeing no one, Tang Lin called out politely: "Excuse me, is anyone there?" After calling for a while, there was still no answer.She continued to walk in, and continued to shout, "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

When passing by outside the hall, a figure suddenly appeared behind Tang Lin, patted her on the back, and asked eeriely with a voice that seemed to come from another world: "Who are you? Is there something wrong? "

Tang Lin wasn't afraid at all, let alone preparedness. She turned around and saw that standing in front of her was an old man dressed like a rich man's housekeeper.She thought, this should be the housekeeper of the village family, "Hi sir, excuse me!"

This person is the housekeeper of the village head's family, surnamed Zhang.Seeing that Tang Lin showed no signs of fear, he didn't change his sneer, "Who are you? Why did you appear at the village head's house? If you came here for the medicinal herbs mountain, please leave quickly, lest all the villagers mobilize to arrest you." You are blown away!"

Tang Lin thought to herself that her guess was not wrong. The village head is the biggest leader and the most important person to protect the medicinal herbs mountain, so the butler made such threats. "Sir, I would like to meet with your village chief, please accommodate me!"

Butler Zhang said indifferently: "He's not here!"

"Not here?" Tang Lin wondered, it's late at night, the village chief should be at home, "Then where did he go?"

"I said, what on earth are you going to do?" Steward Zhang asked coldly, "If you are here for the matter of the Herb Mountain, then the old man advises the girl to leave quickly, otherwise, you don't know why you are crying."

Tang Lin said: "Sir, please don't be angry. I know that Yaocai Mountain has belonged to Tuanyuan Village for generations, but I don't mean to offend. I came here this time for the sake of Yaocai Mountain, but it's urgent. Can you let me and Will the village chief talk face to face?"

Steward Zhang immediately refused, "No!"

Tang Lin asked, "Why?"

Butler Zhang said: "Our village head will never see anyone who comes here for the medicinal herb mountain!"

"Then how can I meet him?" There was really no way, Tang Lin could only ask the other party to offer a condition.

"This..." Steward Zhang hesitated, and after a moment of contemplation, he said to Tang Lin: "To see our village chief... there is another way!"

Tang Lin was overjoyed, "Tell me, no matter what, I will do it!" No matter if you give money or help with work, she will agree.

Steward Zhang smiled sinisterly, "Listen well, if you want to see our village chief, you must leave half of your blood in your body."

"This..." Tang Lin was startled, "You mean, you have to drain half of my blood before I can see your village chief?"

Butler Zhang said, "That's right!"

Tang Lin thought, if half of her blood was drawn out, then there would be less than half of her life left, so how could she go into the mountains to find the Fourth Prince?Also, it may take several months, at least a year, to recover after half of the blood is drawn. Then, how can you marry Yu Shengjun?If she agrees, then the medicine needed by the fourth princess will be available. Maybe the village chief promises her and will lead people into the mountains to find the fourth prince.

I have strong perseverance and good health. I believe that I can survive the loss of half of my blood.Tang Lin resolutely agreed to Steward Zhang, "Okay, I promise you! Bring me a basin, and I'll cut your veins and give you blood immediately!"

For Steward Zhang, Tang Lin's actions did not move him at all.Many people came to the village chief's house to ask for the route of the medicinal material mountain, more than a dozen every day, and they also used the same method to make things difficult for these people and make them retreat.Among them, some people dared to donate blood, but after donating a little, they couldn't help but give up halfway.He believed that Tang Lin was no exception, and she agreed readily, but she might not be willing to donate blood.

Not long after, Tang Lin and Butler Zhang were already in the hall.

There was a large basin on the table, butler Zhang gave Tang Lin the sharp dagger in his hand, and said expressionlessly, "Please!"

Tang Lin rolled up her sleeves, slowly took the dagger, looked at the bloody pot in front of her, and let out a deep breath.

Butler Zhang smiled contemptuously, "It's too late to repent now!"

Tang Lin said: "Saving people is the most important thing, how can I have a chance to repent." After finishing speaking, she aimed the dagger at her arm, and without frowning, she drew a bloody line on her arm.The brightly colored blood dripped into the basin of blood.Butler Zhang stared straight at the blood basin, completely indifferent to Tang Lin's bleeding hand.He thought, only shed such a little blood, no one will die, if the other party doesn't want to suffer, he will bandage his hands and leave after a while, so he won't do stupid things again!
However, Steward Zhang realized that he was wrong. He waited for a long time, but he didn't see Tang Lin stop. He couldn't help being surprised, this little girl is so fearless of death?Before this, it's not that there were no women who did this kind of thing, but they gave up within a while after cutting their wrists. This was the first time he saw such a stupid, persistent, and desperate woman!

At this time, Tang Lin's lips were pale and dry, as was her face, but she did not waver in her decision.She looked at her blood in the blood basin, and it was estimated to be a thousand milliliters. Generally, the blood donation of a strong and strong man is only limited to about [-] to [-] milliliters. One thousand milliliters.The blood in an adult's body is generally between [-] and [-] milliliters. To shed half of the blood in her body, she would have to bleed at least [-] milliliters...

Next, Steward Zhang wanted to wait for Tang Lin to give up voluntarily when she couldn't bear it, but Tang Lin didn't.The more he looked down, the more impatient he became. Not only was he moved, but he also felt sorry for Tang Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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