The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 569 Tang Lin and the others are trapped in a foreign land!

Chapter 569 Tang Lin and the others are trapped in a foreign land!

Tang Lin was surprised, "Have you seen him?"

Wu Jianhan frowned and thought about it, then shook his head, "I don't remember where I saw it."

Ling Yun asked Tang Lin: "Who is this girl?"

Tang Lin directly revealed Wu Jianhan's identity, "She is Wu Jianhan, the jewel in the palm of the master of Wumen, one of the eight martial arts gates!"

Ling Yun's expression changed, he was surprised.Since he was surprised by Wu Jianhan's identity, he was also surprised that Tang Lin knew the eldest lady of Wumen.After being surprised, he gave Wu Jianhan a gentle smile, "It's an honor to meet Miss Wu."

Wu Jianhan smiled innocently, "Jianhan is also very honored to know Lingyun Shaoxia!" This is a legendary figure.

The door to a room opened at this time.

Tang Lin and the others followed the prestige. Except for Wu Jianhan who smiled slightly, Tang Lin and Ling Yun showed surprised expressions.

Seeing Tang Lin, Liu Si was so excited that she tugged at the sleeve of her husband Yu Jingchu, as if he didn't notice. "It's sister-in-law!"

"Why are you here?" Tang Lin walked over quickly and asked.

Yu Jingchu said: "We are here to find two maps in Hua County! Sister-in-law, did you just find this place? I thought you had already collected all the maps!"

Tang Lin blushed, "Please, your elder brother and I have always been at the bottom."

"Do you know each other?" Wu Jianhan came over and asked.

Tang Lin jokingly said, "One is my brother-in-law and the other is my brother-in-law's wife. Do you think we don't know each other?"

Yu Jingchu had nothing to do with Ling Yun, he only knew that Ling Yun was his elder brother's friend, and when he saw Ling Yun, he just nodded politely to him.

Ling Yun also nodded to him politely.

Wu Jianhan asked: "Why did you all come out to find the treasure?"

Tang Lin didn't answer Wu Jianhan's question right away, but asked Yu Jingchu and the others, "Are you going out to find a map now?" After receiving the nods of the two, she said, "So do we, let's go find it together!" Speaking of this, he took Wu Jianhan's hand and said as he walked: "My husband has eight brothers and sisters. After my husband and I got married, my mother-in-law gave us a big holiday and let us go out to play. In order to make the journey more exciting, Let someone make a treasure hunt plan in advance! My husband, my husband, and his brothers and sisters all participated!"

Hearing this, Wu Jianhan was excited, envious and sad for himself, "I really envy you for having such a life, and having so many good brothers and sisters, unlike me, who is only my father's only child!"

Tang Lin smiled, "Why worry, at least you still have many seniors, don't you? If I have so many seniors, who would dare to bully me?"

Wu Jianhan lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly smiled in relief.That's right, I have things that people envy, but I still envy others.

After walking out of the inn, Wu Jianhan asked: "Little Tang, you said that there are two maps in Hua County. Hua County is so big, where are they?"

Yu Jingchu took out the paper sent by Doctor Wu's order, which is the clue of the text. "Old Wu said that the fourth and fifth maps are in Hua County, as long as you find the rarest flowers and trees in Hua County, you can find the map."

Tang Lin looked at Wu Jianhan, "Jianhan, you are a local, so you can say that you know all the flowers, plants and trees in Huaxian County like the back of your hand, but do you know which are the rarest flowers and trees in Huaxian County? "

"Let me think about it," Wu Jianhan really calmed down and thought about it for a while, his eyes widened, "Could it be..."

Seeing her terrifying expression, a trace of coolness flashed across Tang Lin's back, "What's the matter?" Today, the weather is relatively warm, but Wu Jianhan couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, "In our Huaxian County, it is true that there are two rare flowers The tree, but what it looks like, the living people have never seen it, but it is said that the people who have seen it are basically... dead!"

"What?!" Everyone was terrified, especially Liu Si. "They're all dead?"

Yu Jingchu was curious but did not dare to speculate, "What kind of flower tree can kill people?"

Wu Jianhan said: "This is just one of the most famous and terrifying legends in our Hua County. No one knows whether it is true or whether it has really harmed people. It is said that this kind of flower tree grows on the east side of the dense mountain. Among them, one grows in the corner of the sea in the west. I heard that they can eat people, and I also heard that they have masters. Once they offend them, their masters will kill the offenders! It is said that someone has seen it, There is still a lot of rumors in our Hua County, but no one knows if there is anything!"

Liu Si asked: "Is it really just a legend?"

Wu Jianhan shook his head, unsure: "As a native of Hua County, I have not been able to confirm whether this matter is true all these years!"

"Then should we look for these two kinds of flower trees?" Liu Si asked everyone for their opinions.

Wu Jianhan looked at Tang Lin, who remained silent and calm from the beginning to the end, "Xiao Tang, are you sure you want to find these two unknown flower trees?"

Tang Lin thought, if those two kinds of flowers and trees were really harmful, how could imperial doctor Wu order someone to send the map to them? This legend, perhaps... has another meaning.

"Let's divide into three groups. Let's go to the mountains to the east first. Jingchu, you and Liu Si are in a team, Ling Yun, you and Jianhan are in a team, and I'm in a team alone."

Everyone was about to say something, but Tang Lin stopped her with a raised hand, "I know what you are going to say, that's all, no more objections, no matter what happens in the mountains, I will send a signal to inform everyone as soon as possible."

"Here." When going out, Tang Lin took a few flares for emergencies. She didn't expect that the flares would come in handy so soon. "Red means a danger signal, blue means a map has been found, or a gathering is required!"

After everyone took the signal flares, Tang Lin told everyone a few more words, and the soldiers left in three ways.

In the eastern corner of Huaxian County, the mountains stand like cranes in the clouds and mist. The mountains are emerald and towering into the clouds.

After walking into the forest, Ling Yun looked around for the flower he thought was special, and Wu Jianhan followed him, also looking around.

The origin of the name of Huaxian County is because there are many kinds of flowers in Huaxian County.Among the mountains, Wu Jianhan also saw a lot of flowers, but she thought they were all ordinary. After looking for them, she couldn't help thinking of giving up, "Young Xia Lingyun, the flowers we saw along the way are all the same as usual. I've seen the same ones from time to time, and in my opinion, the chances of finding rare ones are slim."

"If you're tired, take a rest here. I'll go to other places and see you later." When Ling Yun was speaking, he had already gone to other places.

The atmosphere in this forest was gloomy, Wu Jianhan glanced at a corner casually, trembling all over, how could he dare to stay in the same place alone.She chased after Ling Yun, "Young Xia Ling Yun, wait for me."

When she chased after her, he asked, "Why did you follow?"

Wu Jianhan gave a trembling smile, "I am alone, I dare not stay in one place, I am afraid."

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing, "You are the future head of Wumen, so you will be afraid too? If so, how will Wumen be handled in your hands in the future?"

"I'm a girl." Wu Jianhan weakly used this reason to hide his embarrassment.

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, said nothing, and continued to walk forward.

Wu Jianhan trotted to keep up, and asked curiously: "Young Xia Lingyun, you are from the Jianghu, Xiao Tang and her husband are not from the Jianghu, how did you know each other?"

Ling Yun asked back: "Just because they are not from the Jianghu, can we not know each other? Don't you also know Xiao Tang who is not from the Jianghu?"

Wu Jianhan was taken aback, "That's right! That young hero Ling Yun, Xiao Tang is very skilled in martial arts, do you know that?"

Ling Yun nodded.

Thinking of the scene of learning martial arts in her martial arts last night, Wu Jianhan is still excited. "Young Xia Lingyun, don't you know that Xiao Tang competed martial arts with my senior brother at my martial arts school last night. I can see that Xiao Tang subdued my senior brother without using three successes. Immediately afterwards, He subdued the young sect master of the Tang Sect. I figured that with Xiao Tang's skill, he could capture my father alive. She is not from the Jianghu, but her martial arts are so high. Did she worship a master as her master? Ling Yun Young Xia, do you know who her master is?"

On the grass in front, there is a very short tree with only one leaf on it, and only one flower blooms on the sharp part of the branch, a big red flower, shaped like a woman's palm.

Ling Yun didn't care about answering Wu Jianhan's words, and went to check the flower carefully.

"Did you see anything?" Wu Jianhan chased after him and asked.

Ling Yun was already squatting beside the flower, and was about to reach out to touch it, but was stopped by Wu Jianhan, "Maybe cannibalism, young hero Ling Yun, be careful."

After searching for half a mountain, this flower is the only one that is rare. Ling Yun didn't want to miss it. He said, "Perhaps, maybe the map is under this flower."

Wu Jianhan thought, such a small flower can only be pulled out by someone, so how can it be cannibalistic, she let go of her heart. "Then unplug it and see?"

Ling Yun hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand, just about to grab the root of the flower and pull it out, at this moment, Wu Jianhan suddenly felt dizzy, she stroked her forehead, and asked Ling Yun weakly: "Young hero Ling Yun, my head Seems a little dizzy."

When Ling Yun realized something was wrong, dizziness also hit him.Then, He Wu Jianhan fell on the ground next to Hua.Before he fainted, he wanted to take out the signal flare on his body and send it out, but he didn't have much strength, so he had to pull a hairpin from Wu Jianhan's head and put it on the ground.

The flowers are still blooming brilliantly.

At the same time, Yu Jingchu and Liu Si in another mountain also met the same kind of flower that Ling Yun and the others met, and then they both fell on the lace.

After that, when Tang Lin passed by the two flowers, Ling Yun, Wu Jianhan, Yu Jingchu and Liu Si had all disappeared.

Tang Lin squatted down, and when she was about to reach out to touch this small flower like a woman's palm, her hand stopped in the air, and then she drew it back, covering her mouth and nose.

She stopped touching the flower, stood up, looked around, and was about to go to other places when she stepped on something on her feet. She looked down, and besides the grass, there was another grass slightly darker than these grasses. Little green hairpin.

"Huh?" Seeing the hairpin, Tang Lin frowned, and she took the hairpin in her hand, "Isn't this Jianhan's hairpin?" Looking around, there was no trace of Wu Jianhan, except for this hairpin.

After she put the hairpin in her pocket, she fell to the ground.

After a while, two came quickly from not far away, saying something, "Another one has fallen, hurry up, bring it back!"

When they came to Tang Lin, seeing Tang Lin's beauty, the visitor was amazed, "So she is a great beauty."

The two took Tang Lin away.

In a blink of an eye, it was already noon, and the sky above the forest was scorching like fire.

Tang Lin opened her eyes suddenly, and what she saw was a random wooden cell, very bright, not like an underground cell, much less like a prison in the government.For those who don't know martial arts, it is difficult to escape from this prison, but for Tang Lin, it only takes one light kick to open the prison door.

At this time, there were two people guarding the door. Looking at the attire, they were just doormen who could only practice three-legged cat kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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