The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 623 Yu Shengjun’s 1 million RMB Check to the Divine Group 3

Chapter 623 Yu Shengjun’s 1 million RMB Check to the Divine Group 3
"Puff!" Tang Lin couldn't help it, and she could "poof" even if she covered her mouth.

Yu Shengjun made a straight face on purpose, "Don't laugh, what's so funny?"

This time, Tang Lin laughed even harder, "Hahaha!" However, before laughing enough, suddenly, someone covered her mouth severely.

Inside the half-covered study door, two figures overlap like vines.

"Honey, wait, I haven't brought that one yet, I'll win the lottery...uh..."

The lights are on.

Fire Wolf came down with a plate of food, looked left and right at the cafeteria, and finally walked to the dining table in the corner, and finally sat opposite Nine-Tailed Fox, "Hi!"

Nine-Tailed Fox replied, "Hi!"

Fire Wolf asked: "Are you okay? If you come back a few minutes late today, I will go to Xianshan to rescue you under the order of the regiment leader and his old man."

Nine-Tailed Fox shook his head, "It's okay, those people didn't make things difficult for me."

Muzi Li was holding the food, and seeing Nine-Tailed Fox and Fire Wolf talking and laughing not far away, he felt a little unhappy, so he walked over to the two people's table, and greeted them after sitting down ,"Hi!"

"Hey, Technology Li, you also have time to eat so early." Seeing that it was Muzi Li, Fire Wolf couldn't help talking a lot.

Muzi Li secretly glanced at Nine-Tailed Fox, and then said to Fire Wolf: "There's nothing to do, so let's go to the cafeteria for an early meal."

The Fire Wolf looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox opposite him. He had been puzzled by the fact that the Nine-Tailed Fox returned to the army unharmed, "Ninth Girl, tell me, what happened before? How did you escape?"

Of course Nine-Tailed Fox would not tell Fire Wolf that she was kidnapped by Tang Lin's husband's personal assistant. She said vaguely, "This... I met my friend. He used to be housekeeper for the Tang family, and he found out by accident. Me, save me, things... that's how it is."

"Really?" The plot was a bit simple, but it didn't completely convince Fire Wolf.

To prevent the other party from asking any further questions, Nine-Tailed Fox hurriedly picked up the plate, "I'm full, you guys take it easy!"

After the Nine-Tailed Fox walked away, Fire Wolf turned to Muzi Li beside him, "You have been responsible for her sneaking into Tang's house to track down Bird of Paradise's cell phone. What's going on?"

Muzi Li said truthfully: "I don't know the real situation. I was a little confused when she came back today. Maybe it's true as she said just now. If you don't believe me, you can ask the head of the group. The head of the group knows the ins and outs of the matter. "

"It's no wonder that Gao told me." After finishing speaking, Fire Wolf buried his head in his meal and took two bites. He became worried about Tang Lin, "The bird has been flying out for two or three days and hasn't come back. Is there something wrong?"

Muzi Li laughed and said: "Old Gao is not worried, why are you worried? Xue Ying has returned, which means that No. 18 is not in danger now!"

Fire Wolf ate two mouthfuls and asked doubtfully: "Li, have you noticed that most of our partners are in the army recently, and Lao Gao rarely sends missions recently. Could it be that the universe is very peaceful recently?"

Muzi Li Bai glanced at him, "Your hands are itchy, aren't you?"

Huolang sighed, "Oh, if you don't accept the task, you will panic, occupational disease."

Muzi Li said, "I think you are free."

Today is Friday, and the morning sun is surprisingly bright.Tang Lin was wearing a simple water blue chiffon dress with a dark blue bow at the neckline, a ponytail, and white casual shoes.This dress makes people look like she is full of youthful vigor, sweet and charming, obedient and quiet.

She stood by the car, waiting for Yu Shengjun.

At this time, Yu Shengjun came out of the villa. The expensive and slim black suit, coupled with his impeccable figure and mature temperament, was full of charm.

This combination of handsome and beautiful women made the four foreigners envious to death.

At this moment, Tang Lin still wondered if she was dreaming, how could she meet such a quality man.

Yu Shengjun put the camouflage backpack he carried out into the car, and got into the car with Tang Lin.Tang Lin sat in the co-pilot, and he drove the car himself.

After a while, Yu Shengjun drove away.

I don't know how long it took, the soldiers at the gate of the army blocked it, and Yu Shengjun stopped the car.

Tang Lin showed the ID to the soldier at the door. The soldier looked at it, returned the ID, and moved out of the way.Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun beside her, "You can drive in now."

Not long after the car entered the gate of the army, it drove across a flat road near a training ground.On the training ground, there were many people in training uniforms training, and many teams were running in other places nearby, shouting slogans mightily.

When Yu Shengjun's limousine appeared in the eyes of everyone, many people cast curious and envious eyes.

According to Tang Lin's guidance, Yu Shengjun finally parked his car in the army's parking lot. After getting out of the car, he and Tang Lin walked towards the administrative building.

Along the way, men and women in the army almost greeted Tang Lin when they saw Tang Lin, but they were all dumbfounded at Yu Shengjun who was walking so manly with sunglasses in his trouser pocket, and some people discussed in private who that man was, What does it have to do with Tang Lin.

Outside Gao Wen's office, Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun, "We're here." After speaking, she knocked on the door of Gao Wen's office.

Gao Wen was reading documents in the office while drinking water, when he heard a voice, he echoed, "Come in."

Tang Lin opened the door, and walked into Gao Wen's office with Yu Shengjun.She walked to the opposite side of Gao Wen's desk, and raised a bright smile to Gao Wen who was working seriously, "Sir."

Gao Wen looked up and saw that it was Tang Lin, with a straight face on purpose: "Number 18, it's you, I thought you weren't planning to come back."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "How could it be?"

Gao Wen turned his gaze and landed on Yu Shengjun. Seeing such a tall and handsome man, he couldn't help being stunned, "Who is this?"

Yu Shengjun put Tang Lin's camouflage bag aside, then took off his sunglasses, and reached out to Gao Wen with an elegant and handsome gesture. He said politely and respectfully, "Hi Colonel Gao, it's a pleasure to meet you in person!"

Gao Wen stood up unknowingly, and the other party seemed to have a magnetic force, which made him have to respond politely to the other party, and also greatly weakened his aura.Although he was still dazed, he still shook hands with Yu Shengjun, "Hello, hello."

After the two let go, Tang Lin introduced to Gao Wen: "Boss, this is Tang Tianyou, the president of Datang Group."

Gao Wen was shocked, the president of Datang Group? "On the 18th, what did you just say? Datang Group... President?" That legendary rich man in the business world who has never shown his face in the media?

On the way here, Tang Lin had already expected Gao Wen to have such a reaction. She repeated, "Boss, this is Tang Tianyou, the president of Datang Group, really."

"You, you..." After working hard for a long time, Gao Wen was able to squeeze out a complete sentence. He was so surprised that he was stunned. "Do you know each other?" It seems that the degree of understanding is not ordinary.

After a while, Tang Lin poured Yu Shengjun a cup of tea and sat down on the sofa next to him, while Gao Wen was sitting on the sofa next to Yu Shengjun.

Gao Wen took a sip of water, then put the cup on the table, and wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

Seeing her superior like this, Tang Lin felt very guilty, "Chief, a lot of things have happened in the more than a year since I disappeared, but I can't tell the chief that you know about these things."

Gao Wen was puzzled, "Why? Is there something that even I can't say?"

Tang Lin said: "Chief, I know that you and everyone, as well as my family, have been worried about this for more than a year, but I have no choice but to. I can't lie to you, but this What happened over a year, I will not tell anyone. I hope the chief will not ask about this matter. You will treat it as Tang Lin who spent more than a year getting married. She is afraid of being punished. That's why I came back so late."

Gao Wen understood Tang Lin's personality. If Tang Lin didn't reveal it herself, no matter how unscrupulous others were, they wouldn't be able to find out the truth of the matter.I am afraid that no one except Tang Lin herself will know the truth about that year.He sighed, "Oh, it's over, forget it, as long as you are safe. Then the matter between you and Mr. Tang is true?"

Tang Lin panicked, "Of course it's true, could it be false? I brought people to see you!"

Gao Wen patted the back of Yu Shengjun's hand, his expression at this moment was as if he wanted to entrust his daughter's life to others, he was reluctant, but he had to be willing, "Mr. Tang, you are the arrogance of the business world, our Xiaolin can know you , is her blessing. Xiaolin will leave it to you, I hope you can take good care of her in the future."

Yu Shengjun said: "It's natural, if you don't tell me, God will take good care of her."

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Gao Wen was deeply relieved. "By the way, Mr. Tang, don't be intimidated by Xiaolin's identity. Although she is invincible in fists and feet, she is still a small woman in the queen."

Tang Lin rolled her eyes at the ceiling, and muttered to herself, "You're still a little girl."

Yu Shengjun glanced at Tang Lin, and said with a smile to Gao Wen: "It's something I never dreamed of marrying a special soldier as my wife. I will cherish her even more."

Gao Wen looked at Tang Lin, who was playing with her nails boredly, and said loudly, "Did you hear that on the 18th? Look, Mr. Tang treats you so well. When you come to someone's house, don't think about catching thieves all day long. Be a good wife and mother, you know?"

"Got it." Tang Lin replied feebly.

Gao Wen said again: "Speaking of catching thieves, Mr. Tang, I'm afraid that in the future, Xiaolin won't be able to stay at home often and be your Anfen wife. She is the best special soldier in our army. If there is a difficult task, We will think of her as soon as possible, and of course, we will do our best to protect your wife's personal safety."

Yu Shengjun said ashamedly: "What did Colonel Gao say? Tang Lin belongs to the country. I was too selfish to snatch her away. As long as she is willing and whatever she wants, I will support her unconditionally. Of course , if the divine group needs help financially, this junior is obliged."

Gao Wen got up quickly, and warmly shook Yu Shengjun's hand with both hands, "It's easy to say, easy to say, it's rare for Mr. Tang to open his mouth. If there is any trouble in the future, I will bother Mr. Tang. I hope Mr. Tang doesn't mind. "It just so happens that the army lacks a lot of funds, and finally found a golden mountain to rely on.

Tang Lin pulled her lips, her eyes and her heart were all there, she was full of contempt for Gao Wen.

During the handshake, Gao Wen winked at her, meaning "You are such a good husband."

Tang Lin stared back, meaning to say, "Old Gao, have you lost your money? Don't go too far!"

After a while, Yu Shengjun stood up and said to Gao Wen, "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

Gao Wen immediately replied diligently: "Okay, okay, the bathroom is in the back building, Mr. Tang is here for the first time, he must be unfamiliar with the terrain of the army, I'll ask someone..."

"No need for Colonel Gao, I'll just go downstairs and ask other people." Yu Shengjun left after speaking, fearing that if it was a few seconds later, the over-enthusiastic Gao Wen would personally send him to the bathroom.

After Yu Shengjun left, Tang Lin glared at Gao Wen fiercely, and Gao Wen was still looking at the door with a smile on his face, and hadn't recovered from that state, "Go slowly, Mr. Tang, if you can't find it, Come back to me, and I will take you there myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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