The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 648 So It Was The Man Who Can Play the Guqin

Chapter 648 So It Was The Man Who Can Play the Guqin
Speaking of this, the man in black said to his fellow driver: "Drive the car to the maximum size!"

Suddenly, with a whoosh, the car went away.

The car door was not closed, so Tang Lin just knelt and sat by the car door. The autumn night wind was already a bit cold, but now that the wind speed has increased, she can feel the cold wind piercing her bones. Besides, she was still wearing shorts.

Seeing that Tang Lin was still hesitant, the man in black pulled the trigger and shouted, "Are you going to dance or not? If you don't, we'll die together..."

"Wait!" Just as the man in black was about to squeeze the trigger, Tang Lin said immediately, and she looked at Yang Yanyan.

Yang Yanyan asked hoarsely: "Sister, don't..."

Tang Lin smiled softly, then, she threw her body back and left the car door completely. With this driving speed, anyone who jumped out would surely die.

"Sister——" Yang Yanyan yelled sadly, and then, ignoring the pistol of the man in black, she rushed towards the car door.

The man in black grabbed Yang Yanyan's feet, "If you want to die, there is no way."

Yang Yanyan poked the man in black's arm with the high heels she was wearing, and the man in black let go of the pain. Without hesitation, she rushed out to the road outside the car door.The man in black grabbed the objects in the car and walked out of the car door to have a look. He saw a slender white hand beside the car door, tightly holding onto Yang Yanyan's arm.This man's hand was still bleeding.

The man in black looked at the roof of the car, only then did he realize that Tang Lin climbed onto the roof instead of jumping onto the highway, and grabbed Yang Yanyan when she jumped out.He was curious how Tang Lin did it.

Yang Yanyan saw Tang Lin clenched her teeth, her arm was still bleeding from the shot, and she still grabbed herself with the bleeding hand, just to prevent herself from falling to the ground and breaking her bones.

Yang Yanyan burst into tears, hurting Tang Lin for her own waywardness, and was even more moved by Tang Lin's behavior, "Sister..."

The man in black sneered and raised the gun to Tang Lin's sweaty face, "You've been shot in the arm, let's see how long you can last."

"Sister..." Seeing Tang Lin grabbing herself so hard, Yang Yanyan felt very uncomfortable. She couldn't do anything except cry.

The car behind hit it, Tang Lin was shaken by the car, and almost let go of Yang Yanyan.She tried her best to hold on to the bars on the car, and said to Yang Yanyan: "The other hand, hold me tight."

When Yang Yanyan was about to do it, the man in black grabbed Yang Yanyan's waist, dragged Yang Yanyan into the car, and then ordered the person in the car behind, "Knock her down for me."

The person in that car obeyed, and immediately accelerated the accelerator and slammed into the car the man in black was sitting in. This time, Tang Lin made preparations in advance, bent into a "big" shape, and firmly grasped the roof of the car. Sure enough, the car The car hit her a few times but failed to knock her down.

Her eyes turned cold, didn't she like to hit her?Then hit enough!

Tang Lin flew over suddenly and landed on the roof of that car. At such a fast speed, if she didn't have internal strength, she couldn't jump over at all.

Because of her internal strength, Tang Lin landed on top of the car safely.

The people in the car were shocked and terrified. They didn't expect that someone could jump over.Except for the driver, everyone threw their bodies out of the window and shot Tang Lin on the roof of the car.

Tang Lin's eyes were sharp and her feet were quick, she kicked those people out of the car with her shadowless feet, then got into the passenger seat enduring the pain in her arm, kicked the driver unconscious, and then He grasped the steering wheel, accelerated, and slammed into the car where the man in black was sitting.

The people in the car leaned forward uncontrollably.

The man in black asked coldly, "What's going on?"

The driver saw Tang Lin through the rearview mirror and said in surprise, "No, that woman is hitting our car."

"Bastard, I'm so mad!" The man in black roared, then got out of the car window and shot Tang Lin in the car at the rear.

Tang Lin stepped on the accelerator for an instant to avoid the bullet, but it also caused the car to go far away. When she was about to continue chasing, Fire Wolf drove past her.

Yu Shengjun leaned out the car window and said to Tang Lin, "Linlin, stop chasing and leave it to us."

Tang Lin slowed down the speed of the car a lot.

The fire wolf increased the car to the maximum size, and quickly caught up with the man in black's car.

The man in black was pressing Yang Yanyan in the car: "Hand over the things!"

"What is it? I don't know what you're talking about." Yang Yanyan didn't know what the man in black asked her for.

Slap~ A slap was slapped by the man in black, "If you talk too hard, I will kill you now."

Yang Yanyan cried out in pain, "I really don't know what you want."

"I think you are not afraid of death." The man in black said fiercely, pointing the gun at Yang Yanyan.

"Not good." The driver saw the chasing car behind him.

At this time, the fire wolf had already driven the car side by side with the man in black's car.

Seeing that the man in black was about to shoot Yang Yanyan, Yu Shengjun took off the mask on his face and threw it over.

The man in black's forehead was hit by the mask, he felt his brain buzzing, and then he couldn't hear any sound.Before falling down, he glanced sideways at Yu Shengjun, and he saw an extremely handsome face and a cold gaze...

Yang Yanyan followed the line of sight of the man in black, and she recognized Yu Shengjun's clothes. It turned out to be the man who can play the guqin. Unexpectedly, his so amazing.

Yang Yanyan just looked at Yu Shengjun like this, she was stupid.

Fire Wolf drove the car to the front, then turned the steering wheel, and the car stopped sideways in the middle of the road, forcing the man in black's accomplices to stop the car.

Fire Wolf quickly got out of the car and walked, opened the door forcefully, and when he was about to drag the driver out, the driver fell on the passenger seat, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Not good." The fire wolf was afraid that the man in black would bite his tongue and commit suicide, so he walked quickly to the back and opened the door of the back seat. At this moment, the man in black also fell down, still in Yang Yanyan's arms of.

Yang Yanyan looked down mechanically, then her eyes went dark and she passed out.

Fire Wolf carried Yang Yanyan out and put her in his car.Yu Shengjun probed the neck of the man in black, and finally sighed.He tore off the face scarf of the man in black. The corner of the man's mouth was bloodshot, and he committed suicide by biting his tongue again.

Yu Shengjun returned to the car, he looked at the girl in his early 20s beside him, his thoughts drifted away.She was actually targeted by a group of dead men. What's unusual about her?

Tang Lin woke up, rubbed her eyes, "Oh..." her arm hurt, she looked at it, and then realized that she was shot yesterday.

"I don't know what's wrong with her." Tang Lin thought of the girl she tried her best to save yesterday.

"Linlin, you're awake." Yu Shengjun entered the bedroom from the outside.

Seeing that his attire was much more casual than usual, and he looked like he was traveling far away, she asked, "Junjun, where are you going?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Today is Saturday. I went to Africa to invite Tianyou's sister back. I was going to go with you, but you were injured and it is inconvenient to travel far."

"Junjun, I..."

Yu Shengjun sat by the bed, held Tang Lin's hand, and smiled softly, "I know you want to say that this injury is okay, but my heart aches. Rest well at home, even if you are not injured, you will not be able to leave. "

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned in confusion, "I can't leave?"

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, but did not explain to Tang Lin. "It's getting late, I'm going to the airport. No matter what you decide, I will support you."

The more Tang Lin listened, the more confused she became. What exactly did Yu Shengjun want to express to herself?
"Junjun, you have to be more careful when you get there. If you don't understand, ask the black people."

After watching Yu Shengjun and the black man leave in the car at the gate of the villa, Tang Lin asked Butler Zhou: "Is Assistant Ji okay?"

Steward Zhou replied respectfully: "Madam, Assistant Ji is well. Dr. Qiao is taking care of her. She must be fine."

"En." Tang Lin nodded reassuringly, "It's fine, I'm going out for a while, I don't know when I'll be back, so there's no need to make lunch and dinner for me."

Steward Zhou lowered his head and answered, "Yes."

After breakfast, Tang Lin asked the Korean to drive her to the city center.

After getting off the bus in the city center, Tang Lin asked the Korean to go back, and she called Jiuweihu, "Where are you two sisters?"

After hanging up the phone, Tang Lin stopped a taxi at the intersection, "Master, go to the downtown hospital."

After 10 minutes, the taxi stopped outside the entrance of the downtown hospital.

Tang Lin took money from her bag to the driver and went to the hospital.

After finding Room 306, Tang Lin pushed the door open and went in.

Nine-Tailed Fox was sitting by the bed, feeding porridge to his younger sister who had woken up bit by bit.

Seeing the savior coming, Yang Yanyan was very excited, "Sister Bird..."

Tang Lin walked behind Nine-Tailed Fox and said to Yang Yanyan: "Don't move around, you suffered so much bumps yesterday, you should lie down properly."

Yang Yanyan cried, "Sister Bird, I'm so sorry yesterday, I was too self-willed."

Tang Lin covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Sister Bird? Your sister told you, right?"

Yang Yanyan said: "Yes, what my sister said, the sister who saved me is called Bird, what a cute name."

"... Bird, yesterday... thank you so much, without you, my sister might..."

"Don't be polite to me." Tang Lin interrupted Nine-Tailed Fox, "We are good friends. Your sister is my sister. How could I not save her? You are welcome." It's hard to believe that this girl, who is not as beautiful as her sister, will be targeted by a group of desperate people, "Tell me honestly, did you offend someone? Otherwise, why would that group arrest you."

Yang Yanyan said anxiously: "Sister Bird, I really don't know why. I initiated the dance party last night. In order to make it more lively, I asked my sister to call her friends, but I don't know at all. The origin of that group of people, let alone why they want to arrest me."

Nine-tailed fox said to Tang Lin: "I have asked her about this matter several times, but I have not gotten any useful clues. Yanyan is a sophomore who just entered the sophomore year. Offending such a group of people. This group of people is well-trained and avoids asking questions. They directly protect the forces behind them with death. It can be seen that it is a mysterious organization. I have a hunch that they will find Yanyan."

"Woohoo." Yang Yanyan cried in fear, "Sister, Sister Bird, I'm being targeted by these strangers, am I going to die soon?"

Nine-tailed fox said distressedly: "Don't say stupid things, with my sister here, Yanyan will be fine.

Tang Lin asked: "Yanyan, do you really not know why those people are looking for you?"

"I don't know...wait." Yang Yanyan thought for a while, she remembered that the man in black asked her for something. "By the way, that person dressed as an ancient killer is the one in black. He forced me to hand over my things fiercely yesterday."

Tang Lin was about to speak when her cell phone rang. She glanced at the screen of the cell phone and saw that it was Gao Wen calling, so she answered it immediately.

After listening for a long time, Tang Lin exclaimed in astonishment, "What? Ji Yu's father and Ji's boss want to see me? Give me all his shares?...Okay, I see, I'll go back and see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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