The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 672 Tang Jie's shock!Gather with wife and daughter

Chapter 672 Tang Jie's shock!Gather with wife and daughter

Tang Lin turned her head when she heard the sound, and said with a faint smile, "Call me Xiao Lin, what else can I do?"

Qi Ling looked at Tang Lin warily, and she asked with a hint of indifference: "That gentleman, why did you take our mother and daughter back to the hotel? Why do you support him?"

"Uh, I..." Tang Lin hesitated for a moment, "Go to bed early, you have to go to another place tomorrow."

"Miss!" Tang Lin turned around and left after speaking. Qi Ling didn't turn her head when she called the other party this time. Her heart became more and more uneasy. The mother and daughter are in deep danger.

In the middle of the night, Qi Ling suddenly opened his eyes with a cold light.After a while, she lifted the quilt, gently shook her daughter who was sleeping beside her, and called out in a low voice, "Nian Jie, Nian Jie."

When Nian Jie heard her mother's voice, she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing that it was her mother, she rubbed her eyes and asked sleepily, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Shh, Nian Jie, keep your voice down, let's leave here now, listen to mother, and talk after we leave here, okay?" Qi Ling pulled her daughter out of the bed, put on her coat, and left the bedroom.

After a while, the mother and daughter were standing at the door of the room.

When Qi Ling was about to open the door carefully, Yu Shengjun's too cold voice came from outside, "It's late at night, go to bed early."

It was such a terrifying sound, Qi Ling gasped for no reason, grabbed the handle, and let go tremblingly, how could he dare to sneak out of the hotel again.

In the second half of the night, Qi Ling spent the rest of the night in panic, without closing her eyes, until dawn, when someone rang the doorbell, and she suddenly came back to her senses.

Tang Lin yelled outside the door, "Are you awake? We're going to take the plane at nine o'clock, so hurry up and wash up, we'll be leaving for the airport in a while."

Nine o'clock plane?Where to?
Qi Ling became more and more uneasy, calling the police?But he couldn't get half a step away from those two people, so how could he call the police.

When she walked out of the hotel, Qi Ling kept looking around. There were security guards on patrol and a security kiosk nearby. Just when she wanted to shout for help, Tang Lin took off her scarf, bent down, Put it on for Nian Jie, "It takes four or five hours to get to the destination, so don't catch a cold."

Qi Ling was stunned, she really felt that this beautiful woman treated Nian Jie really well, not a lie.It's just that when she reacted and wanted to ask for help again, Yu Shengjun had already picked her up and sent her to the back seat of the car.

After Tang Lin got into the car, she looked at her watch and couldn't help frowning, "Oops, time is running out, I don't know if I can make it in time."

Yu Shengjun said: "Yes, trust me." After that, he slowly started the car.

Tang Lin turned her head and handed over Qi Ling's ID, "I've already bought the air ticket, return the ID to you, and sit firmly in a while, we will drive very quickly."

Sure enough, the car drove very fast, not so fast.

In order to get to the airport in that pitiful time, Yu Shengjun showed his driving skills to the fullest, and at the same time, he did not cause any harm to the people in the car.

In the end, they went through the security check on time.

When going through the security check, Qi Ling had a chance to call the police, but when she learned that she was going to Yunshan City, she hesitated, and while hesitating, she went through the security check.

Until the plane took off, Qi Ling sat in his seat, still unable to recover from his thoughts.Yunshan City, isn't that the city she studied in college?Those two people, why did you take them to Yunshan City?

Qi Ling suddenly analyzed a possibility, remembering that when she met Tang Jie in H City, it was in the restaurant where she worked.On the day when the food was served, she only looked at Tang Jie from the front, but she didn't look at other people. There were many people in the box at that time, and the gentleman and lady she knew were also seen on that day and in that restaurant. Could it be that...

Qi Ling suppressed the shock in his heart, turned his head to look at Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun passing by, and thought, "Did Tang Jie ask them to do this?" The plane landed before two o'clock in the afternoon.

Before Yu Shengjun got on the plane, he had already contacted his family and asked them to pick them up at the airport on time.

The people who came to pick up the plane were Europeans, Americans and Koreans. They each drove a top-end car from Tang Tianyou's family. At this time, they were guarding outside the main entrance.

Seeing the figures of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin walking out from a distance, the Korean was overjoyed, oiled the soles of his feet, and rushed forward at once.

Seeing this, the Europeans and Americans were not to be outdone, and rushed away.

After that, the two surrounded Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin, carrying large and small bags.

"Brother is back."

"Madam has worked hard all the way."

Tang Lin smiled helplessly. These two guys are getting better and better as Yu Shengjun's followers. Five or six months ago, they were still traveling around.

"Is there nothing at home?" Yu Shengjun asked as he walked, his expression was the same as when he usually treats these people, tepid.

The Korean was the first to reply in the blunt Chinese he had learned these days: "Everything is fine, everything is fine, nothing major happened."

Walking to the side of the car, Yu Shengjun stopped and looked back to see that Qi Ling's mother and daughter were timidly walking behind them.

Tang Lin glanced at Qi Ling's mother and daughter, then turned to Yu Shengjun, "Let's go."

Yu Shengjun nodded slightly, and then got into the car driven by the Korean.

Before Tang Lin got into the car, she told the Europeans and Americans: "Drive carefully, don't knock them over."

"Yes, ma'am." The European and American responded respectfully, then walked to the car in front, opened the rear door, and made a gesture of invitation to Qi Ling, "Please, two."

Qi Ling knew that it was impossible for him to back down at this time.Suppressing her growing nervousness, she pulled her daughter into the car.

The two cars left the airport slowly.

Half an hour later, two top-end cars stopped outside the Tang family's house in King's Landing Bay.

The words "No. 9" and "Tang House" are engraved on the wooden sign beside the entrance of the house. After getting off the car, Qi Ling saw the word "Tang House", and his heart skipped a beat, and his breathing became heavier. The more hurried.She was sure it was arranged by Tang Jie, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Then who are they from Tang Jie?Qi Ling suppressed his excitement and nervousness, and turned his curious eyes on Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin who were getting out of the car.

"Let's go in!" Tang Lin smiled at Qi Ling, and then walked into the courtyard gate of the house with Yu Shengjun.

Originally, there was only Qian Zhou, an angry living person, in Tang Zhai. After Tang Zhuo and his wife came back, they finally became a little popular. He didn't want to exhaust his parents because of too much work.

In the courtyard, there were servants who were mowing the lawn. When they saw Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun, after being surprised, they all bent down and greeted them very respectfully, "Hello, miss, hello, uncle."

Qi Ling gasped, her surprised eyes fell on the profiles of Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun.Miss?Uncle?If this is Tang Jie's home, aren't they Tang Jie's sister and brother-in-law?In the university conference, I heard Tang Jie said that he has a younger sister, so that should be right!

Tang Lin smiled at the servants, and then asked, "Who is at home?"

One of the servants was about to answer when a slightly aged voice came over, "Miss."

Tang Lin looked around, and it turned out to be the new housekeeper of the family, a man who was the same age as her father but looked much older than him. She greeted her with a smile, "Uncle Wang."

"Hello miss, uncle." Wang steward called Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun very politely and respectfully, and then said to Tang Lin: "It's rare that miss and uncle come back once, and the master and mistress are going to meet old friends at noon He said he was coming back at night, and the young master was the only one at home."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes, I see." After looking back at Qi Ling, she leaned into Steward Wang's ear and whispered, "By the way, Uncle Wang..."

After a while, Steward Wang glanced at Qi Ling in surprise, and after Tang Lin left his ear, he nodded respectfully, "Yes, Miss, I will follow Miss's orders."

"Okay, then leave this matter to Uncle Wang." After finishing speaking, Tang Lin took Yu Shengjun's arm, "Let's go in."

After Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun walked away for a while, Steward Wang looked at Qi Ling, who was reserved and uneasy, and said respectfully: "You two must be hungry too, I'll take you to the restaurant to have something to eat, and wait until you're full." Get some sleep."

"Excuse me……"

"Please come in!"

Qi Ling wanted to ask if this was Tang Jie's home, but was interrupted by the housekeeper. She could only swallow it down, took her daughter's hand, and walked timidly to the gate of the house.

Along the way, Nian Jie was full of curiosity about the elegant and rich Tang family's house. She shook her mother's hand and said excitedly: "Mom, this place is so beautiful. This is the first time Nian Jie has seen such a beautiful place. Our home is still beautiful."

Qi Ling pulled a bitter smile and didn't answer her daughter.

When they arrived in the big living room, Qi Ling's mother and daughter had no time to marvel at them, and Steward Wang made a gesture of invitation in one direction, "You two, the restaurant is here, please."

The door of a room upstairs was suddenly opened by Tang Lin, "Brother!"

In the spacious room, there was no one. Tang Lin stood at the door and frowned, "Uncle Wang said he is still at home, why is there no one in the room?"

A cunning breath came from the side of the door, and when Yu Shengjun secretly laughed, Tang Wen had already rushed out of the door in one step, and suddenly shouted at Tang Lin, "Old sister!"

Since Tang Wenwen, he will successfully scare the old lady, but the old lady is fixed at the door like a wooden stake, staring at him with rolled eyes. He wondered, "Aren't you scared?"

Tang Lin said angrily: "Why are you scared? I found you by the door earlier."

Tang Wen rolled his eyes weakly, "I know that my sister is amazing, how can I compare with a special soldier who can see everything and hear everything. I said, sister, brother-in-law, you haven't come back for a long time. "

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "I went to another city for something."

"By the way, sister," Tang Wen suddenly thought of Ji's affairs, and couldn't help but think a few words, "I read the news, the person in charge of Tianlin Group after Ji's renaming yesterday officially took office, is it... you? "

Tang Lin said feebly, "Is there any suspense?"

Tang Wen was so excited that he grabbed her shoulders and shook them vigorously, "Congratulations, old lady, congratulations on getting such a big company..."

"Stop, stop, stop." Tang Lin pushed her annoying younger brother a few steps, "If you shake my soul again, you will shake me out. If you have time to shake me here, why not spend more time with your sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Tang Wen frowned, "What sister-in-law?" After thinking for a while, he suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Could it be that my brother finally came out of the shadows and decided to find a woman to marry?" Shengjun, "Brother-in-law, is this the woman you introduced to my brother?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head and said with a smile: "No, your sister-in-law, I met when my elder brother was in college. Now, you not only have a sister-in-law, but also a niece."

(End of this chapter)

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