The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 676 Tang Yuliu Admires Tang Yuliu Envy 1

Chapter 676 Tang Yuliu Admires Tang Yuliu Envy 1
Tang Lin looked at it from left to right in disbelief, her heart was about to jump out of her body with excitement.Yes, this is a letter that Tang Tianyou had passed on for hundreds of thousands of years, and now it is finally complete.

After trying to suppress the ecstasy, Tang Lin began to read Tang Tianyou's letter from right to left and from the beginning.

When watching, she could imagine how bad the situation and mood Tang Tianyou was in at that time.

"Bird of Paradise, I'm Tang Tianyou, the president of Datang Group. I know you, and I know your identity as a special soldier. Of course, that's all I know. I don't know if you know me. I look like Yu Shengjun. Exactly the same person. I found you in the sky above Thailand, and after falling into the sea with you, I actually crossed over, and when I arrived at the Great Yu Kingdom, I was treated as Yu Shengjun. After I came here, a lot of transcendent things happened to me The thing I imagined, the thing that surprised me the most is that I found out that you have also traveled here. The emperor disappeared and disappeared. I met a woman who looks exactly like you. Her name is Shiyi, and I love her I am writing this letter to you because I have something very important to tell you, and I can only ask you to solve it, me and Shiyi, and... all the royal family members of the Great Yu Kingdom, and those who protect the royal family of the Great Yu Kingdom Outsiders will all face the end of being exterminated. I originally thought that since I came, I would be safe and take charge of this huge Yu Kingdom for Yu Shengjun. Unexpectedly, a woman named Mu Ling appeared on the way, and she threatened the lives of many people. In the end, she used Poetry to force me to submit. Now that Mu Ling has proclaimed himself emperor, and wants to kill all those who threaten her status, Poetry exchanged my life for my life, and I was seriously injured and unable to move. I am alone and helpless, so I can only write a letter to you to let you think of a way. Seeing that the day of execution is imminent, there are hundreds of heads, and I don’t know how to save them. They don’t deserve to die. In Thailand that day, I accidentally tore you off The jade pendant on my body has only traveled to Dayu. Now, this mysterious jade pendant with the ability to travel has disappeared. I have seen the pattern of this jade pendant in a history book, because most of the words in the book I don’t know , I didn’t study it carefully, you go to my house, go to the study in my room, find this history book and read it, maybe it will help you, I remember this book is placed on the bottom first shelf at the bottom of the bookshelf, the title of the book is " Shenyu Biography". The place where I am now is the home of Shiyi's adoptive parents. I entrust others to deliver the letter, an imperial decree, and a poetic portrait to you. I hope I can get it into your hands. No matter what Do you have a way to solve my current crisis? I feel that it is necessary to tell you what happened here, because Yu Shengjun’s whereabouts are still unknown, and you must have a way to find him. As long as he, the real emperor, appears, you will be able to give Mu Ling's fatal blow. I also had the worst plan. Yu Shengjun might have been dealt with by Mu Ling. I wanted to go with poetry, but I couldn't let go of Yu Shengjun's relatives and friends. I don’t know what to do. If you read this letter, it doesn’t matter whether you have a way to solve the crisis on my side, but please do me a favor? I am not in modern times, I don’t know if there is a chance to go back to the past, I am worried about my company, please find my only relative, that is, my sister Tang Tianen, and let her inherit everything from me. Please, Bird of Paradise."

After reading the whole letter, Tang Lin had nothing to be happy about. Instead, she was overwhelmed by a lot of things and couldn't breathe.

Through Tang Tianyou's personal letter, she concluded that the painting "God Bless My Poetry" was written by Tang Tianyou, but for some reason, it ended up in Dubai.It is estimated that this painting is too beautiful. During the hundreds of years of inheritance, it has undergone major changes. After the evolution of the historical stage, it was exiled to Dubai.

According to Tang Tianyou's letter, she received the letter and the imperial decree, except for the painting.

Now, whether the painting has been received is not the point. Anyway, she already knows the whole content of the letter. The point is how to solve the crisis facing the royal family.It would have been better if she was still in Dayu, but she is now in modern times, even if she wanted to help Tang Tianyou out of the crisis, it was a distance between time and space, and she couldn't help with a mobile phone.

Shiyi exchanged her life for Tang Tianyou's life, that is to say, Shiyi has...

correct!Divine Jade Legend!

Tang Lin walked quickly to the study room, went to the first hidden compartment at the bottom of the bookshelf, and took out the books in the first hidden compartment and put them on the ground.Sitting on the ground, she began to check the titles of these books one by one, but she did not see the book titled "The Legend of Shen Yu".

Tang Lin became irritable unknowingly, "Obviously it's in the first shelf, why isn't it there? Could it be in another bookshelf?"

Afterwards, Tang Lin looked through the books at the bottom of other bookshelves. After reading for a long time, she still couldn't find it. She thought, Tang Tianyou said that most of the words on the books were unknown to him. Could it be that the titles of the books were displayed in other words?
Tang Lin recalled it again. She remembered that the books she had read were all displayed in traditional or simplified Chinese characters, and there were no other characters.

"Did Tianyou remember where it was misplaced?"

Tang Lin didn't give up, and then went to look for the books on the bookshelf. Because there were too many books in the study, she read from morning to afternoon without taking a break, and even forgot to eat lunch.

It wasn't until Tang Tianen knocked on the door that Tang Lin straightened her neck from a pile of books. She glanced back and forth, only to realize that the study had been messed up by her, and all the books on the bookshelves had been moved to the floor by her. Among the piles of books, I struggled to find the history book called "Shenyu Biography" that Tang Tianyou said, but I couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Instead, I was confused, my eyes were dry and my eyesight decreased. , with disheveled hair and a demented expression.

After supporting herself up, Tang Lin staggered into the living room and pressed the switch, and the door swung open.

Tang Tianen looked in, and when she saw her brother and sister smirking at her with messy hair, she asked with a strange look: "Sister and brother, why did you make yourself like this?"

Tang Lin said, "Sister, sit down. I still have things to do, so I'll get to work first." After speaking, she staggered towards the study.

Tang Tianen was puzzled for a moment, and then followed. When she entered the study and saw the scene of embarrassment, it was hard to imagine that this was her brother's study in the past.In my memory, my younger brother's study room was spacious, simple and tidy, but it didn't look like this. There were books everywhere on the floor, some of which were crumpled and turned, which was horrible.

Tang Tianen walked outside the pile of books, looked at the younger brother and sister who were buried in the pile of books, and asked strangely, "Sister and younger brother, what are you... doing?"

Without raising her head, Tang Lin said, "Looking for books. Sister, go and play with your brother-in-law first, and I'll go to you guys after I'm done."

Tang Tianen smiled with tears in his eyes, "You look like this, how can I walk away, tell me what book you are looking for."

"Shenyu Biography." At this moment, Tang Lin was finally willing to raise her head. "This book may not be written in simplified or traditional characters. Sister, please help me look for books in other languages."

"Okay, I'll look for it." Just like that, Tang Tianen joined the search book.

One minute and one second passed quietly, and three hours passed quickly.

Sitting among a pile of books, Tang Tianen looked almost as good as Tang Lin, and was about to lose his mind, "Shenyu Biography, Shenyu Biography, don't be naughty, let me find you."

It was dark outside.

Yu Shengjun came back from the company, butler Zhou greeted him at the door of the villa, "You are back, President."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Who is at home?"

Housekeeper Zhou said: "Master asked Qian Zhou to teach him Chinese in the back garden. Madam and Miss are in the room and haven't come down for a long time. Is the president preparing dinner now?"

"Go and prepare, prepare a few more nutritious and light dishes for Madam, and remember not to be too greasy."


Yu Shengjun didn't say anything else, and went upstairs. He saw that the door of the room was not closed, and he was a little puzzled. He walked in and shouted: "Linlin? Are you in the room?"

He didn't hear a response, but heard a sound in the study.Yu Shengjun took off his coat and put it in a corner of the living room, then walked to the study.

When he arrived at the door of the study, Yu Shengjun looked in and was dumbfounded, "Is there a thief in the house?"


"God bless."

The heads of the two women were raised from a pile of books, both looking listless and drained.

Yu Shengjun asked in amazement: "What are you doing? You can't read a book like this?" Tang Lin wanted to stand up, but because she sat for too long, her legs felt numb when she stood up, and when she was about to fall down, she Yu Shengjun's big hand stretched out to reach her, and gently pulled her up, and said in a reproachful but caring tone: "You must do things according to your ability, it is not advisable for you to do this, and you will not be allowed to do this in the future."

Tang Lin gave him a smirk, "Understood my dear."

Although she obediently assured her, her smile and tone made Yu Shengjun even more worried. He gave her a small look, "Don't just talk to me, listen to what I say."

Tang Tianen had already stood up. Seeing her younger brother caring so much for Tang Lin, she was really relieved. Her younger brother, who had always disliked women and refused to talk about relationships, finally met a woman who could conquer him.

"Brother and sister, I see that the history book you are looking for is not here. Let's go to the bookstore and ask later. I have been looking for it for a few hours, and my eyes are a little dry. I will go back to the room and put on my eyes first."

Tang Lin said guiltily, "Sister, I'm really sorry for asking you to help me find it for so long."

"Sister is not an outsider, needless to say I'm sorry, then I'll go out first."

After watching Tang Tianen go out, Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun and was about to speak when her stomach suddenly growled disobediently.

Hearing the sound of her stomach growling, Tang Lin's face instantly turned pale. She felt nervous, and then she lowered her head like a child who did something wrong, her fingers twitching, and her eyes rolled anxiously.It's too bad, except for breakfast, she hasn't eaten all day, and she is currently pregnant, Yu Shengjun must be very angry when she finds out.

Yu Shengjun gasped for three seconds, and asked her with a black face: "Honestly, what did you do wrong?"

He was really angry. Tang Lin lowered her head, her heart pounding like a deer, she was so nervous that she stammered, "I... I didn't do... I didn't do anything."

Yu Shengjun looked down at her from a high position, like an officer who was interrogating a prisoner, his eyes were like torches, and his tone was strong, "Why did my stomach scream so miserably? You," as soon as he stopped, he poked her helplessly and lovingly "I really don't know how to take care of myself. Let's go and eat first. I'll help you find what books to look for after dinner."

His big hand took her slender little hand, and she walked out of the study, she followed behind, looking at his perfect figure with dark gray vest and white shirt, she was indescribably obsessed.In a suit, her domineering ancient husband, is perfect.Sister-in-law Qi Ling felt that she was not good enough for her brother Tang Jie, and she felt that she was not good enough for Yu Shengjun, he was really too perfect.

He was originally a high-ranking emperor, No. 1 who ruled the Central Plains. He was supposed to be wearing a dragon robe and sitting on the dragon throne to give orders, but now he hides all his glory and lives for others. He really wronged him.

(End of this chapter)

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