Chapter 678
After answering the phone and hearing from Mr. Tan that the words on the oracle bones had been translated into simple modern Chinese, Tang Lin was extremely excited. She immediately sent a bodyguard to take the money and go to Mr. Tan to bring back the translated materials. .

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the bodyguards brought back the materials and the oracle bones. After passing through Butler Zhou's hands, they finally reached Tang Lin's hands.

After Tang Lin got it, she couldn't wait to go back to her room to look at it.Mr. Tan has typed the main idea of ​​the words on the oracle bone on the A4 paper, and the full text on the A4 paper is as follows:

Not long after the fall of the Shang Dynasty, when I was young, I picked up a piece of uncarved jade while fishing on the seashore. I saw that the jade was transparent in color, so I spent days and nights dividing the jade into two halves and carving it into figures.

One day, my wife was seriously ill and had no money to treat her, so I pawned this jade, but the pawnshop owner refused to accept it.In order to raise money to treat my wife, I made up a story about this jade.

I told people everywhere that this jade is a treasure worn by the ancient gods. It has absorbed the essence of day and night for thousands of years, and contains infinite energy. As long as someone can inject this jade with internal force, the seal of this jade can be opened and infinite energy can be obtained.

Ten to one hundred, one hundred to one thousand, many people with strong inner strength came to me to buy jade, willing to spend a lot of money.I was really surprised that this jade was so popular. I wanted to find a random buyer to sell it, but my wife passed away suddenly.

I took this jade as a memorial to my deceased wife. Many people came to buy this jade, but I refused to sell it. I explained that the origin of this jade was fabricated by myself, but everyone from all walks of life did not believe it.

For the sake of the purity of Borgen, I have agreed to the outside world that whoever can use internal force to open this jade to obtain infinite power, I will give this jade to him without receiving a penny. After that, people visit the door every day and pour the internal force of the whole body into this jade until the internal force Stop when exhausted.

Now, I am an old man in his [-]s.A few days ago, a person who claimed to have unrivaled inner strength came to try to open the jade pendant to obtain infinite energy. An incredible thing happened.The man poured his internal energy into the jade pendant, suddenly the situation in the sky suddenly changed, and the man evaporated in the vortex of white light.

I often wonder whether this jade has been infused with the inner power of many masters for hundreds of years, and can suddenly change the sky and draw people into the mysterious way?
I am over a hundred years old, and I have no spare energy to solve the mystery of this jade, so I record the legend of this jade pendant on the oracle bone, and leave it to future generations to decipher.

After reading the full text, Tang Lin put down the A4 paper very calmly, but her heart was turbulent and uncertain.She looked at the dilapidated oracle bones on the table in disbelief, "Is it because too much internal force has been injected into the jade pendant, and the magnetic field of the jade pendant is too strong, which will lead to a shocking change in the world and drag the living into the space-time tunnel?" Yu Shengjun She got off work early today and came back at four o'clock in the afternoon. Tang Lin heard noises outside, and immediately put Tang Tianyou's letters and oracle bones away in the most secret corner of the study.

Before Yu Pei was found, Tang Lin didn't want Yu Shengjun to know about Tang Tianyou's complete letter.

The dinner is light and nutritious. Almost every dish on the table is made for myself, and there is no greasy one.Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, her eyes were hot, "Junjun..."

He asked the kitchen to prepare food suitable for her, but there were no dishes suitable for a big man like him.

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, as if it could melt thousands of mountains and rivers, "I am afraid that you will smell greasy and affect your appetite. Before the baby is born, I will focus on light food."

This man... is so stubborn that it makes people feel super cute.

"Junjun, you don't have to compromise with me. For the sake of the baby, I will take better care of myself than anyone else." Tang Lin didn't want to see the baby's father become skinny and skinny after ten months.

Yu Shengjun smiled gratifiedly, "That's very good."

"then you……"

Tang Lin wanted to take this opportunity to persuade Yu Shengjun to give up the idea of ​​having a light meal with her, but the mobile phone on the side table rang, and she was about to pick it up to answer it, but Yu Shengjun took it into his hand first.

"Junjun, you..." Tang Lin didn't understand what Yu Shengjun meant by this move.

"Mobile phones have radiation, especially when answering calls. The radiation is very strong. In the future, except for the landline at home, mobile phones are not allowed to be used. If there are important calls, I will answer them." Yu Shengjun's words are very protective. While talking, he has already swiped the answer button and turned on the hands-free function.


Tang Lin was slightly startled, "Snow Eagle? Are you looking for me?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if hesitating whether to speak or not. "... Bird, I have been struggling for a few days, and I plan to ask Che Xiaojia tomorrow to find out."

"You don't know who she is and where she came from. Are you sure you want to take this risk? Who knows if she will try to kill you again when she sees you again." Tang Lin was worried that Xue Ying would not go to the woman she once loved, but not only failed Untie the knot, but will be hurt by that woman again.

"I don't want to live in her shadow for the rest of my life. One day I make a mistake in performing a mission, which will hurt not only myself, but I want to make a complete break with her. I called you to tell you that if I never come back Don't come, don't avenge me."

"Snow Eagle..."

He wanted to dissuade Xue Ying again, but there was a beeping sound of disconnection from the other end of the phone.Tang Lin sighed uneasily, "Snow Eagle, why didn't you listen to my advice..."

Through this phone call, Yu Shengjun more or less got a general idea, "The girl Xue Ying loved in the past, have you found it?"

Tang Lin nodded frowningly, "I met by chance. That girl is called Che Xiaojia. Che Xiaojia recognized me. She saw me when I rescued Xue Ying from her. She left She gave me a business card at that time, and I knew her intentions, she wanted me to find her, and her purpose was to find Xue Ying through me. I was worried that Xue Ying would be hurt by Che Xiaojia again if she went alone."

Seeing his wife's furrowed eyebrows, Yu Shengjun was very distressed. He stroked his wife's shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry about this matter. There is nothing serious in the company. I will follow Xue Ying to see the car tomorrow." Xiao Jia, protect him secretly."

Tang Lin didn't question Yu Shengjun's ability at all, but she didn't want Yu Shengjun to force herself to help Xue Ying because Xue Ying was her colleague. "Junjun, you don't have to force yourself. I'll tell Fire Wolf and the others to secretly protect Xue Ying."

"I didn't force myself. I really wanted to help Xue Ying pass this test. I don't have anything to do tomorrow. It doesn't matter."

When Tang Lin was about to say something, Yu Shengjun brought some food to her mouth, tilted his head with a smile and said, "My good wife, do you want to show me your face?"

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, knowing that he would interrupt the original topic with this trick, she opened her mouth and took the food he brought into her mouth.

At eight o'clock the next morning, after having breakfast with Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun was about to go out to find Xue Ying in the army. His driving skills are the best in the army. Junjun, go to the subway station and wait and see. When he has a mission, he always leaves at nine o'clock in the morning. Go to the corresponding subway entrance and wait. You should be able to wait for him."

With Xueying's driving skills, he only needs 15 minutes to complete the journey from the army to the subway station in the city center.

At [-]:[-], not far from the subway entrance, Yu Shengjun really saw Xue Ying. Tang Lin's analysis was correct. Xue Ying appeared after [-] o'clock and took the subway.Sure enough, Tang Lin knew her comrades' habits and hobbies very well.

Xue Ying's attire was very different from his usual black clothes and trousers.A set of mix-and-match slim-fitting clothes, with a backpack on one shoulder, and peaked caps covering his forehead, which were pressed down by him, under the cap, a pair of indifferent eyes.

The difference between Yu Shengjun and the past is that he didn't wear a coat, a simple silver-gray vest, a snow-white shirt, and black trousers with slim legs. This outfit not only perfectly complements his standard-proportioned figure It is impeccable, and it also greatly adds points to his handsome appearance.He was leaning against the wall near the station entrance, holding a financial magazine in his hand, a pair of thin lips under the sunglasses, without any warmth, with an aura of repelling people thousands of miles away, making people afraid to approach.

Among the hurried passengers, many men and women gave Yu Shengjun amazed looks, but they just didn't dare to strike up a conversation.Even though he was standing there quietly, his appearance and aura had shocked many people, people would never want to look away after seeing him, and regarded him as a handsome man who came out of the painting.

Xue Ying walked to a certain boarding gate, waited quietly for more than ten seconds, and the train came.

The carriage was a bit crowded, after Snow Eagle got in, he stood by the door.

When the car door was closed, Yu Shengjun's figure was already inside the rear door, only one car away from Xue Ying.

Yu Xin squeezed in from Xue Ying's side with her big belly, there were too many people, let alone seats, there was little room to stand.

Seeing this, Xue Ying glanced behind him, and in front of him was a young man who was playing a game on a tablet computer.

Xue Ying patted the young man on the shoulder. When the young man looked over, he pointed to the pregnant woman next to him, "Give me a seat for this lady?"

The young man glanced at the person in the opposite seat, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, "You bully me, aren't you taller than you? There are so many people of my age who don't call you, but you call me, do you want to make money?"

How could there be such a low-pumping person?

Xue Ying was about to fight back angrily, but was stopped by Yu Xin, she didn't want to disturb the whole car because of herself, someone was already pointing fingers, she wanted to calm down, "Forget it sir, it's okay if I stand for a while. It is not easy for young people to go to work nowadays, so don’t force yourself.”

Seeing that she was carrying a large bag of things in one hand and had to carefully support her stomach to protect the fetus, while struggling to grab the lever with the other hand, Xue Ying felt sorry for her, "Which station is Madam going to?"

Yu Xin's gaze swept from the first stop to the last stop on the indicator, Xue Ying has been secretly watching her eyes.

She forced herself to show him a relaxed smile and said, "We'll be there soon."

The feeling of pity in Xue Ying's heart was even stronger, this woman was clearly "duplicating", she was clearly at the last stop, and it would take an hour, but she wanted to say that it will be soon, this is the first stop, and it will be soon. where?She clearly didn't want him to find a seat for her again.This woman was so strong that he wanted to lose his temper.

Yu Shengjun saw this scene not far away, his eyes were cold, and when the cold eyes fell on the young man who was playing the game, he closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them suddenly, and an aura swept over most of them in an instant. The carriage, like the invisible claws of the devil, pulled the young man out, and the young man fell out of the seat uncontrollably.

After Yu Shengjun used his strong internal force to force the young man out of the seat, Xue Ying took the opportunity to take the big bag from Yu Xin's hand, and wrapped her around her waist, and carefully sent her to that place. The young man sat down.

Before Yu Xin recovered, she had already sat down, "Sir..."

Xue Ying put the bag at Yu Xin's feet, and said with a smile: "He gave up his seat, how can you be worthy of his kindness if you don't sit?"

The young man struggled to stand up, turned around, and saw that his seat was already taken by a pregnant woman, he burst out angrily, "You..."

Xue Ying stepped forward, stood in front of Yu Xin, turned his back to Yu Xin and smiled maliciously at the young man, "Do you want to fall again?"

Xue Ying felt strange in his heart, just now, this young man seemed to be pushed down by a strong force, but how could human beings display their power from a distance, strange, how could such a wicked and weird thing happen?Or, did I make a mistake in my judgment, and it was just that the young man accidentally fell out?
(End of this chapter)

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