The Legend of Chiba of Konoha

Chapter 2579 Ignored things

Chapter 2579 Ignored things

"Thank you, Teacher Chiba, then we will go back first."

With a deep bow, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi thanked Chiba solemnly, and then walked in the direction they came from.

"Be careful on the road."

Regarding this, Qianye nodded with a smile and said.

Did you go back like this?
Could it be that they saw through my desire to take a good rest these days.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed across him involuntarily.

The scene in front of him still surprised him.

To be honest, Qianye did not expect the three of them to be so straightforward. After knowing that he wanted to increase their tactical options, he asked if it was necessary to train these basics here. After getting a negative answer from himself, the three of them decided to I am very determined to practice on my own.

What Qianye gave them was just some basic things. These things, which could be comprehended and trained by themselves without being taught by a teacher, were just some basic skills.

You can stay with him to practice, or you can go back and make a plan to practice by yourself.

If you stay with him to practice, then he will arrange the venue.

If you practice on your own, then it's free.

Originally, Qianye thought that they would choose to practice here, and maybe they would find some problems for him, but he didn't expect that they would go back so simply, without even bringing their heads back.

Of course, the three of them went back to practice on their own, which saved him trouble.

If they are cultivating here, he will take care of them to some extent, and if they have any questions, he will naturally answer them.

Although you can drink tea leisurely here and give yourself a vacation without using your hands and feet, it will be affected in the end.

It's just that he's already mentally prepared and doesn't care too much about it.

And now, his wish has come true.

As for the basic skills recorded on the scroll, it is nothing more than some physical training methods, some basic points of attention to the enemy, and some small skills of Gang School ninjutsu tailored by Chiba for them. In terms of ninjutsu, Chiba Ye just mentioned some rough knowledge about chakra's nature changes and form changes, which is not difficult for the three of them, and also listed some of the five escape ninjutsu that are coordinated and assisted by the team , are some inconspicuous ninjutsu with low difficulty, but used well, almost miraculously.This can be regarded as the top priority of this promotion strategy selection.

After all, the use of ninjutsu is always the key to a ninja's surprise victory.

As for the last illusion, the content is actually very little, and it is all some simple and simple knowledge to deal with illusion, especially the sharingan illusion.

Originally, Chiba did not plan to teach this part, and there is nothing to teach. After all, phantom ninjas are rare in the entire ninja world, and it is a very lucky thing to meet them. However, now Nobuhiko Uchiha is in Konoha Village. Due to the situation, he had to teach them these things.

This also makes this part Chiba's most thoughtful, covering almost all of Chiba's experience and coping methods for dealing with Uchiha Nobuhiko's illusion, and the writing is quite front-line. I believe that among the three, Akimichi Choji can fully understand.

And this part of the content should also be the most comprehensive and in-depth knowledge to deal with illusions. Even if they don't need it now, it will benefit them a lot in the future.

Even, in the illusion battle, it can give them a firm advantage.

Although there is nothing about how to use illusion in this part of the content, and Chiba has no way to teach illusion, but Chiba's level of dealing with illusion is almost condensed in this part of the content. It can be said that dealing with illusion Especially the strategy of the highest level of Sharingan illusion.

Chiba doesn't know illusions, and he only relies on Sharingan or reincarnation eyes in the use of illusions, but he is definitely not inferior to anyone in dealing with illusions.

After all, his opponent and disciple should be No. 1 in the use of illusion.

And after learning this part of the knowledge, the three of them can be regarded as having a little more chance of escaping when they meet Uchiha Nobuhiko.

At least, you won't be overwhelmed by the illusion right away, completely losing the chance to escape.

"Then, should I go too?"

At this time, after watching the three of them leave, Chiba also stood up.

At this time, he had already packed up the dishes and even the tea sets, so there was nothing left to do.


It can't be said that nothing happened.

During the meal just now, the three little guys had already eaten up the stock at home, and he had to buy some.

This is the first team.

There will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

He also needs to prepare some ingredients for lunch.

Maybe it was because Jiu Xinnai had always brought him lunch, or maybe more than ten years ago, he discovered that cooking is a very pleasant thing, especially when watching other people eating happily, can give him A joy that has seldom been felt for the past decade.

It may be that students come here to have a full meal, or it may be that cooking is a happy thing in itself, and Chiba is planning to give all students a free lunch.

"Speaking of which, the food on the 14th and 15th..."

And after Qianye made up his mind, he didn't hesitate, and walked out of the Japanese-style cabin, and walked towards the small forest.

At the same time, in his mind, he couldn't help recalling the days he spent on the boat with No. 14 and No. 15 after he joined Break Dawn, the first time he cooked for the two of them.

At that time, although the seasoning on the boat was simple, it was still edible. It was also the first time the three of them caught fish, and the cooking method was simple roast food, but the two of them devoured it.

He can still remember the mood at that moment.

It was also at that time that he felt the fascination of cooking.

What's more, it was after that meal that they really got close, and they really started to hug each other to keep warm, resist the loneliness and boredom on the boat, and began to comfort each other, and also began to develop a tacit understanding.

It is also because of this that they will rush to Konoha to assist at the first time when they are in trouble.

Do you want……

Make them some too?

Thinking of this, Qianye, who walked into the grove, stopped, frowned and thought about it seriously.

After all, No. 14 and No. 15 came here at the risk for themselves, and now Nobuhiko Uchiha is in Konoha Village. This guy should know everything about himself and No. 14 and No. 15. For No. 14 and No. 15 If someone who has a relationship with him is discovered by him, it is definitely a very dangerous thing.

At such a time, Chiba always felt a little sorry for not providing them with a meal.

Although Chiba believes that No. 14 and No. 15 should not be discovered by Uchiha Nobuhiko when Konoha arranges their identities.

After all, he is also the one who has faced Uchiha Nobuhiko head-on.

"Huh? Here?"

Then, at this moment, Qianye was considering whether to prepare more ingredients and buy a large refrigerator by the way, when his eyes were attracted by a path in the small forest.

Strictly speaking, this is not a trail.

It's just that there are more people stepping on it, so there is a gap between the two rows of trees without any plant growth.

If it is seen by ordinary people, they will not feel anything.

I don't even think it's a road, at most I think it's a slightly larger distance between trees in the woods.

However, Qianye knew it.

This is a way.

A path that wasn't originally a path.

And the place it leads to is extremely familiar to him.

Also at this time, after making this sound of doubt, Qianye walked into the gap almost subconsciously, his shoulders almost brushing against the trees on both sides, and he walked straight all the way.

"'s still there."

But after walking for a long time, his eyes suddenly opened up, and what caught his eyes was a patchy open space, the sun was quietly falling, and the bubbling heat seemed to hit his face.

"Are you still training here?"

Chiba's eyes glanced over the open space carefully, and what appeared in his eyes were the old potholes on the open space, as well as some marks caused by attacks that could not be discerned, and other than these, there were old There are also some new traces on the surrounding trees and on the ground.

Obviously, someone has been here recently.

Whether it is the road that is not a road, or the new traces in this open space.

But at this time, in Qianye's mind, graceful phantoms seemed to appear in this open space.

In front of these graceful phantoms, there are three and a half-year-old figures in the shape of children.

"The memory...has been blurred."

But looking at the open space, Qianye at this moment couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Knowing this open space, he couldn't remember the after-dinner exercise that he first met.

That was the first time he played a perfect after-dinner exercise with Hirohiko and Xue Nai.


It can't be said that he can't remember, but the details of that battle have been so blurred that he can't remember.

He can't even recall how he won and what tactics he used.

The only thing I remember is that at that time, I felt the feeling that I was no longer alone.

"Really... Actually, so many years have passed."

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help raising his head slightly, and under the sunlight, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

The feeling of the sun is still the same as that time, and even the angle of the sunlight has not changed in any way.

However, at this moment, Qianye's smile, which was curled up at the corner of his mouth because of the memory, had a kind of bleakness.

Two or three years...

Two or three years...

And in his heart, he began to mutter.


"Shikamaru, why should we leave early, Mr. Chiba said that you can practice with him, isn't it better to practice with him?"

At this time, on the other side, Choji Akimichi, who merged into the bustling street, looked at Nara Shikamaru who was walking ahead, and couldn't help asking.

"It is."

Shikamaru Nara didn't respond to this, and Ino Yamanaka couldn't help but speak.

Indeed, if you are training with Teacher Chiba, you can ask any questions directly. If you really need some practice, then for the first time, it is best to do it under the teacher's nose. If there is anything wrong, you can let the teacher know as soon as possible. Correct me.

Then, you can avoid going the wrong way.

The second and third times will be smoother, and basically the first time will be on the right track.

But now, if you experience cultivation by yourself, even the most basic things, there is a risk of detours.

Shikamaru's behavior, even for them who are in such a tacit understanding, is somewhat incomprehensible.

"Today, don't bother Teacher Chiba anymore."

Regarding this, Nara Shikamaru looked back at the two of them and said so.


Hearing this, Choji Akimichi said almost subconsciously.

"Is... is there any problem? I don't think Mr. Chiba is impatient at all."

And at this time, Yamanaka Ino frowned, seemed to recall the situation just now, and said in a rather puzzled way.

She didn't feel that Teacher Chiba at that time was in a state where she couldn't be disturbed.

even, uh...

Teacher Chiba, that kind of calm and gentle feeling makes people feel very safe.

He must have been the type to fascinate thousands of girls back then.

"Indeed, there is nothing wrong with Chiba-sensei just now, but haven't you noticed? In this story of Uchiha Nobuhiko. Is there any reason why we shouldn't stay?"

To this, Nara Shikamaru said lightly.


Hearing this, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi were slightly taken aback.

Nobuhiko Uchiha?
Is there any reason why you shouldn't stay?

At the same time, their hearts were somewhat confused.

Isn't it because of the existence of Nobuhiko Uchiha that we have to train harder under the hands of Teacher Chiba?

After being confused, they had such a natural thought in their hearts.

"Well, don't you think we have overlooked the purpose of Mr. Chiba's return to the village?"

Regarding this, Nara Shikamaru spoke again.

The purpose of Mr. Chiba's return to the village?
Hearing this, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji looked at each other, with a bit of puzzled expression on their faces, obviously they didn't know what Nara Shikamaru meant.

"The Nine-Tails Rebellion lost everything. After chasing Uchiha Nobuhiko for so many years, he suddenly returned to the village, and directly disclosed that he was still alive. Of course, there are elements to stabilize the current situation, but we are just doing this. Let’s look at this matter from the perspective of the village, how about from Teacher Chiba’s personal perspective?”

Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru spoke again.

"Isn't it because Uchiha Nobuhiko appeared in the village?"

In this regard, the two spoke in unison.

From a personal point of view, isn't Nobuhiko Uchiha now in Konoha, whether it is revenge or protecting the village, he should disclose his identity?
At the same time, they thought so in their hearts.

"I mean putting aside these external factors, Mr. Chiba's own factors, what about his body and mind?"

Regarding this, Nara Shikamaru sighed slightly, and said.

Self factor?

Hearing this, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi frowned and looked at each other.

"Recuperation, more than ten years of tracking, but also hiding his body, no matter how powerful a person is, it will be too much. Teacher Qianye, he needs to recuperate. We can't occupy his time too much."

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru is not close, saying so.


That's it!

Indeed, it is indeed so!
And hearing this, the two of them suddenly realized.

"Let's go, we have a lot to do today."

And at this time, Nara Shikamaru didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, and his pace quickened instantly.


In this regard, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi were not entangled, and followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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