The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 101 Misunderstood aircraft chapter

Chapter 101 The Misunderstood Airplane
"That...Uncle Li..." Ren Yi stared at the four Chinese characters on the salt bag, and said helplessly.

"What's the matter? Young Master?" Lao Li was still driving the plane with a cheerful face.

"Are you... sure it's... Mexican salt?" Ren Yi said, holding the salt bag, turning around and walking towards the cab where Lao Li was.

"That's right, the owner of the gift shop told me: Jia Shennong card is there when I get home, so I bought it, it should be Mexican salt." Lao Li was a little confused, and said as a matter of course.

"What the did you understand what he said?" Ren Yi frowned and asked.

"Hmm..." Old Li didn't answer...

You tell me, hello!Ren Yi growled in his heart.

"Thrilling..." At this moment, a strange voice came from the salt mountain behind Renyi.

"Huh?" Ren Yi's keen hearing immediately caught this wonderful voice.

Well, it's actually...

Ren Yi wanted to put the salt back, but when he walked to the door, he saw a figure flash by... It has nothing to do with hearing, but the keen sense of hearing sounds more advanced!

"Little mouse, where do you want to go? Believe it or not, I'll just step on a mouse like a flying elephant and trample you into mincemeat? Wait... ahem, I'm a little too involved." Renyi originally wanted to threaten, but didn't Be careful and get used to the way of speaking that became Ah Fu before.

"Thrilling..." However, the other party didn't seem to take Ren Yi seriously, and continued to escape in the salt bar.

"Okay..." Ren Yi smiled and clapped his hands.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me." Ren Yi said, and saw a light blue light shining around him...

Something even more unbelievable happened...

I saw that the originally endless salt mountain began to float towards the ceiling, as if every particle was floating in the air.

"Ahh..." As the salt gradually rose into the sky, the little mouse hiding in the sea of ​​salt also appeared.

"Huh? Xiaoyu?" Ren Yi looked at the little girl who was looking around hurriedly in a daze.

"Uh...Hi!" Xiaoyu pretended to be calm and greeted Renyi.

"Hello, Xiaoyu, we meet again..." Ren Yi replied with a smile.

"You... hello... I'm here to look for my Mexican top hat, have you seen it? He seems to have fallen here, so I came up to look for it..." Xiaoyu said while squatting down and touching the ground.

"Oh? Looking for a hat? Looking for a hat, you can touch the plane, you're amazing~" Ren Yi joked cooperatively.

"Yeah... hehe, can you go to San Francisco and put me down?" Xiaoyu said with wide eyes, looking at Renyi coquettishly.

"Please..." Seeing that it didn't work, Xiaoyu opened her eyes even wider.

"Heh... Uncle Li, how long will it take to arrive in San Francisco?" Ren Yi leaned against the door and asked calmly.

"Young master, it's still half an hour." Old Li replied.

"There's no hurry, there's plenty of time..." Renyi said, looking at Xiaoyu who said "I'm a good baby".

"Xiaoyu, let's have some fun before arriving in San Francisco..." Renyi said as he walked towards Xiaoyu.

"You...what are you going to do?" Xiaoyu backed away in panic.

"I'm warning you, Uncle Long taught me kung fu, so don't approach me easily!" Xiaoyu said without confidence, while looking around, as if looking for something that could be used as a weapon.

"Huh?" In an emergency, a bag of salt appeared in front of Xiaoyu.

"Stop! Otherwise... I will have to resort to the trick that Uncle Long taught me!" Xiaoyu said, grabbing the bag of salt that was about to fly away.

"A trick? Roar? Let's try it..." Ren Yi continued to approach slowly without taking it seriously.

"You...then don't blame me for being rude!" Xiaoyu said with a hard face.

I saw Xiaoyu tore open the salt bag, grabbed a handful of salt, and slowly sprinkled it forward, then slowly raised her arm, the salt seemed to be spiritual, and all the salt was sprinkled on Xiaoyu's elbow.

"Huh?" Ren Yi looked at this scene speechlessly.

"Take a move from me! Feiyan walks away!" Seeing Renyi, Xiaoyu was stunned, and seized the right moment to strike forward with an elbow.

"Peng~" The careless Renyi was hit in the mouth directly...

"Cough, cough, cough! Bah! Bah, bah, bah..." Ren Yi covered his mouth and kept spitting, while running towards the door.

"What's the matter? Young master?" Lao Li asked worriedly, while glancing at it from time to time.

"Bah, bah, it's okay, Uncle Li... Is there any water? It's so salty!" Ren Yi asked while turning the shelf.

"No... I was too hasty when I left..." Old Li Rushide said.

"Wow, this... wait, system, bah bah bah, help me get rid of this smell." Ren Yi suddenly reacted.

"System prompt: You need to pay a little faith value."

"You... You are an unscrupulous profiteer, and you still charge for such a small matter! Bah, bah, here you are!" Ren Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"System prompt: The payment was successful, and the negative impact has been removed for the host."

With the sound of the prompt, the salty taste on the tip of Ren Yi's tongue was eliminated...

"Alas..." Ren Yi, who had recovered, let out a deep breath.

"How is it? Big villain? This is what I learned on TV with Uncle Long. I call him: Dynamic First Force Puffy Sauce Elbow Salty Batch of Salt Power Elbow. Uncle Long simply calls him Feiyan walks away." Xiaoyu imitated Renyi's previous appearance, leaned against the door, and said with a smile.

"You brat..." Renyi stood up, staring at Xiaoyu.

"Huh? Why... why are you staring at me like this..." Xiaoyu was frightened by Renyi's momentum, and involuntarily took a few steps back, returning to the cargo room.

"It's time to teach you a lesson!" Ren Yi said as he broke his fingers and walked towards the cargo room.

"Peng!" With the sound of the door closing heavily, the air suddenly became quiet.

"I wash kelp~ I wash kelp~" Suddenly there was a burst of music from inside, although it was only for a few seconds.

Then there was the sound of the salt bags falling from a high altitude, and the sound of already running on the plane.

"Don't come here!" Xiaoyu's roar sounded from inside.

"Little sister, I feel that I am obliged to teach you proper manners on behalf of your Uncle Long!" Then, Ren Yi's teasing voice sounded.

"No! Ah!" Xiaoyu's screams followed immediately.

Then there was silence, no sound at all...

"Papa, papa..." Then, a crisp sound came from inside...

"Young master...don't be too hard on your careful..." Lao Li sat in the cockpit, muttering worriedly, and at the same time kept glancing backward...


 Let me tell you a piece of news, my book should be on the shelves on August [-]st, so I want to let you know, although I know that most people will switch to pirated websites, but please don't forget to leave your tickets!Although I didn't expect this at the beginning, I was here for full attendance, but if my grades are good, I will go home and write a novel. I won't stay in this night market anymore. It's too hard. Offer a reward, if the grades are not good, you have to continue to work twice a day.

(End of this chapter)

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