The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 104 Foshan Wuying...Claw?

Chapter 104 Foshan Wuying...Claw?

"Hey? Can't bear it so soon?" Ren Yi's frivolous voice came from behind the man in black.

The man in black turned around abruptly, and at the same time threw a dagger from his sleeve.

Let me go, this guy is really an assassin. Sure enough, random assassins like to use this trick?Renyi looked at the dagger that was about to hit him, and thought to himself.

Um?Missed?Seeing Ren Yi who didn't make any evasive movements, the man in black thought secretly.

Then, something that shocked the man in black happened...

The dagger was about to touch Ren Yi's forehead, and suddenly, it stopped steadily, suspended in the air without moving.

"But it doesn't seem to be useful..." Ren Yi said slowly while holding the floating dagger.

But the man in black's sluggishness didn't last long. After a few seconds of stagnation, he quickly took out another dagger from his arms and stabbed at Ren Yi.

"Huh? Come again!" Seeing the other party's actions, Ren Yi gasped.

"See how you hide!" A sweet voice entered Renyi's ears.

With my current speed and the fact that the target has just been careless, it is almost impossible to dodge, so the hit rate of this stab is 100%, and the part I chose is the neck, which is of high strength , It should be possible to directly cut off a piece of flesh from his neck. Judging from the bleeding speed, it is almost impossible to rescue it... The man in black analyzed it this way.

However, just when the dagger was about to stab Ren Yi's neck, a palm full of veins stretched out from the side, and firmly grabbed the man in black's wrist.

"Huh? This is it!" The man in black shouted out of surprise.

"Oh? Miss, it's not good to use hands and feet..." A voice full of magnetism and majesty sounded.

"Huh? Joe...uncle?" Ren Yi turned to look at Old Qiao who was standing beside him.

"Damn it!" The man in black cursed secretly, took out another dagger from his pocket with the other hand, and slashed at Old Qiao's wrist.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Old Qiao threw the man in black aside.

I saw that the floating man in black didn't fall directly to the ground, but made a few reverses in the air, and then squatted firmly on the ground.

"Oh? There are two tricks..." Seeing this, Old Qiao praised without hesitation.

"Oh!!! Papa papa..." Ren Yi also stood aside and clapped his hands.

"Who are you..." the man in black glared at the gray-haired old housekeeper in front of him and asked.

Hiss~ I can't move this hand for the time being... Feeling the pain from the wrist, the man in black thought.

"Me? I'm just an old butler." Old Qiao said with a kind smile on his face.

"Stop pretending!" the man in black snapped.

"I am really an old housekeeper... It is my duty to protect the young master's safety and guard this house..." Old Qiao walked to the window and looked at Ren Yi and the garden outside the window lovingly.

"Crack!" He locked the window smoothly.

Seeing this, the man in black stepped aside vigilantly, staring at the two of them.

"Don't show such eyes...Miss, since you came to this room openly, you must have made up your mind..." Old Qiao said slowly, while keeping approaching the man in black.

"International Assassin League, ranked first, code-named Chitong... Am I right?"

"You... When did you start to doubt me?" Although Chitong was a little surprised, but only for a moment, he immediately adjusted his mentality and asked.

"When did you suspect it? It should be the first time I saw you..." Old Qiao said as he walked towards Chi Tong.

"I have been a housekeeper here for decades, and I have already memorized all the servants' information, but you suddenly appeared in front of me dressed as a maid..." There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in Old Qiao's tone.

"Cut!" Chi Tong pouted and continued to back away.

I made a mistake... Unexpectedly, with so many servants, I thought I could get away with it, but it seems that I was too careless... Chi Tong thought to herself.

"As servants, we have to protect the young master's safety... All factors that are unfavorable to the young master must be eliminated..." Old Qiao lowered his head and said to himself.

"Huh?" Although it couldn't be seen from the outside, Chi Tong could clearly feel that... the old housekeeper in front of him had completely changed his aura.

"I can't help it, it seems that I have to kill an extra gift!" Chitong said, throwing the dagger in his hand to Old Qiao, and took out two daggers from his arms again.

Different from Renyi, Old Qiao is like a docile goat, smiling, gradually approaching Chitong, when the dagger is about to hit him, two afterimages flashed past, looking again, there are two more in Old Qiao's hand. a dagger.

"Wow!" Renyi sat on the sofa not far away with an excited face, watching the duel in front of him seriously.

"System, is there any Coke in [-]? Get me a bottle!"

"System prompt: Coke in 100, you need to pay 100 faith points, effect: [-]% kill effect on drinkers."

"Uh..." Ren Yi, who was very excited just now, suddenly became overwhelmed when he heard this...

"Forget it, you can keep it for yourself." Ren Yi said and continued to look at the two of them...

Not good... This old butler is not an ordinary person... He can't be rivaled... Chi Tong thought to himself.

Chitong suddenly took out a revolver from his arms, and was about to shoot at Old Qiao.

"Huh?" Old Qiao's eyes became sharp the moment he saw the revolver was drawn out.

"Peng!" With a gunshot, Chitong clearly saw that the bullet hit Old Qiao's arm.

"Uncle Joe!"

Ren Yi, who was sitting by the side, lost his composure, and stood up abruptly.

However... I saw that Old Qiao continued to walk towards Chitong as if nothing had happened.

"Huh?" Chitong looked suspiciously at Old Qiao who continued to approach, and fired again.

However... the result was the same as last time, Old Qiao seemed to be fine, he didn't look like he was hit by a bullet...

"I don't believe in evil anymore!" Chitong gritted his teeth and shot out the remaining four bullets in one go.

This time, Ren Yi and Chi Tong saw it clearly...

It turned out that just when the bullet was about to hit Old Joe, an afterimage suddenly flashed in front of Old Joe, and then the bullet disappeared...

"Oh? Have you run out of bullets?" Old Qiao put one hand behind his back and stretched the other hand forward, and stopped walking at the same time.

"Ding ding ding..." With the sound of bullets falling to the ground, exactly six bullets fell from Old Qiao's hand...

"This...impossible!" Chitong muttered in disbelief.

"What's impossible?" Old Qiao returned to his usual kind and kind look, and asked in a kind tone.

"Foshan Wuying...claw?" Ren Yi stared blankly at all this...

(End of this chapter)

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