Chapter 202 Potatoes
"Then where did you learn your kung fu, Dad?" Suddenly, a young figure appeared in front of Dad and Tru.

"Oh!" Father was startled by Xiaoyu's sudden appearance, and took a few steps back.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, don't make trouble. Dad is too old to be frightened." At the same time, Jackie Chan's voice also sounded from the direction of the door.

Dad and Tru looked at Jackie Chan one after another.

"Sheriff Blake asked me to come back and inform you that we are leaving for Hollywood soon." Jackie Chan continued.

"Understood, Dad packs up and leaves." Dad responded.

Jackie Chan stepped forward to help Dad pack his luggage, but Xiaoyu still did not give up, and asked: "Dad~ where did you learn your martial arts~"

The old man replied casually while packing his luggage.

"That was taught to me by the archmage's close friend... I used to follow the archmage to study in China. While learning Qi magic from the archmage, I also asked the archmage's close friend for martial arts..."

I saw Jackie Chan and Tohru, who were packing up their things, stopped and listened carefully.

"But after following the archmage for so many years, I have mastered a lot of magic knowledge, but in terms of martial arts... I have only learned some superficial knowledge." The old man continued, looking at the sky melancholy.

"Just grasping the fur..." Xiaoyu stared at her father in disbelief.

I saw my father smiled embarrassingly.

"That master has mastered many martial arts skills..."

"After the great master was captured, my father brought Jackie Chan to the United States with the master in order to further learn martial arts, and settled down in Chinatown." I saw my father put down the photo in his hand lonely while talking.

"The archmage...was taken away?"

"That night, the moon was very dark, and I didn't see the whole process clearly. I only saw dozens of black shadows flashing from the archmage's room, and then the archmage disappeared, but I still believe...the archmage has not died yet. .” Father’s old face showed a bit of determination.

As for the audience, Jackie Chan, Tru Xiaoyu and the other three, their expressions became serious unconsciously.

"That is to say, the master who mastered martial arts is now in the United States?" Xiaoyu continued to ask.

"No...he has passed away, but I do know his son." The old man said.


"Yes...he is the current chairman of Renshi Group..." Dad was talking, when a news report was interrupted on the TV beside him.

"Hello, everyone. I'm currently in San Francisco, on Naydiao Street. Here is a press conference on the cooperation between Renshi Group and Tudou Company and 280 Company. Let's take a look at it in detail."

Then the camera cut, three men in suits stood upright on a gorgeous stage, with several microphones in front of them, and under the stage, there was a dense crowd, most of whom were holding cameras and video cameras.

"Okay, I'll stop here to introduce the general plan. Next, we will invite our chairman...Master Renyi to speak on stage!"

It just so happened that the press conference had reached the final stage. Following Lao Liu's call, a young man in casual clothes slowly walked onto the stage.

"Gentlemen and ladies, hello everyone, I am the director of Renshi Group, about this cooperation..." I saw that Renyi was uncharacteristically preparing to deliver a speech in a serious manner.

At this time, the president of Tudou spoke.

"Wait a minute..."

In an instant, all the cameras were aimed at the president of Tudou.

"As for the specific content of the cooperation, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to talk about it here. Why don't we find a more suitable place to carry it out... Moreover, the company has other projects to work on, and I'm afraid it will end here today. .”

Ren Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the president.

"Of course, the specific content and projects of the cooperation really need to be discussed at another time, but Mr. Zhang is so busy, I wonder if your company has any major projects?"

Mr. Zhang smiled slightly when he heard the words.

"The specifics are still confidential, but everyone knows that our company is a big player in game production, so..." Mr. Zhang looked at Renyi with a somewhat embarrassed expression, as if showing off: Hey, we specialize in making games. How can I have time to discuss making games with you two amateur companies? I have given you enough face by attending, and I don't want to waste any more time.

Indeed, in terms of game production, Tudou can be said to be at the forefront of the world, at least much better than Renshi and 280, and this cooperation project happens to be a game, so he thinks he is the center of the plan and has arrogant capital ...

Thinking of this, Ren Yi also smiled.

"I guess it's to improve your Tudou server? After all... Puff, everyone understands."

Yes, although Tudou's games are not bad, Tudou's game servers are really not flattering. Everyone thinks their servers are made of Tudou, after all, it's unimaginably scumbag.

"You..." Mr. Zhang became angry all of a sudden, the smile on his face disappeared, and he gave Ren Yi a hard look.

"Hehe, we have produced nearly a hundred games..." Mr. Zhang held back his anger, and then said a little ostentatiously.

"Your servers are potatoes..." Renyi replied blankly.

"The sales volume of our games is excellent!" Mr. Zhang continued with a slightly embarrassed face.

"Your servers are potatoes..."

"Our game creation team is number one in the world!" Mr. Zhang growled a little out of composure.

"Your servers are potatoes..."

"No, can we change the subject?" Zhang finally gave in and said helplessly.

"Oh, okay." Ren Yi agreed with his expressionless face.

Then he said: "I can buy your company..."

Mr. Zhang's face darkened completely, he sighed, and said, "Forget it, let's go back to the previous topic, where did we just talk about?"

"Your servers are potatoes..."


(End of this chapter)

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