Chapter 225
"Have you heard of Ragnarok?" As a biting chill spread, the dragon set seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"Hey... there is a problem with the internal test base, please send someone to fix it." After a few seconds of thinking, the actor called decisively.

"We both put a lot of effort into this game. There must be no mistakes, understand?" Gradually, Ren Yi withdrew the chill he released and said calmly.

"Yes, yes, Director Ren, I understand. I can assure you that our company will live up to your expectations and vigorously promote this game all over the world."

Sure enough, it's just like what the boss said... the trick thought to himself.

One second he was still a sunny boy, the next second he was so cold to the bone...unpredictable.

Finally, under the coordination of the staff, the game room regained its calm, and the crisp keyboard sounds sounded again.

"What stage of development is it now?" Ren Yi asked, looking at the game screen on the big screen with interest.

"The team competition mode has been perfected, and the blasting mode is almost tested. As for the biochemical mode you proposed earlier, we don't have a clue yet..." Long Tao replied while flipping through the information in his hand.

"The biochemical mode is still not good? It shouldn't be..." Ren Yi was thinking a little puzzled.

"Call the old horse, I want to talk to him."

"Dong Ren, our boss may be a bit inconvenient right now..." The trick was a little difficult.

It was because his boss was busy that he sent him to receive Ren Yi, but Ren Yi asked to meet with the boss.

"Forget it, then I will write a letter and give it to Lao Ma after he finishes his work, hoping to help your company's development." Ren Yi asked the receptionist for a few pieces of paper and a pen, struggling It took about ten minutes to write a dozen words... Then I looked at the content on the paper, folded it up and handed it to the assistant.

"Remember, only your boss is allowed to know the content, and no one else can disclose it." Before leaving, Ren Yi instructed.

Looking at Ren Yiyao's back, the utility man was thoughtful, and subconsciously hid the note in his underwear pocket.

About half a day later, the actor returned to the company headquarters and walked straight to Lao Ma's office.

"Little roe deer, are you back? How's the situation?" Lao Ma asked a little worried when he saw the utility man walking into the office anxiously.

"Boss... Director Ren wrote you a letter, and told me not to let others see it..." Walker walked towards the old horse, and said in every detail.

The old horse unfolded the note with a dignified expression, and read it carefully word by word.The twist-like brows gradually stretched.

"So that's how it is..." After a long time, the old horse leaned on his chair, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself.

"What's the matter? Boss? It's not because of me..." The actor guessed with some anxiety.

"Hehehe, no, no, little roe, you think too much, Director Ren is advising us." Old Ma comforted with a smile.

"Come on, give me a copy of the cs information..." Just as the actor was standing there thinking, the old horse shouted loudly towards the door.


On the way back to the United States after leaving Huaxia, Ren Yi looked thoughtfully at the scenery outside the plane.

"Sure enough, I should have told you not to use the artifact..."

However, God didn't seem to intend to let Renyi stop, and before he could think for a while, thunder and lightning roared from the sky.

"Hey? What's going on with the weather these two days?" Ren Yi complained with a bit of grumbling.

"Is there a special magnetic field between China and the United States? Why does the sky change every time I come to this place?"

However, the weather is unpredictable, so I don't care what Renyi thinks, only to see huge raindrops start to fall with the wind, hitting the glass next to Renyi's ear recklessly.

"Enough, stop!" Ren Yi, who was leaning his head sideways on the glass, finally couldn't help it, and roared wildly.

As if driven by some kind of force, the originally dark clouds disappeared in an instant, and the bright sunshine came along with it.

"System prompt: Successfully used the ability of the sky demon Ximu... weather manipulation. The dark clouds summoned by the sky demon Ximu have been counteracted. The sky demon Ximu has left hell and entered the world."

The moment the dark clouds dissipated, the system beeped several times in succession.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In front of the women's toilet of a certain stadium, three men in suits stood there respectfully, in front of them was a tall man with long beard and a handsome little boy with wings.

"I said, Brother Julan, do you have to turn me into a human?" The little boy said to the bearded man with some reluctance.

"You should have noticed the power to change the weather just now." The bearded man stroked his beard and said.

The little boy frowned upon hearing this.

"It seems that I was careless. I didn't expect such a powerful mage to exist in the world..."

"Did something happen just now?" On the side, holding the treasure box, Zhou looked at Lasu puzzled and asked.

"I don't know, anyway, all I know is that it suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy, and then from cloudy to sunny again." Lasu shook his head and replied.

"'s qigong!" At this moment, Ah Fu, who had always been taciturn, opened his mouth.

"Qigong?" Zhou and Lasu looked curiously at each other.

I saw Ah Fu stroking his three beards, and said slowly:
"It is said that there is an ancient Chinese kung fu that regards all things as individuals composed of qi. It is said that a master who practices this kind of qigong can achieve some kind of wonderful effect he wants by changing the relationship between qi and qi among all things. "

"Simply speaking, it's Qi magic." Ximu said subconsciously.

"Oh!" Now, next week and Lasu have a general understanding.

"It's just that since there is such a powerful Qi mage, it's no wonder that Zhongsu will be sent back to hell." Ximu looked at the sky and sighed.

"For Zhongsu, I'm very sorry, but our current priority is to find the missing Bogang and Xiaofeng, and rescue Basha." Julan continued to stroke his beard and said to Ximu.

"Aren't you worried about that Qi mage?" Xi Mu stared at Ju Lan suspiciously.

Ju Lan just smiled slightly at this.

"Ximu, don't you wonder why I came to greet you in person?"

"I'm also very puzzled. As a well-known family squatter, brother Ju Lan unexpectedly came to the earth this time?" Ximu said without any scruples.

"Could it be..." Suddenly, Ximu seemed to realize something.


(End of this chapter)

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