Chapter 231 Devil Dragon
"Dragon spell?" Wa Long looked at the man in disbelief and exclaimed.

"who are you?!"

When the two confronted each other, Jackie Chan and others who were sitting watching the play seemed to notice something was wrong.

"This...isn't this Xiaoyu? It's still the grown-up version." Jackie Chan looked at Xiaoyu who was tied up in front of him with a confused face, and said.

"Um... so cool." Xiaoyu looked at her grown-up self above her head with golden eyes.

"Impossible, this dragon spell must be fake!" Valon still couldn't accept the fact that the spell in front of him was real.

"Is it fake? Come and see for yourself~" The future Xiaoyuye didn't bother to talk nonsense with Walong, and directly raised the talisman towards the ground.

I saw that the dragon charm shining with red light became brighter at this moment, and all the bright light gathered at the center of the charm, emitting a fiery flame light.

Whether it was an instinctive reaction to the danger or he was already prepared to dodge, Valon reacted when the ray came and escaped the attack.

However, the floor behind Valon was not so lucky. The floor made of special metal was like a piece of foam paper in front of Long Blast.

A plume of thick smoke rose from the scorched and pitch-black ground, stimulating Wa Long's nasal cavity and paralyzing his nerves at the same time.

At this time, Valon fell into a state of confusion and contemplation.

"What's the matter? Puppy dog, you're too scared to move by Little Flame?" Future Xiaoyu looked at the motionless Wa Long proudly, and taunted.

"Bastard... bastard, hit me!" After a moment of astonishment, Wa Long suddenly pointed at Future Xiaoyu and shouted.

At this time, Rasu Afuzhou and others who had already ambushed at the side raised their weapons and started bombarding Future Xiaoyu indiscriminately.

"Danger!" Seeing this scene, Xiaoyu lost her composure and subconsciously shouted.

"Fight with are still too young." Wa Long said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

However, he seems to have overlooked something. Since he has the dragon charm, he most likely has other spells. Among the other spells, the dog's ability can just keep her from losing her life in this attack, and the horse charm can protect her. She recovered perfectly.

Sure enough, as expected, after the smoke dissipated, the future Xiaoyu stood there with his waist pinched intact.

The falling crumbs and residues have no effect in front of the Chicken Talisman, yes, it will not affect Xiaoyu's pretentious pace in the future.

"Great..." Xiaoyu heaved a sigh of relief seeing that her future self was fine.

Immediately afterwards, he evaded the next few rounds of attacks with the Rabbit Charm and the Chicken Charm, and then used the Monkey Charm to turn the Black Hand Gang and others into puppies, and finally burned the ropes that bound the police officers in the [-]th District with the Pig Charm, freeing ten police officers. Third District.

"If I guessed correctly, you are Xiaoyu... right?" Jackie Chan walked up to Future Xiaoyu with a serious face and said.

"Strictly speaking, it's Xiaoyu from the future..." Future Xiaoyu pampered the head of childhood Xiaoyu standing beside her, and replied.

"Xiaoyu, you've grown up~" Dad also stepped forward, smiling and sighing.

"It's enough to be a detective." Sergeant Black couldn't help but admire.

"Detective..." Childhood Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and instantly imagined countless scenes of punching Lord Renyi and stepping on Walong Afu, showing a longing look.

"Again, Xiaoyu in the future, how did you come here?" Jackie Chan asked at this time.

Future Xiaoyu heard the words and took out the dragon charm in his pocket.

"The ancient magic power hidden in the dragon charm can find and capture gaps in time and space, and through gaps, you can travel through time and space."

"Spells still have this kind of function?" Dad and the others expressed their amazement at this.

Afterwards, under the conversation of everyone, they almost understood the situation of Xiaoyu in the future.

First of all, the world Xiaoyu lives in in the future seems to be an independent parallel universe, where there is no such thing as Renyi, let alone the situation where all the eight demons are present, let alone the disappearance of all the spells, the resurrection of the Holy Lord, and the ten The three districts fell.

"It seems to be troublesome... I came here to ask for help, but I didn't expect..." Future Xiaoyu frowned and muttered.

"Help? What happened in the future?" Jackie Chan asked puzzled.

As a result, the thirteenth district of the future world fell, the devil dragon appeared, and the resurrection ceremony of the Holy Lord was uttered through the mouth of Future Xiaoyu.

"It seems that the future is also a mess."

"That's right! The devil dragon has come to this era." Suddenly, Future Xiaoyu remembered something and said.

the other side.

Following Xiaoyu from the future to the present world, the demon Xiaolong came to a park in Los Angeles after several twists and turns.

A white-haired old man was sitting on a chair in the park. He covered his face with his hands and sat motionless on the chair.

Seeing this scene, the devil dragon couldn't help thinking.

I don't know that the same is true in the past society. The pressure of work and life and survival is all on the younger generation, which makes them unable to accompany their parents. People suffer again and again, and then they get old and sick, and maybe they will disappear one day. So many problems all point to the old man. I can't help but feel emotional. Is this old man the same?

At this moment, the old man slowly moved his hands away, and shouted into the air: "My dear grandson~ Have you hidden it? Grandpa is coming to catch you~"


(End of this chapter)

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