The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 233 Eunuch?No no no, it's just my lazy cancer attack.

Chapter 233 Eunuch?No no no, it's just my lazy cancer attack.

Looking at the current situation, it can be said that the pros and cons are about to start an epic decisive battle.

On the one hand, if Ren Yi and others are not prevented from liberating the last demon, the world will fall into infinite fear, and the appearance of the eight major demons is a sign of the end of the world.

On the other hand, if the eight demons cannot be successfully liberated, Ren Yi's customs clearance task cannot be completed, and he cannot enter the final experience.

Back to the topic, Renyi and his party have arrived somewhere in Hong Kong at this time.

"This should be the location of the last gate. Come here, bring up the Panku treasure box." Ren Yi looked at the bustling street in front of him and said to the air.

Following Ren Yi's call, the shadow on the soles of Ren Yi's feet seemed to be instructed, and began to squirm non-stop, and finally shaped into a humanoid ninja, holding a blue-purple box in his hand.

"As long as you open this door, you can end this world..." Ren Yi stared at the treasure box in the hands of the ninja soldier and said to himself.

"That...Brother, just in case, I still want to remind you that we demons cannot touch the treasure box full of justice magic..." Ximu said suddenly.

Renyi nodded slightly, just about to open his mouth to say something, suddenly...

"I found it!" A childish voice sounded from behind Ren Yi, which was particularly harsh in the noisy street.

Ren Yi turned his head subconsciously, trying to find the person who made the voice.

Such a familiar voice...

However, like a magic trick, Ren Yi confirmed the source of the sound through the speed, angle, and direction of the sound, but when he looked over, he found that there was no one there.

"Oh~hehe..." In an instant, Ren Yi seemed to understand something.

On the other side, a muscular black figure hugged a little loli tightly, covering her mouth with one hand desperately to prevent her from speaking again.

"Cough cough cough! Uncle Long! What are you doing!" Xiaoyu complained dissatisfied after struggling to release Jackie Chan's restraint.

"Fool, don't you see those people standing next to him? Those are all demons!" Jackie Chan scolded with a serious face.

Xiaoyu heard the words and looked around Renyi.

Sure enough, a few strangely dressed people were standing there quietly without saying a word, blending perfectly into the flow of people, and they couldn't be found without looking carefully.

And judging from the terrifying and evil aura emanating from them invisible... they are the human bodies of demons.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, Uncle Long, I was too impulsive." Xiaoyu also anticipated what would happen if she was discovered just now.

"What's the matter, Jackie Chan, have you found them?" At this time, Sergeant Black and others walked slowly from behind Jackie Chan.

After briefly explaining the current situation, everyone fell into deep thought.

"Hey, wait, we can't win at all, right?" At this moment, Future Xiaoyu spoke first.

According to the original plan, Future Xiaoyu should return to her own future at this time, but after hearing about the Eight Demons, for some reason, Future Xiaoyu decided to stay and help Jackie Chan and others.

Because of the future charm on her body, she originally thought there was still a chance of winning, but after experiencing the terrifying aura of these demons, Future Xiaoyu expressed her opinion very clearly.

Although she was still a little excited and hoped to fight against a few demons, but out of reason, she would discuss countermeasures with everyone first.

Yes, a shocking showdown between ghosts and gods is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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