The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 236 I Bet In Your Gun...

Chapter 236 I Bet In Your Gun...

"Even the heart stopped beating."

Sergeant Black's movements froze for an instant, and he looked at the man blankly.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Sergeant Black roared angrily.

"Wait..." Suddenly, Sergeant Black seemed to think of something, his expression gradually calmed down, and then he grinned.

"I was impulsive, don't take it to heart." Sergeant Black patted the man's shoulder and said.

By the way... Thinking about it the other way around, this is a pretty good weapon.Sheriff Blake thought to himself.

Sergeant Black was thinking, and looked at Dikui who was standing not far away.

At this moment, Di Kui was distractedly waving to Ren Yi.

"Come on, tie this thing to the cannonball and launch it towards that demon." Sergeant Black said to the bombarder on the side.

"That's great..." Bo Gang sat on the stone by the roadside, kicked his legs, rested his chin with his hands, and said enviously.

"Brother, can we go play?" Ximu couldn't sit still anymore.

" not a good thing." Ju Lan narrowed her eyes and said silently.

"But it's too unfair for Dikui to have fun alone. I just came out of hell, let me practice my hands." Basha said, licking her mouth.

"As you wish." Ren Yi replied indifferently.

Anyway, when Zhongsu is released, we will leave here, and we don’t know where we will go, and whether we will be able to enjoy ourselves at that time, let’s let you be arrogant now.Ren Yi added in his heart.

Meanwhile, the gates of hell finally appeared...

Seeing the familiar and gloomy wooden door suddenly appear, Jackie Chan's face became even darker.

"Could it be...have we already lost?" Jackie Chan muttered unwillingly.

"Ghosts, goblins, leave quickly, goblins, goblins, go away..." At this time, the sound of the old man's spell sounded.

Then, I saw a bandage emitting green light flying towards the gate.

"Don't give up yet, we still have hope." The old man said while standing on one leg while casting a spell.

"I cast justice magic on the gate of hell, which can temporarily delay the demon's time in the world. Now, help me collect the tokens to subdue the demon. I must seal any other demons before the last demon comes into the world!" The old man spoke with some difficulty, it seemed that he was reluctant to release the magic.

"Oh? It's interesting." Renyi was quite surprised to see this.

"Okay, now you're going to be active for a longer time, let's make a fuss." Ren Yi said to the crowd behind him.

On the other hand, Sheriff Blake's conspiracy seems to have been well arranged.

"Is this thing... really useful?" Jackie Chan looked at the small pistol handed to him by Sergeant Black with some disbelief.

"Don't worry... That Renyi should also be a demon. Although I still can't believe it, it should be true. Since it is a demon, this thing should be useful." Sergeant Black said confidently.

"With your skill, it shouldn't be difficult to go around without attracting attention. Isn't there a saying in your Huaxia Art of War that says... Capture the thief first and capture the king?"

Although Jackie Chan still hesitated, he nodded in agreement.

"Devil! Eat me!" shouted the bombardier, and fired a shell at Dikui.

"Small tricks... There's no way this kind of thing can harm me..." Di Kui said nonchalantly, and then stood up straight, ready to face him.

"True, you go to help interfere, don't let those demons approach." The old man noticed the movement of other demons and told True.

"Understood, sir." Trujand replied, and then picked up the puffer fish and began to cast spells.

The most important target is Dikui, because he is currently the closest.

I saw a smoking shell and a green ray shooting towards Dikui at the same time.

Probably because the latter is a light, it hits Dikui first.

"Ah!" Diku subconsciously yelled, and there was a trace of being scorched by the magic of justice on his chest.

Meanwhile, nights of shells ensued.

However... What was surprising was that the cannonball seemed to have been premeditated, and it exploded ahead of time when it flew over the forehead of the ruler.

"The angle is just right!" Sergeant Black shouted excitedly.

As if in response to Sergeant Black, a small waterfall of green potions headed towards Diquisa.

With the coverage of the potion, an unprecedented feeling spread all over Di Kui's body.

"This... this feeling..." Di Kui murmured, looking at his hands in a state of bewilderment.

"Demon! Try the power of modern technology!" Sergeant Black shouted even more excited after seeing this scene.


"Ah! Such a powerful feeling!!" Di Kui immediately shouted.

"Huh?" Sheriff Black was completely confused this time, because...

I saw that with the disappearance of the potion, the luster on Dikui's body seemed to be brighter than before, and even the scar on his chest had disappeared.

"What's the situation?" Sergeant Black looked at the researcher questioningly.

The researcher waved his hands nervously.

"I... I don't know... During clinical trials, it is indeed possible to stop people's hearts..."

"Heart?" Di Kui seemed to have heard their conversation, and smiled disdainfully.

"A devil has no heart!"

Following Dikui's roar, the other demons stood beside him very cooperatively.

"Okay, little bugs, let's play~" Xiao Feng said, transforming from a human form into a real body.

On the other hand, Ren Yi, who has been in the mode of watching a movie, is also a little excited.

"It's not bad to be able to watch the devil's show before leaving." Ren Yi said with a smile, as if he didn't notice Jackie Chan who had walked behind him at all.

"By the way, do you want to start a global live broadcast and make a bet? Who can stand in the end, humans or demons..." Renyi thought of this, his eyes glowing golden.

"Bet? It's a good idea, but let's change the content~"

At this time, Jackie Chan's voice sounded from Renyi's ear.

"Oh? When did you come around?" Ren Yi asked, looking at the black muzzle of the gun less than half a meter away from his forehead.

"You don't need to know... Tell your subordinates to be quiet, otherwise..." Jackie Chan threateningly touched the trigger.

"Hehe, is it the kind of gun that combines justice magic with modern technology? I didn't expect there to be a portable one." Ren Yi continued talking indifferently.

"Oh? It seems that you are going to bet that your head can withstand this shot?" Several wrinkles appeared on Jackie Chan's forehead, and the palms of his hands were unconsciously soaked by Han Di.

However, Ren Yi only smiled at this, and then said lightly:
"I bet you have no bullets in your gun~"


(End of this chapter)

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