Chapter 238 New Skills

"System prompt: You have successfully entered the final experience world..."

With a sound from the system, Renyi's dizziness was slightly relieved.

Ren Yi's eyes gradually opened, looking at the strange land in front of him.

"This is the final experience?" Ren Yi touched his head and stood up.

"Why does it feel like nothing is different?"

"System prompt: The following supplementary rule description..."

"During the final experience, the host will not be able to use the younger brother system, the mall function is temporarily locked, and the way to obtain faith points is closed."

Ren Yi listened to the system's explanation quietly, the expression on his face didn't change much, and he looked very calm.

"The host can retain the right to use the props... Ding~ After testing, the current version of the system is too low, and you need to upgrade first before you can officially start training."

At this time, Ren Yi was admiring the scenery on his own, without thinking too much, after hearing this, he subconsciously replied: "Then let's upgrade."

"System prompt: Confirm the upgrade, start the upgrade...Deduct 100% of the faith value...Complete the upgrade."

Suddenly, Ren Yi woke up with a start, and said with a stiff expression:
"I... didn't hear me wrong just now?"

With a fluke mentality, Ren Yi glanced at his status bar, and suddenly saw that the line that should have been full of astronomical figures had now vanished into nothing.

"System prompt: The upgrade is complete...start training."

Just when Ren Yi was still immersed in a daze, the system's voice sounded again, and at the same time, the transparent cover that wrapped Ren Yi also disappeared.

"System prompt: The current version is 2.0. Version introduction: This update cost 31415926535... 0 belief points, and unlocked... and other functions."

With the further improvement of the introduction, Ren Yi's face softened a little.

"It's worth exchanging faith for these... It doesn't seem like a loss..." Ren Yi muttered.

As the skill bar opens, twelve gleaming skill boxes appear below the corresponding spell icons.

"Dragon Charm..." Ren Yi muttered while trying to click on the newly added skill icon below.

Dragon Charm LV.5 has a new special skill: Dragon's Wrath.

Skill introduction: The host can choose to continue to store energy for Dragon Power. The power of the skill depends on the length of the energy storage time. After the energy storage is completed, it will emit radioactive light.

Ren Yi nodded slightly after reading it.

"No wonder I have been wondering before, why do I feel that the power of the Dragon Talisman has reached the fifth level, but the power increase is not so obvious, it turns out..."

After this round of inspection, Ren Yi became interested in the stunts of the remaining eleven spells.

"Then... the next one is..."


On the other side, a certain institution of higher learning in a certain city...

"Xiao Lun! Why are you moving so slowly? The game has already started for 3 minutes. If I hadn't told you, these teammates would have restarted." A college student wearing a plaid shirt rushed towards the door just now. Ge Xiaolun roared.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I ran into something on the road and was delayed for a while." Ge Xiaolun apologized and put the takeaway on the table beside him, then sat down in front of the computer.

"This is my C!" Ge Xiaolun said confidently.

"Just save yourself, have you seen that Yasuo in our middle lane? He is the thigh I found. As for you, just lie down." The roommate mocked Ge Xiaolun without giving Ge Xiaolun any face.

"But..." Ge Xiaolun stammered while staring at the screen.

"what happened again?"

"That Yasuo seems to be..." Ge Xiaolun said and pointed to the screen.

The roommate looked over subconsciously, and saw that Yasuo's words in the chat box were very eye-catching...

My girlfriend suddenly wants it and I have to fix it...

Then, there was a reminder that Yasuo disconnected, and at this time, the game had just started for 5 minutes...

Suddenly, the bedroom fell into a mysterious silence.

"This is the thigh you were looking for?" Ge Xiaolun said after a long time.

"Uh...I, this..." The roommate scratched his head in embarrassment.

Suddenly, Yasuo was prompted to reconnect.

Immediately afterwards, a message appeared in the chat box again: It's over...

And looking at the game time, it has already started for 8 minutes...


(End of this chapter)

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