The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 24 Drift Racer - A Certain Reporter

Chapter 24 Drift Racer - A Certain Reporter

"This!" Ren Yi took a big step back in disgust.

"Huh~" Even Zong Fang couldn't help muttering when he saw this scene.

However, before everyone could sigh the suffocating smell, Xilizan stood up slowly.

"The monster has started to move!" At this moment, the female reporter standing aside shouted in fear.

I have to say that the reporters are really doing their duty, risking their lives to broadcast the news. Is this probably the nature of reporters?
"High-energy warning ahead, non-combatants please evacuate quickly!" A TPC member shouted.

"It seems that it's time for us to go out." Digging the well said and patted the shoulder of Xincheng next to him.

"Let's go, we have to board the Victory Flying Swallow first, and teach this guy who pretended to be dead a lesson." Xincheng said and ran to the rear.

"Hey, wait for me!"


"Report... fishing failed." Lina said dejectedly.

"Well... Shengli Feiyan No. [-], please return to the base first." Ju Jianhui's tone was very flat, and she couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in.

"Dagu team members, Xincheng team members, please cover Shengli Feiyan No. [-]."


At this moment, after standing up, Silizan ignored everything around him and walked straight ahead.

"biu~biu~" With the sound of several laser shots from the Victory Feiyan No. [-], sparks shot out from Silizan's neck.

"Oh~" Silizan looked up at the sky above him, and there were two small things that he had never seen before, circling non-stop.

Then, an acidic viscous liquid sprayed out.

"Hey~ what is this!" Dagu shuddered and turned around to avoid it.

Although most of the liquid escaped, a small part still touched the left wing of Shengli Feiyan-[-].

"Not good!" Xincheng secretly yelled.

I saw that the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], which was flying smoothly, began to shake violently, and the left wing began to rot obviously.

"This slime is so acidic!" Ye Rui sat by the computer and analyzed.

"Acid?" Ju Jianhui asked.

"Yes, according to the test, the mucus ejected by this monster has an acidity that we cannot study."

"Ah!!" Dagu desperately tried to save him, but it was all in vain.

Victory Feiyan No. [-] crashed without any accident.

"Ah!" With the violent shaking of the crashing ground, Xincheng's head hit the side wall of the aircraft and passed out.

And Dagu didn't know whether it was because of luck or because he was the human body of Ultraman Tiga. Although he hit some places, it was only hit. There was no apparent injury on the surface, and he was very conscious.

"Ah...Xincheng, Xincheng!" Although Dagu was fine, he felt uncomfortable for a while due to the collision.

After trying to wake up Xincheng for a while, Dagu gave up.

The door of the machine opened slowly, and Dagu staggered out dragging Xincheng.

"Xincheng, Dagu, are you all right?" At this moment, Zong Fang came from afar.

"Well, I'm fine, but Xincheng seems to have passed out." Dagu said, mentioning Xincheng who was about to fall to the ground.

"Well, I'll send someone to take you back to the base first." Zong Fang turned on the pager while speaking.


Ren Yi at this time.

"Oh, it's really unreliable..."

"I've never seen the Victory Swallow flying in the sky for half an hour." Ren Yi complained.

"System, hurry up and say the next step!"

"System prompt: Promulgate the next task, please kill the host when (zombie monster Silizan) devours the liquefied natural gas storage tank. "Such a maddened existence must be sanctioned by the Holy Lord!""

"Hmm..." Ren Yi looked at the suffix speechlessly.

"So... the system is like this for you!"


At this time, the *** TV station is downstairs.

A Wuling Hongguang slid into the parking space accurately with a drift attitude.

"Wow~ Papa..." "Papa..."

Then, a middle-aged man in a scruffy suit stepped out of the car and looked blankly at the applauding crowd.

After a brief daze, the man quickly ran to the building.

"Yo~" "Hey? Where did you go..." "Wait..."

Completely ignoring the interference of all the people around him, the man kept running upstairs like a goose.

President's Office.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The president said in a low voice.

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with stubble walked in nervously.

"Huh? It's you, what's the matter with you coming to see me? Or... is there any big news?" The president asked with disdain.

"President, there is really big news!" The man said excitedly.

"Oh? Let's hear it." The president said with interest.

"I don't know, President, have you ever heard of the Renshi Group?" the man asked.

"Well, who hasn't heard of it? It has been making headlines in the past few months." The president seemed to take it for granted.

"Then, I have big news about the Renshi Group!" The man became even more excited.

"Oh? Specifically..." The president's expression became serious.

After explaining for a period of time, the president leaned back on the seat thinking about it.

"The chairman of Renshi Group... looking for me?"

"Yes, looking at him, it seems that he wants to discuss some big business with us!" The man said as he moved closer.

"That's really strange...Compared to other similar TV stations, our TV station should not be well-known. Why would the famous Renshi Group seek us out?" the president muttered suspiciously.

"Could it be that you can't find any news, so you just made up one to fool me?" As he said that, the president stared at the man intently.

"How could it be, President, I am absolutely true, the chairman of Renshi Group told me face to face! That's why I hurried back." The man said, putting on a look (you have to believe me) look.

"For this matter, I gave up the exclusive that I'm about to get!" The man said with some grief and indignation.

"Okay, let's trust you, but..." the president paused.

"But what?"

"Do you have someone's contact information?" the president continued.

"This..." The man was stunned.

"Alas..." The president sighed heavily.

"I ran too fast at that time..." the man said with a look of regret.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

"What's going on outside?" The president asked puzzledly, and walked towards the window.

Through the glass, I saw a large crowd gathered downstairs, including many reporters from other TV stations.

"Huh? What's going on here?" The president was even more puzzled.

At this time, the man also leaned over, looked down, and the expression on his face became richer.

"President, President! That's... the ninja of Renshu Group!" the man shouted excitedly.


 The first daily update, and another update in the evening, thank you for your support, favorites, recommendation tickets and comments have given me the desire to write, I will try my best to write well, at least I will not write collapse, everyone, see you tonight.


(End of this chapter)

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