The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 240 Shurima, Your Emperor

Chapter 240 Shurima, Your Emperor
"Chief, there is good news and bad news..."

This is a very advanced science laboratory with all kinds of sophisticated instruments and futuristic equipment.

"What news?" A burly man with a sturdy appearance said to the big screen.

He was wearing a straight and neat military uniform, and against the background of the costume, the ferocious spirit was transformed into a full sense of security and justice.

"Let me tell you the good news first..." A woman with a sweet voice continued.

"Nowadays, the descendants of Kamigawa's super genes have been found one after another, and the recruitment and training plan of super fighters is also proceeding smoothly... Moreover, we also accidentally discovered two unrecorded Kamigawa super fighters, and now in our negotiation Your Majesty also expressed his willingness to fight to defend the earth."

"Okay!" There was a gratified smile on the man's serious face.

"It's just... you may need the cooperation of your daughter, chief..." The man changed the subject and continued.

"Huh?" Ducao glanced at this slender woman with some doubts. The exquisite facial features and short golden hair look extremely capable, and there is a little bit of a playful smile, which is really unpredictable. see through her thoughts.

"The words of that child Qiangwei should also be tempered." Ducao muttered subconsciously.

Little did they know that in the eyes of other people, it represented a completely different meaning.

I saw her quietly winking at the audience.

A handsome young man under the stage nodded, took out his mobile phone and walked outside.

"Hey... I am the *** who participated in the formation plan of the Xiongbing Company. I have obtained the permission of your father, Colonel Ducao, and ordered you to help complete a task..."


On the other hand, located in the northwest corner of Huaxia, in a vast desert, the yellow sand floated up with the hurricane, sometimes forming waves of tornadoes, drifting aimlessly.

In this lifeless desert, a man in golden armor appeared.

I saw him walking slowly in the world full of yellow sand, and the helmet like a cockscomb shielded him from the harsh sunlight.

After reaching a designated location, he stopped, raised the staff in his hand, and slammed it on the ground.

Suddenly, the calm desert ground began to shake violently, countless yellow sand seeped into the ground, and several huge cracks appeared under the man's feet without warning.

Archaeologists would be amazed if they were here.

Located in the long river of history, it is the most glorious and huge empire. Its treasures and old-style ruins are slowly rising to the ground, breaking through the thick yellow sand cover, and standing in the vast desert area like the sun. The huge empire of ancient times reappeared...

The movement in the man's hands did not stop. After witnessing the recasting of the building, the man continued to wave the staff in his hand. Next, an even more shocking scene appeared!

I saw a fiery red sun hanging in the sky, which seemed to shine even brighter at this moment.

From the ruins of this ancient city, pieces of golden debris began to float towards the sky.

The countless golden crumbs seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and began to dance and assemble regularly, turning into a round of golden discs, suspended over the empire.

Finally, the man's movements stopped, and he was slowly flying towards the disc. At the same time, a certain sound began to echo on the land.

"Shurima... your Emperor has returned..."


(End of this chapter)

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