Chapter 250 Mission Begins

"here it is……"

In the forest, a pair of scarlet eyes slowly opened, looking at this strange environment, murmured.

The Holy Lord's huge body was struggling to squeeze out from the egg that was dripping with urine-yellow liquid.

He looked down at his hands, then at the ground.

"I..." The Holy Master stayed where he was at a loss, as if he was thinking about something.

Looking up at the moon hanging in the sky, the Lord has confirmed that this is a place he has never been to by feeling the surrounding environment.

"Have I been resurrected... or have I been summoned?" The Holy Lord murmured to himself in confusion, looking back at the cracked egg behind him.

"Resurrection ceremony..." said the Holy Master, eyes narrowed.

The Holy Master stared at the egg for a long time, and there seemed to be messy props for the resurrection ceremony around the egg. Seeing these props, the Holy Master's eyes lit up.

"Chicken charm... Psychic power." The Lord whispered.

Then I saw all kinds of magic props scattered all over the place began to float into the air, and then flew to the side of the Holy Lord.

Surrounded by many magical props, the Holy Master raised his head, made seals with his hands, half closed his eyes, and seemed to be muttering something.

I saw several distorted black beams of light shooting out from the magic props surrounding the Holy Lord, converging towards the Holy Lord.

"Ah~ this familiar feeling..." The Holy Master exclaimed with great enjoyment.

Immediately after waking up, the Holy Master simply sensed his own state, and found that the power of the Twelve Talismans was still there, but the black magic in his body had disappeared.

Coincidentally, the magic props scattered around the ceremony just happened to match his black magic attributes, and they just happened to be able to restore the black magic power in his body.

"Although I don't understand how I got here...but... the king of the world, I—Holy Lord, have been reborn!"

Feeling the recovery of this power, the Holy Master roared happily.

The roar was like the roar of a dragon, shaking the surrounding trees, countless sleeping birds and beasts flew out of the forest, and fled in all directions in a panic.

At the same time, the Xiongbing Company commanded the room.

"Colonel, a powerful energy response has been detected." An inspector reported.

"Oh? Where is the location?" Colonel Ducao put down the information about the Xiongbing Company in his hand and asked.

"It's the same location as last time, in Hong Kong, in the forest... and the power seems to be stronger." The inspector observed the data on the screen, with dense drops of sweat on his forehead.

"Huh?" Ducao noticed the abnormality, walked to the computer himself, and looked towards the screen.

"This..." Colonel Ducao had an expression of disbelief.

"Colonel... The Xiongbing Company is going to investigate there today, will this... be dangerous." Just when Ducao was shocked, someone reminded him.

"Oh~ I did give this order before, but..." Colonel Ducao said thoughtfully.

"Then do you want to cancel this mission?"

Suddenly, the opium in the command room was silent, as if they were waiting for Dukao's order.

"No...we have to believe in our super fighters. If we are scared off before trying it ourselves, then what are we going to talk about dealing with aliens?" Ducao said with a firm expression.

"Understood... Then, the mission continues..."


"Wow, are you finally going to perform the first mission?" Xin Zhao said excitedly while lying on the edge of the helicopter window.

"Hey, Lord Xin, be careful, what if you accidentally fall down and die, even if you don't die, it won't be curable if you fall with a comminuted fracture all over your body, and you will lose your happiness for the rest of your life. Point, no broken bones, if the crotch is severely injured, not only will the happiness be lost, but even sexual happiness will not be protected, Zhixin will be sad..." Seeing Xin Zhao's appearance, Renyi subconsciously said .

However, before Renyi finished speaking, Cheng Yaowen who was sitting beside him blocked his mouth.

"Hehehe, Lord Xin, don't worry about it. He was talking nonsense just now. Don't bother with him." Cheng Yaowen persuaded with a half-smile.

However, Xin Zhao didn't seem to be angry, but looked at Ren Yi with a confused face.

"Zhi Xin? Who is that... Do I know Lord Xin?" Xin Zhao asked puzzled.

Renyi suddenly discovered a problem. The angel should not have arrived at this time, and he seemed to have slipped up a bit.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I had a dream before. I dreamed that you had sex with an angel named Zhixin, and gave birth to many fat babies." Renyi explained half-truthfully.

"Ouch? Are you pretty?" Zhao Xin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he leaned in front of Ren Yi and asked.

"Big beauty~"

Ever since, during this whole journey, Cheng Yaowen's spirit was greatly devastated.

"Oh~ Master Xin, I will have a beautiful wife in the future, hahaha..."

"Dad, did you see that the charm of my son can conquer angels!"

"I'm really sorry Xiao Lun, I didn't expect Master Xin to leave the order before him, and I'm still a beautiful angel..."

In this way, in the face of the chattering Xin Zhao, Cheng Yaowen, who has always been good-tempered, is not easy to get angry, so he can only listen silently, while Renyi... naturally won't be here to listen to Xin Zhao's bullying. Observe the situation of your avatar.


"Hey? Yaowen, you don't look very well. Are you feeling unwell?" After getting off the helicopter, Ge Xiaolun walked to Cheng Yaowen's side and asked with concern.

"'s okay, I don't care..." Of course, Cheng Yaowen couldn't tell what happened on the plane, so he had to answer perfunctorily.

Ge Xiaolun was obviously still a little puzzled, he looked at Xin Zhao who was following behind Cheng Yaowen, with a ruddy complexion...

These two people are in completely opposite states... Could it be that Yaowen is airsick?Ge Xiaolun guessed.

When Ge Xiaolun was in a daze, Ren Yi took the opportunity to activate the healing power of the horse charm and brought Cheng Yaowen back to normal... The fifth-level horse charm can even restore mental power.


The crowd stood at the entrance of the deep mountain, and they temporarily gathered together under the command of Reina.

"Our task is to investigate here...Since we want to investigate, the best way is to split up and investigate separately according to the combination of our respective flights. We will gather here after an hour. If there is any emergency, we will use the school-issued The communicator is in touch, do you understand?" Lena straightened her waist, and the team leader yelled in a full-bodied manner.


" there a ghost here?" Rui Mengmeng timidly huddled at the back of the group, muttering softly.

"Hey~ Even if there is a ghost, I can knock him apart with one punch." Liu Chuang said masculinely, and waved his fist a few times by the way.

"Cut~" Ge Xiaolun, who was at the front of the line, curled his lips in disdain.

"Hey? Are you untrained? I just praised you for being a good person a while ago, why? I just treat you as Mr. Chuang so easy to bully?" Liu Chuang chased after Ge Xiaolun with a dark face, pointing at his nose and cursing.

"Ah! There is a ghost!" At this moment, Rui Mengmeng's cry broke the silence of the forest.

"Ghost? Where is it? Is it the grass next to it?" Ge Xiaolun turned around vigilantly, turned his back to Liu Chuang, looked at the dark grass, and said nervously.

I don't know if it was the influence of the protagonist's aura, or Ge Xiaolun's ability to make his words come true, but there was a commotion in the grass, and several black shadows sprang out from it.

"This is..." Liu Chuang stared blankly at the black figures that suddenly appeared.



(End of this chapter)

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