Chapter 252 The Second Group

"I said... are you sure you should go this way?" Qilin asked tremblingly holding the gun in her hand.

"Follow me." Reina said confidently.

"How do I see that we are still going around in circles?" Qiangwei looked at the surrounding environment and revealed it mercilessly.

"Uh... this..." Lena smiled awkwardly.

Just when the three of them stood there helplessly looking for their direction, the shadow corps surrounded the three of them.

"Ha! If you see it, I will say that the path I lead is correct?" Lena said excitedly, pointing at the Shadow Corps.

"How do I think they came to us?" However, Qiangwei ruthlessly exposed it.

"Oh, don't worry about these details, it's more important to get down to business now." Reina quickly waved her hand and changed the topic.

"That's right, Qiangwei, our mission is to investigate. As for the recognized fact that Leina is a Lu Chi, let's get past it first." Qi Lin also raised her sniper rifle to persuade.

"Hmm... um? No, I'm not..." Reina nodded in agreement at first, and seemed to find something wrong.

"Take my shot!" Without waiting for Reina to react, Qilin directly pressed the trigger of the sniper rifle and shot towards the ninja in front of her.

"Hiss~ It's still easier to use a pistol."

The powerful recoil of the sniper rifle made Qilin not used to it for a while.

"Get used to it slowly, after all, we only recently changed into this equipment." Qiangwei said and started to wave the dagger in her hand.

"I don't know what's going on with the other groups." Qilin muttered absent-mindedly, extending from her uncomfortable feeling to a state of caring for other people.

"It's hard for others to say, but I bet Renyi's side will be fine." Leina interjected when she heard the words, and at the same time, a light appeared on her body, and the light spread to her arms, forming a sword and a shield.

"I said, you two, are you still thinking about chatting during the battle?" Qiangwei blamed a little angrily after killing the two ninjas with flexible movements and sharp swings of knives.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lena waved her hand with a haha, and wiped out all the ninjas in front of her with a sweep.

"Isn't this group of ninjas too good? I thought I could see ninjutsu." Qilin complained disdainfully when she saw the number of ninjas gradually decreasing around her.

"Don't take it lightly, I always have an ominous premonition." Qiangwei seemed very vigilant, while swiftly shuttled through the shadow corps, while waving the two daggers in her hand.

"It's true... our current situation is not good." Lena, who was relaxed just now, suddenly became serious, affirming Qiangwei's statement.

"Huh? Why didn't I feel anything?" Qilin looked around blankly.

Not good!

After observing the surrounding situation, even Qilin, who was insensitive to danger, reacted.

"Have you finally noticed?" Qiangwei sighed helplessly.

"When were we forced to come here?" Qilin asked hastily.

"I don't know, no wonder this group of ninjas are so powerful. They were deliberately luring us to lead us from the edge of the forest to the depths... Besides, I don't know if you have noticed that the number of ninjas who were still dwindling just now suddenly appeared again. There are more." Lena explained with a frown.

"It's completely tricked." Qiangwei sighed.

I don't know if it was to cooperate with the three of Reina or what, the black shadow corps suddenly took a step back as a group, forming an encirclement circle to avoid close combat with the three of them.

"Have you finally stopped hiding your strength?" Lena murmured as she looked at the scattered shadow corps.

"Quick, come to me!" Seeing that the Shadow Corps was about to move, Lena ordered loudly.

Qilin and Qiangwei also seemed to notice the danger of the situation, and ran to Leina's side quickly.

Qiangwei was fine, a micro-wormhole transported directly over, and Qilin was choking enough, as soon as the front foot arrived, the back foot, the attack of the black shadow corps began.

"Get closer." Lena raised the light shield in her hand and whispered.

Densely packed hidden darts flew past the three of them, some of them hit Reynard's shield and fell in response, some flew past the three of them and fell on the surrounding open ground.

Seeing such an attack, Qilin couldn't help but start to wonder if she had just slowed down a step, would she have become a hornet's nest now?

The gleaming shield began to flicker. Seeing such a scene, Qiangwei seemed to realize something, and couldn't help asking:
"Has the energy reached its limit?"

Lena raised her shield with difficulty and nodded.

"I don't know why, the energy consumption is very fast, and it's still night, so I can't replenish it." Lena said with a few drops of blood on her forehead.

Seemingly realizing that Lena's energy was about to run out, the Black Shadow Corps' attacks stopped in perfect cooperation.

"Huh? Are they out of ammunition?" Qilin asked puzzledly as she looked at the shadow corps that had suddenly stopped.

Only Qiangwei looked around thoughtfully, and the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched.

"I suddenly had an idea..."

Afterwards, the Black Shadow Corps and the three seemed to have reached a consensus. The Black Shadow Corps used a hammer to bind the hands of the three, and led the three towards the depths of the forest without causing any damage. The people also had a tacit understanding and did not resist, letting the shadow corps lead the way...


(End of this chapter)

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