Chapter 255 Assemble
"Because I'm everywhere~"

The Holy Lord was obviously still unwilling to obey the orders of this strange voice.

"Oh? In the end, you said you summoned me, so where is the evidence?" The Holy Master narrowed his eyes and asked cunningly. At the same time, his hands once again condensed flames, as if he was ready to attack Cheng Yaowen and Xin Zhao at any time. injection.

"Although I don't know what you are talking to yourself, but... the flame is useless to me." Cheng Yaowen said with some disdain.

Ren Yi tilted his head in difficulty, but didn't answer for the time being.

Or... just beat him up?Renyi thought to himself.

"System prompt: It is detected that the host is being monitored by the earth unit at this time..."

"Surveillance?" Ren Yi was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at the sky.

Is it a satellite... That's right, after all, this is the only open space in the entire forest, and the rest are dense forests. Who made me happen to be here.Renyi thought to himself.

"Heh~ as I expected... I'll give you a move!" The Holy Master sneered and shouted, raising the flames of his hands and spraying towards Ren Yi's position.

"Yo? It's actually exposed?" Renyi said in surprise after avoiding the flames with ease, slowly showing his figure.

"Eh? Ren Yi?!" Cheng Yaowen and Zhao Xin said in unison after seeing Ren Yi who suddenly appeared.

"Why did you..." Xin Zhao seemed to want to say something.

"We actually forgot about you... What a sin, we actually forgot our comrades in arms..." Cheng Yaowen interrupted Xin Zhao's words with self-blame...

oh?Yaowen is nice!Seeing the situation, Ren Yi silently gave Cheng Yaowen a thumbs up.

If Xin Zhao really asks, it will be very troublesome... After all, I don't plan to hide my ability anymore... Ren Yi thought to himself.

"Since there is Yaowen as a wingman, then I don't have to be afraid... As for the satellite..." Ren Yi muttered in a low voice, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Ren Yi suddenly waved his right hand towards the sky, and the originally pitch-black sky was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds again.

Meanwhile, on the fleet at sea.

"Not good, the weather has changed suddenly, it is impossible to observe the scene..."

"Huh? The weather forecast seems to say that it will be sunny recently, right?" Colonel Ducao said a little puzzled.

"Colonel!" Suddenly, an operator shouted.

"What's wrong? Is there anything new?" Colonel Ducao hurriedly looked over.

"That... Colonel, my salary..."


"Oh? The ability to be invisible...It's very similar to my snake charm." The Holy Master also looked at Ren Yi curiously.

It's very different~ Ren Yi thought to himself, and looked at his snake charm at the same time.

Lv.5 Snake Charm: Completely hide the body shape (including shadows and the like...) Additional special skill: Blur (Place the body in an independent space, and form a phantom in place, with the effect of eliminating the sense of existence)

The reason why Cheng Yaowen and Zhao Xin forgot the existence of Renyi just now is also related to the ability of the snake charm.

But as for why it was discovered by the Holy Master... that was because Ren Yi was distracted at the time, and he needed to pay attention all the time to maintain his emptiness.

"Huh~ Interesting... After staying in hell for so long, I didn't expect to be able to show my talents just after being resurrected. It's just right, let me use you to stretch my muscles!" in the eyes.

"Then... plus us, you shouldn't mind, right?" At this moment, a sweet female voice came from the depths of the forest.

"Leina?" Cheng Yaowen looked at Lena walking out of the deep forest unexpectedly.

"And us..."


 Sure enough, the code words still have to maintain the feel... I don’t want to code if I don’t code for a long time, it’s a sin.

(End of this chapter)

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