The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 263 The Tranquility Before the War Begins

Chapter 263 The Tranquility Before the War Begins

As the four left, Azir who was sitting on the throne slowly got up.

"The toilet was delivered before it was opened. Doesn't this mean that you have surrendered... But it's okay, anyway, the purpose of the toilet was not the toilet in the first place." Azir said and walked towards the passage behind the throne.

"Before you finish your goal, let's go and get comfortable first. It just so happens that my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."


On the other side, in the combat conference room of the Japanese side.

"You actually launched a war against us over the toilet? This is for a joke." Murakami Goro smiled disdainfully.

"It's still the oldest empire... No matter how old your history is, it's still destroyed, and now it's finally revived, and you dare to trouble us."

"That..." Seeing that what Murakami Goro said was a bit extreme, in order to keep the other generals in the meeting room stable and prevent their emotions from being agitated, Murata Saburo said.

"Our country has always been known for its peace and is the backbone of maintaining world peace, so we should avoid wars. This is what the people expect, so I have sent them what they want. I believe it will not take long for them to Will be touched by our sincerity..."

"Thinking of thousands of soldiers returning home safely because of my shrewd decision, talking to their families about their contributions to world peace, cooking a few special dishes, and enjoying a harmonious relationship with their families Eating dinner, telling my story about being in the army, alas~ As a capable politician, political life is so simple... boring, and boring..."

With the end of Murata Saburo's speech, the conference room was silent, and then there was loud applause.

They must not know that this war was started because of me... While enjoying the applause, Saburo Murata thought to himself.

"We are too radical, or Murata-kun is thoughtful." Murakami Goro stood up and said respectfully.

"Where is it? In fact, I can understand everyone's feelings, but right now we just need to wait quietly for the notification of the sum." Saburo Murata seemed to be gradually lost in the applause and praise, and said.

"Although there are still some concerns, it doesn't matter. Even if the fight does start in the end, we are not afraid. Let them know that our country's soldiers are not a bunch of cowards." Murakami Goro added.

At this time, in the corridor of Shurima Palace.

"So so, so so..."

General Chen is telling the three of them about the battle.

"The Shurima royal army allocated to us by His Majesty is only 20, so this battle must not fail. If it fails, let alone the 20 royal army, the 100 million soldiers gathered from the people may be killed. At that time, domestic public opinion will become unstoppable...and even lead to the collapse of the entire country." General Chen described the consequences with a serious face.

"General Chen, of course we understand what you said, but I can't foresee our failure for the time being..." General Jill said confidently.

"Indeed, according to the current situation, our Shurima Empire is invincible." General Bang Hard echoed.

"Well...then, Lord Holy Master, I will leave everything to you." General Chen nodded, and then said to the Holy Master who was still in a state of confusion.

"Ah?" The Holy Master stared blankly.

"What is the principle of electromagnetic induction, what is the law of mechanics, what is a chemical reaction, what are you talking about..."


(End of this chapter)

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