Chapter 269
Ducao rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and looked at the screen again.

"That's's a giant panda." Ducao affirmed.

"No, it's not like an ordinary panda."

The fuzzy panda displayed on the screen is slightly different from ordinary pandas.

First of all, the size is relatively large, and secondly, the two fangs around the mouth and the claws that can be used as swords are enough to show how extraordinary this panda is.

"Is there where the Great Sage is now?" Dukao asked thoughtfully.

"According to satellite detection... the Great Sage should have arrived at Huaguo Mountain." The reporter replied.

Ducao nodded upon hearing this.

"Then send someone to Huaguo Mountain to have a look later, and see if you can greet the Great Sage, we need his help right now."

Admiral Ducao, who had been exhausted for a long time, staggered towards his bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom, Ducao, who was about to collapse, still did not choose to rest on the bed, but sat down at the desk and began to read the materials.


On the other side, Morgana's demon wings.

"Queen, almost all of our demon army has been resurrected." Atox said to Morgana respectfully.

"Hmm..." Morgana responded simply with half-closed eyes.

Staring at Morgana sitting on the sofa, Atox's body was agitated, and after a while...

"Why, is there anything else to report?" Morgana asked seeing that Atox hadn't left.

"Queen, I hope you don't have to take care of everything alone, I... no, we..." Atox said as if making up his mind.

However, Morgana interrupted her before she finished speaking.

Morgana slowly raised her right hand, signaling for Atox to shut up.

"Help me relieve my worries... I'm glad you have this heart, but..." Morgana opened her eyes and glanced at Atox as she spoke.

"With your current ability..."

"I..." Atox seemed to understand his current state.

"Fraser..." At this moment, Morgana spoke again.

"Your current body is too fragile. You only need to go there and bathe in the massacre before you can be promoted to a divine body again."

Atocks was stunned after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I will rest for a while while you're away." Morgana seemed to see Atox's concerns, and said.

"It's... my queen." Seeing this, Atox didn't say anything more, and exited Morgana's room.

Armed and equipped, the demon Atox was teleported to Fraser...


"Fraser has been invaded?" Angel's side is also very well informed.

"It's not good... Anisid hasn't grown up yet." Keisha panicked in a rare way.

"But now we can't spare to rescue." Of course, Angel Leng understood the situation at this time.

If the angels sent reinforcements, then there would be a certain emptiness in the combat power on the earth side, and during the interval, the demon forces must have recovered, and by then...

Originally, the combat power of angels and demons was about the same. If the angels hadn't mastered a certain new technology during the last war, they wouldn't have defeated the demons.

"Yan, you go." Keisha said when everyone was at a loss.

"Huh?" Yan looked at Kesha in confusion.

"With your ability, one person can settle that situation... I believe in you." Keisha simply explained.

Although Angel Leng wanted to take the opportunity to compete with Yan, he also understood the urgency of the situation at this time, and he would no longer cause extra problems.

"Or..." Suddenly, Keisha changed the topic.

"You can also take the power of the galaxy with you."

Hearing this, Yan was stunned again.

"You seem to care about him quite a bit. Just take advantage of this trip to build up your relationship." Keisha said with a smile.

Yan also just smiled, she naturally understood Kesha's mind.

After all, as an angel, I must have a destination in the end, and Queen Kaisha is also very concerned about her subordinates. After she came to earth, she began to look for husbands for the angels.

And Yan was naturally "betrothed" to Ge Xiaolun by her.

"Then I'm leaving, Queen Keisha." Yan said, saluted, and flew towards the earth.

"I'm really envious~" Angel Leng stood beside him and said lightly, although he said this, there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

"Don't worry, I've already found your home." Unexpectedly, at this time, Keisha said again.


The time jumps to the time before Yan persuaded Ge Xiaolun to accompany him to Fraser.

Planet Fraser, in the barbarian tribe.

The city, which was originally sleeping, was awakened by a sharp sound of falling.

The soldiers on guard instantly regained their spirits and looked towards the sky.

As the voice gradually approached, the soldiers also saw clearly the face of the comer...a demon, a demon holding a giant sword, wearing armor, and carrying flesh wings.

And where did he land?It is the north gate of the barbarian tribe.

"Quickly, notify everyone! There is an enemy situation!" A soldier who reacted faster shouted before Atox fell to the ground.

Although in this case, the alarm would be sounded only after the demon landed and slaughtered a few people, but this time was an exception. While Atox was still diving, all the alarms in the city had been sounded.

"Huh? Did you notice...but it's okay." Atox looked at the panicked crowd below and muttered.

With an explosion that resounded through the sky, Atox landed perfectly on the north gate and blasted the entire north gate away.

"Let's's going to be a massacre..."


On the other side, ordinary people who were relatively slow to react also came out of the house at this time, looking at the situation at the north gate from afar.

There are a few idlers who don't go to seek refuge, but stay here to watch the theater.

"Hey~ I said, why did this group of soldiers catch a big moth and make such a big fuss?" one person said.

At this time, with a wave of Atox's giant sword at the north gate, a soldier's head was separated instantly.

"A big moth? This is a demon, you see, he has killed people, we'd better take refuge as soon as possible." Another person replied.

"Nonsense, it's obviously a big move, a coward." A said again.

"Hey, hey, that's really a demon." B also confronted him.

"Hey, look at them, they had so much fun, they even moved out the fireworks." A said, looking at the bright fireworks in the sky.

"That's the rocket fired by the soldiers." B replied.

At this time, Atrox swung the giant sword around his body, not only slaughtering all the barbarians around him, but also shooting down the coefficients of the rockets attacking him from the air.

"That's really a devil! Let's run." Seeing this scene, B panicked and said hastily.

"Coward, you're obviously jumping at moths." A still didn't believe it.

B became angry in an instant, picked up his weapon and rushed towards Atox.

The moment B approached, the sword light flashed.

A few seconds later, B's head rolled down to A's feet.

"I'm going, I'm really a demon!" At this time, A also came to his senses.

At this time, the soldiers were ready for a new round of attack and surrounded Atox again.

Another idler also came.

"I said, this group of people caught a big moth, why are they so mobilizing?" Bing asked puzzled.

"That's a demon!" A reminded.

"Nonsense, it's obviously a moth attack, coward..."


(End of this chapter)

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