The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 273 The Power of Harper's Bazaar

Chapter 273 The Power of Harper's Bazaar


Facing Ke Keluote's order, the soldier did not execute it immediately, but stood there and stared blankly at him.

Hey, hey, who told us to hold our ground just now?You've changed your face too quickly.

Fujiwara Vegeta also looked at his boss speechlessly. After all, the two had spent the longest time together, and Fujiwara Vegeta also understood his virtue.

In the current situation, this is the only one who can issue such an order.Fujiwara Vegeta thought to himself.

"Hey, even if you want to retreat, you have to report to the headquarters first and then run away." Fujiwara Vegeta ignored the dumbfounded soldiers, walked up to Kokorot alone, and said.

Cocorot nodded upon hearing this.

"Wait! What is escaping? This is a retreat, a strategic retreat!" Cocorot stared at Fujiwara Vegeta seriously and explained.

Fujiwara Vegeta waved his hand speechlessly.

"Good, good, retreat, strategic retreat."

With the report of the correspondent and the preparations for the retreat of other personnel completed, a small group of people became idle.

"Hey? How did our commander-in-chief come to the position? Why do I think he is so unreliable?" A recruit chatted with the veteran next to him in a bored manner.

"You're new here, so you don't know the strength of our commander-in-chief..." The veteran paused.

Then he leaned into the recruit's ear and whispered: "Don't look at him as a fool, he is actually very powerful..."

"Who do you think is fooling around?" At this moment, Ke Keluote's voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"Commander-in-Chief!" The veteran was startled and took a big step back.

"What, I suddenly remembered that there is still a document I haven't picked up. I'll go to work first~ Goodbye!" The veteran ran away perfunctorily.

Only a bewildered recruit was left behind.

"Commander...the weather is really nice today~" the recruit looked at the dark sky and said.

"Yeah, it's the same as today's battle." Ke Keluo replied blankly.

As soon as the words fell, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, hitting Squad A next to the recruits.

"Wc, what's the situation?!" The recruit suddenly rolled to the side at the moment the lightning fell.

"Huh? This lightning..." Ke Keluote's face darkened suddenly.

This should be man-made... Cocorot thought to himself.


the other side.

"Um...Brother, are you really alright here?" Shengzhu looked at Ren Yi beside him with a slightly embarrassed expression, and asked.

Ren Yi smiled and waved his hands, looking at the fleet that spread out in the distance and kept moving away.

"There let us disperse to various places to carry out rescue, but the signal was interfered by the demon, so I can move freely now."

Time goes back to the day when the devil and the angel fought.

As the battle became more intense, the water demon sleeping on the bottom of the sea—Bazaar was also awakened.

"I'm going, what's the situation? Is there a tsunami?" Xin Zhao said, feeling the violent shaking.

"No... there is a good show coming." Ren Yi stood on the swaying deck as steadily as Mount Tai, not paying attention to the shaking at all.

"Huh? Renyi, can you still fly?" At this moment, Cheng Yaowen noticed Renyi whose feet had left Class A. Although he was not flying high, and the distance between the soles of his feet and the deck was only less than two centimeters, Cheng Yaowen still noticed it. .

"Ahem, this is another ability of mine." Ren Yi said awkwardly, then pointed to the sea.

"The devil under the sea has awakened."

Everyone looked in the direction Ren Yi pointed, and sure enough, as the shaking became more intense, it seemed that something was about to pop out from the bottom of the sea.

A few seconds later, in the opposite direction from where everyone was looking... and behind everyone, a snake-shaped demon suddenly jumped up.

"What is this?" Qiangwei was the first to react, and turned her head to look at Bazaar.

Bazaar seemed to have heard Qiangwei's slightly disrespectful words, and hovered in mid-air for half a second. While looking at Qiangwei, she raised her right hand.

"Human beings, let me teach you what respect is!" Bazaar said, pointing to Qiangwei with her right hand.

At the same time, the sea surface that had just stabilized became restless again.

I saw a vortex of water getting angry from the sea, circled around Bazaar, and then flew towards Qiangwei.

"Not good!" Qiangwei frowned, then raised her hands.

A transparent miniature wormhole was formed in front of Qiangwei.

The aircraft carrier cannot be attacked...Qiangwei thought to herself.

"Woc! Hold on Qiangwei, we can't afford to pay for this aircraft carrier!" Liu Chuang hurriedly reminded seeing the situation.

"Be quiet!" Qiangwei, who was concentrating on diverting the sea water, complained dissatisfied.

"Huh? Can you block my attack? This human being is interesting." Bazaar looked at Qiangwei in surprise.

At this moment, a miniature wormhole appeared asymptomatically behind Bazaar, diverting the water column released by Bazaar itself.

"Damn it!" At the moment of receiving the impact of the water column, Bazaar hurriedly stopped controlling the water flow, and then fell slowly.

"I just wanted to deal with you... After all, this unknown environment is not easy to stay in, but... you successfully angered me." Bazaar whispered, looking at the demons and angels in the sky by the way, and then dived into the bottom of the sea.

"Are you running away?" Rui Mengmeng innocently guessed.

"Her tone just now... doesn't look like she's running away." Qiangwei's complexion is still very bad, because she has an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, a few seconds after Bazaar dived into the bottom of the sea, the sea shook violently again.

"Not good!" Cheng Yaowen shouted when he saw the huge waves coming from a distance.

"She wants to swallow the entire aircraft carrier!"

Qiangwei looked at the approaching waves, feeling very complicated.

"Don't even think about it!" Just when everyone was at a loss, Cheng Yaowen stood up again.

With a big wave of his hand, he summoned a giant rock hand that could cover the entire aircraft carrier, wrapping the aircraft carrier up.

Bazaar standing on the top of the waves saw this scene, so naturally they would not be able to successfully evade the attack, so they started chanting spells.

"Come on water... come on water... come on water..."

Under the urging of the spell, the waves became higher, bigger, and faster. Under such waves, even if they could not engulf the aircraft carrier immediately, they could weaken the defense of the rock barrier, and the subsequent second The third wave and even the fourth wave are enough to overwhelm this group of tiny humans.

The angels and demons fighting in the sky were also frightened by this scene.

"Retreat first, it will be bad if this monster finds us." Morgana commanded in the wings of the devil.

This monster that suddenly appeared, who knows if there is room for conversation, if anyone is caught and beaten, wouldn't he lose more troops on his side?What's more, she obviously uses water. This is her main position, and it is not beneficial to start a war here.

The angel also had the same idea, and chose to retreat like the devil, so the two sides left in opposite directions in a very harmonious manner.

Looking at the calm sea, Bazaar standing on the sea wagged her tail in a daze.

Just when she was about to leave, the Gluttonous Legion arrived...


(End of this chapter)

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