The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 277 Lord God Space Observer

Chapter 277 Lord God Space Observer

After the operation adjutant completed the interference task, Ren Yi turned on the invisibility of the snake charm and wandered around on the spaceship.

"It should be able to delay for a while, when Basha realizes that she cannot kill the Howl, in order to avoid unexpected situations, she should retreat." Ren Yi said to himself.

After all, the howling is no longer an ordinary creature. After mechanical transformation, as long as his chip is not damaged, he can be resurrected infinitely.

And the armor attached to his body is of course not an ordinary piece of iron, but a kind of cosmic alloy.

The Taotie Legion has been fighting in the universe for a long time. As the king, the howl's equipment can be said to be the most sophisticated.

Just as Ren Yi thought, no matter how Basha increases the output of magic power and strengthens the water pressure, it still cannot completely crush the howling armor.

"It's troublesome..." Basha frowned and said.

Seeing this, Basha had a sudden thought, so she released the magic of the water prison and released the howl.

"Hehe... You should have realized this a long time ago. Even if you trap me, you can't kill me...Of course, I can't do effective damage to you." Biting Howl seemed to have figured it out when he was trapped , after getting out of trouble, he didn't attack Basha immediately, but said lightly.

"Thank you for my great mercy, mortal..." Basha didn't bother to swallow the ink, and directly turned into a puddle of water and merged into the ocean, disappearing.

Only a biting howl of indifference remained.

"It seems that it is necessary to rectify the internal order." Howl looked at the fleet suspended in mid-air.


The dispute between the Gluttonous Legion and Basha came to an end, and after Renyi walked around and found that Basha had left, he didn't stay here anymore.

Using the speed of the Rabbit Charm and the floating of the Chicken Charm, Ren Yi quickly arrived at the Shurima Empire...

The interior of the Xiongbing Company was disrupted, the soldiers were scattered all over the place, and the communication equipment was interfered by the Taotie. It didn't take long for the Taotie Legion to launch a large-scale attack. For a while, people were devastated and the social order was chaotic.

Fortunately, the local government and the army dealt with it in a timely manner, which stabilized the situation.

However, the high-level leaders headed by Ducao lost contact. Although the various places barely resisted the attack and stabilized the order, they were unable to take the next step. They could only wait anxiously in the city for the restoration of communication.

As a cosmic civilization, the attack of the Gluttonous Legion is certainly not something that ordinary local troops can stop...

"Thanks for your hard work……"

"Thanks to you, soldier, if you hadn't arrived in time, the city might have fallen."

Cheng Yaowen sat down on the chair without saying a word, and looked at the local leaders present.

Once upon a time, these people were well-dressed, and they were in the upper echelons, and they usually saw their heads and tails, but now, all of them are disgraced, and their anxiety is palpable.

In addition, now that he has lost contact with his companions, Cheng Yaowen's heart is also very complicated.

"It must be fine..." Cheng Yaowen expected in a low voice.

Similar situations have happened in other places... Thanks to the efforts of the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, some cities are temporarily safe and can be used as shelters, but now the communication has not been restored, and the people in the shelters are anxious and panicked.

That's right, the war broke out suddenly, even if the personal safety was temporarily guaranteed, the mood could not be calmed down.

At this time, Ren Yi of course didn't think about these things...or he didn't bother to think about these things.

After arriving in Shurima, Ren Yi took back the clone of Azir, turned around, and became Azir, the emperor of Shurima.

After all, I have nothing to do now, so I just try to feel what it feels like to be the king of a country.

Ren Yi, who is well aware of the plot, also understands that the war between the gluttonous army and humans will not end in a short time, but it is just right.

"Although the Shurima Empire has been established and has a certain scale through the influence of history, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of some developed countries. Now that the countries of the earth are busy dealing with gluttony, it just so taking in and protecting refugees In the name of expanding the territory and population." Ren Yi planned.

At that time, it was just in time for the troops to crusade against Japan to start their journey, Ren Yi was bored in the palace, so he ran to the front line to join in the fun.

So there was this scene of manipulating lightning to attack the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

"That... shall we proceed as planned?" General Jill looked at Ren Yi who was standing on the deck, and asked General Chen beside him.

General Chen smiled helplessly.

"Your Majesty is here in person. This war can already be crushed directly. It's better not to play tricks."

General Bang Hard remained silent, nodding in agreement.

"Brother, although it's a little late to ask now, Ximu Xiaofeng and the others... have come to this world too?" The Holy Master was also in a panic, and ran to Renyi's side to chat.

Ren Yi nodded while looking at the fleet that was gradually going away.

"But they are still sleeping... If you want to find them, I suggest you go to the Pacific Ocean first, where Basha should be." Ren Yi clapped his hands and replied casually.

wake them up?Think beautiful, go to sleep, the longer you sleep, the better.

"Basha has awakened?" The Holy Master asked calmly, holding back the disdain in his heart, trying not to show it.

Renyi nodded.

Suddenly, Ren Yi stopped walking and looked back at the Lord.

According to the urination of the Holy Master, the probability of taking the initiative to find Basha is extremely low, but I don't want to fight with Basha at night...

"I'll give you a task..." Ren Yi said to the Holy Master with a smile.

At the same time, Renyi was in the space of the Lord God, which was unknown to Renyi.

"Xichen, what is the current status of Transcendor 10086?" A man in casual clothes patted the shoulder of a man sitting in front of a big screen and asked.

"Can't you watch it yourself?" The man in front of the screen rolled his eyes angrily, and pointed at the big screen with his finger.

On the big screen of the two of them, there was a picture of Ren Yi manipulating Thunder...


(End of this chapter)

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