Chapter 318 Mr. Lu

But he said that the big man brought everyone to the municipal building.

At this time, the doorman was still lying on a chair in the room and playing with his mobile phone comfortably. After seeing so many people, he hurriedly dropped his mobile phone, picked up his baton and rushed out.

"What are you doing?"

"Let us in, we want to petition!" A young man in the crowd raised his arms and shouted.

"Yes! Let's meet Mr. Lu, we need an explanation!" A middle-aged woman followed suit.

"Mr. Lu?" Morgana muttered.

"It was after the riots in Hong Kong, the elected leaders... said they could help us out of the predicament." The big man explained.

"Well...why don't you leave?" Ren Yi nodded, and looked suspiciously at the big man.

"Everyone, calm down, please calm down!" The guard also figured out the situation, put down his baton, and began to appease everyone.

"Let's see Mr. Lu, why did the rioters become more unscrupulous after he took office? We need an explanation." Someone asked loudly.

"There is something wrong with this person." Morgana leaned against Ren Yi and analyzed.

"Is there any problem? Let's talk after we see it." Ren Yi shrugged and walked towards the guard.

On the guard side, after all, they often encountered petitioners and had some experience. Although there was no way to appease them 100%, at least they could calm down everyone's mood a little, so as not to force everyone to break in.

"Well... very sorry, Mr. Lu is out today, and I'm afraid he won't be back until three days later, why don't you go back first and come back in three days?" The doorman said with a embarrassed expression, that expression is called a sincere one!

When the guard was talking, Ren Yi had unconsciously come to the guard's side, leaned into his ear, and asked softly.

"Ah?" The guard was obviously frightened by Renyi's move, and subconsciously wanted to dodge to the side.

It's a pity that it's too late, Renyi's hand is already on his shoulder.

At this moment, the guard's whole body jerked violently, as if something had leaked out of his body, as if sublimated pleasure followed, as if his soul had gone out of his body...

For a moment, the guard even felt that he had broken free from the shackles of gravity.

He subconsciously looked down... A man who looked exactly like himself was collapsing at his feet.

Well, really out of my body...

"Wc! Did I see the hell?"

"Don't be nervous, this is just a trick of mine." As the owner of the sheep charm, Ren Yi can of course talk to the guard in the soul state.

" you killed me?" The guard took a step back in fear...or did he float away?
"I said don't be are not dead yet, ah no... you are already dead in a strict sense, after all your soul has left your body." Ren Yi said to himself.

"He, he, he... is he dead?" The onlookers who were watching the theater fell silent after seeing the guard suddenly fall down.

You boldly ran to Ren Yi's side, knelt down and felt the guard's pulse.

"Huh~ still alive..."

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking?" Ren Yi said helplessly.

"Will I be that kind of murderer?"

"That's right, the little girl is so beautiful and cute, she doesn't care about a murderer at first glance... By the way, why did he fall down when you touched him?" Someone expressed doubts.

"Pfft~" Morgana, who was also standing aside watching the play, couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! What's going on?" The guard in the soul state roared at Renyi as if to show his presence.

"It's very simple, I separated your soul from your body." Ren Yi replied truthfully.

"Separation? Soul? Isn't this..." the guard muttered blankly.

"A plot that only appears in novels, movies, and anime?" Ren Yi said for him.

"Unfortunately, you met in reality."

"I was wrong... Please restore me, I'm still young, I don't want to..." The doorman confessed instantly, and begged with his hands clasped.

If it wasn't for the floating state of the soul, Ren Yi believed that this guy would directly kowtow three times to himself.

"Sure, but you have to answer my question first, is that Mr. Lu... is there?" Ren Yi asked more seriously.

"It's here! It's inside. Didn't he tell me that if there is a petitioner, let me find a reason to go away. After all, I am a small guard. How dare I disobey the orders of the big leader?" the guard said. Confess directly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really easy to use power?" Ren Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

"Yes, yes... can you let me recover?" the guard repeatedly agreed and asked anxiously.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Are there nails on the ground or something? Is it uncomfortable to lie down for a while?" Ren Yi said leisurely.

"No...before you came here...I peed here..."


The rest of the matter was very simple. Everyone met the legendary Mr. Lu as they wished. After some simple explorations, Renyi and Morgana discovered something extraordinary...

This Mr. Lu is actually a reactionary!Still became a decent leader? !
"Is this the so-called curve reaction?" Ren Yi sighed.

"It's interesting, let's start working?" Morgana touched her chin with a smile and said to Renyi.

"Work? What are you doing?" Ren Yi expressed his incomprehension.

"Just use the trick you just did. Although I don't know what you did to the doorman, but seeing him become so submissive after waking up, I know it must be your trick." Morgana said I understand your expression, said.

Nonsense, an ordinary person's soul suddenly goes out of his body, seeing his own corpse lying at his feet, it's strange not to be afraid, if he is afraid, he will naturally obey~
"But to deal with this kind of person, I think it's better to use a different tactic..." Ren Yi said, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Oh?" Morgana looked at Renyi with interest.


"So so, so so... So, please forgive me." Mr. Lu bowed his head and said reverently.

"Don't, don't, we can't afford it. It's better to say that we are the ones who should apologize. We didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so considerate of us, but we still blame you..." Someone in the crowd said guiltily .

"Actually, my fault lies with me. If I can reduce the rest time a little bit more and increase the working time a little bit, I will be able to finish the work faster and give you a peaceful society..." Mr. Lu said with a sad face, and at the same time He hammered his chest with his right fist.

"No, no, it's our fault."

"No, that's my fault."

"Our fault."

"My fault!"

"It's really our fault!"

"Okay, it's your fault." Mr. Lu said back to normal.


"Come here, invite them out. Today's meeting time is up." Before everyone could react, Mr. Lu called out suddenly.

Then a group of big men in black came and pushed and squeezed everyone out of the door.

"'s already come to this point, who will accompany you to play the house wine set up by such a good leader? Hmm?" Mr. Lu said to himself viciously after everyone went out.

"In a short time, this place will completely collapse, and by then...hehe..."

"What will happen then?" At this moment, a voice came from behind Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu hurriedly turned around, and two beautiful women came into view, one mature Yujie, one sweet loli... and a blue light...


(End of this chapter)

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