Chapter 328 Lord God Space
The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the bedroom, and Yao Qianshu opened his eyes in a daze.

Through his sleepy eyes, Yao Qianshu looked at the alarm clock beside the bed.

"Well... it's 06:30..."

After a simple process of dressing, washing and cleaning up, Yao Qianshu stepped out of the house.

"This year is an opportunity that only comes once a year, and it must not be wasted."

Talking to himself, Yao Qianshu came to a square.

The morning square, which was supposed to be clean, was very noisy at this time.

"I don't know how many there are this year?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"Of course, the more the better, the more people you call, the more bonuses the president will give me!" A middle-aged uncle said excitedly.

"Dream, look over there." At this moment, a young man next to the uncle patted him on the shoulder, pointed to the center of the square, and said.

Looking in the direction he pointed, there was a distinctive team standing in the center of the square.

Compared with other people on the scene, the biggest difference of this team should be the rows of neat and white thighs.

"Damn! The Fengyue Guild actually used this method!" The uncle clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Don't give us a chance at all..." Someone on the side echoed.

It was also the first time for Yao Qianshu to see such a scene, so he was a little at a loss. Listening to the conversation of the people next to him, his doubts gradually rose.

"Excuse me..." Finally, Yao Qianshu, who couldn't hold back his curiosity, spoke to the uncle.

"What you just said..."

"Huh? Don't you know?" The uncle looked at him with some puzzlement, and pretended to be thinking.

"Looking at your appearance, it should be the first time to participate in the <Selection Conference>, right?"

Yao Qianshu nodded, then looked at the center of the square.

The uncle instantly understood what he meant, and sighed helplessly.

"You should know where you come from...or, where you were born."

Yao Qianshu listened with some puzzlement, didn't make a sound, just listened quietly.

"Everyone here...ah no, everyone in this world, everyone gathered here from different worlds..." The uncle didn't notice Yao Qianshu's abnormality and continued talking.

"Some people came here through their own efforts and by chance, and some lucky ones were directly summoned by the Lord God."

Yao Qianshu suppressed the boredom in his heart, and listened quietly. To be honest, he already knew about this kind of thing. polite.

"In order to maintain the normal operation of the main god's space, every traveler who comes here must take up a job and prove his worth to the main god." The uncle talked eloquently.

"Ahem, I just want to know about this conference." Seeing an opportunity, Yao Qianshu coughed twice and said seriously.

Although I and I heard some from the seniors of the guild, but I didn't expect that the president would directly send me, a newcomer, to be the guide of the conference...

"That's it... You said it earlier, I wasted so much saliva." The uncle patted his head and complained with some dissatisfaction.

"Today, to put it bluntly, is the day when the transmigrators come to the space of the main god. There will definitely be various masters and bosses emerging. If you can successfully lure them into your guild, then... hehe." The uncle said with a smile up.

Thinking about it, as long as you fool one person into the guild, you can get fifty gold coins. If you are still a potential stock, one hundred gold coins... one hundred, one hundred.

Yao Qianshu is not interested in these gold coins, and he should have some understanding of why the president chose him.

It was originally a small guild that had just started, and the number of people in the guild was pitifully small. Those experienced seniors were busy with tasks for the development of the guild, and the guild leader couldn't come to recruit newcomers himself. After screening, only he was suitable...

After all, I am just a novice who has just been in the main god's space for less than half a year, and I just joined the club not long ago, and I am still in the cultivation period, so I don't need to perform compulsory tasks.

The so-called mandatory tasks refer to the tasks that each traverser must complete every week after entering the main god space for half a year, and are directly dispatched by the main system. Only by completing the tasks continuously can they have the opportunity to live here.

"I don't know if there will be a <Transcendent> this time..." Seeing that Yao Qianshu was silent, the uncle said to himself.

"A <Transcendent> can earn more than a hundred gold coins."

"Be sober, <Transcendent> is not so good to see, I have been here for five years, and I have never seen a scene of coming."

Yao Qianshu was not positive about this conference, because he knew the situation of his own guild, not to mention bonuses, he might not even be able to pay his monthly salary.

"But with Fengyue Guild as a formidable opponent, this year's harvest is a bit hanging." The young man next to the uncle sighed and said.

Yao Qianshu looked at the two people, and then turned his head to look at the "Fengyue Guild" they were talking about, and suddenly understood what was going on.

That's right, one is a big guy with feet, and the other is a long-legged beauty. Let you choose one person to join their guild. Men with normal thinking will choose beautiful women without hesitation...

What's more, in this main god space where the number of men and women is extremely unbalanced.

"What's the high platform over there?" Yao Qianshu glanced at the square, and suddenly found that at the edge of the square, there stood a rectangular column-shaped high platform with a wide base and a narrow top.

When I first came here, I didn't pay much attention to it, but after looking carefully now, I realized that there is such a high platform in the square.

"Ah, there, that's where the <Transcendence> is. If any <Transcendence> descends, they will land there." The uncle explained absent-mindedly.

"It's been many years since the Lord God has not summoned us, so even I have only seen the appearance of <Transcendence> once." The uncle said with some nostalgia.

"Hey? Is that <Transcendent> so rare?" Yao Qianshu couldn't help becoming interested in it.

"It's okay. Although it's rare, it's not uncommon. You can always meet one or two when you go shopping in the street, but this kind of thing can't be distinguished with the naked eye."

"But what I heard you say seems to be..."

"What we're talking about is that the scene when <Transcendent> descends is rare. After all, most of the transcendents in the space were summoned a long time ago, much earlier than us, and they have the power to travel through the world, so most of the time Not staying here."

Yao Qianshu wanted to ask something else, but...

"Look at the sky! The call has begun!" Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

Yao Qianshu immediately raised his head and looked up, the clear sky suddenly changed its appearance, the fiery red sun was covered by dark clouds, and thunders were faintly visible in the clouds.

Seeing this scene, the people in the square put on a posture that they were about to go to the battlefield to fight, and waited for it.

This scene reminded Yao Qianshu of how he was when he first came here. At first glance, he thought he was about to be torn apart by these people.

Not long after, the thunder in the clouds slowly disappeared, and what was replaced were light spots falling like meteors.

These points of light are the chosen <travelers>.


 It’s really troublesome to think of a name or something. I planned to add a few original characters and match them with the systems in various animations, but so far I have no idea. Forget it, just read and write. If anyone wants to add characters, remember to add a group and let me know Oh, it's better to add what system you want, and it's better to connect it with a certain anime.

(End of this chapter)

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