The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 330 Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia

Chapter 330 Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia

"Are there any newcomers who haven't arrived yet?" the uncle with a mischievous eyebrow looked at the sky and murmured.

"Hey, where the newcomer landed..." A young man next to the uncle said with a solemn expression.

"The landing location..." The uncle finally came to his senses after being reminded like this.

There is the advent altar of <Transcendence>...

"Could it be that..." The uncle's expression began to enrich. Previously, it was the frustration and helplessness of being rejected by the newcomer, plus a little bit of disdain, but now, it is...

"Hey, hey, drool." The young man patted him on the shoulder with a look of disgust.

"Pay attention to your image, even if <Transcendent> comes, you don't have to be so excited..."

"Hey...hey...but, that's <Transcendent>." The uncle wiped his saliva excitedly and said with a smile.

"The group of big guilds snatched a few ordinary <travelers> and left. It's really narrow-minded. Sure enough, the lord god still cared for us, and left us such a big gift."

"But I'm afraid you won't get this big gift." Lu Renjia, who was watching the show by the side, pinched his waist and said casually.

Hearing this, the uncle looked back, and sure enough... the square where there were still 50 or [-] people disappeared in an instant. According to the dust and footprints on the ground, it can be seen that they all ran towards the east side of the square. This is where the <Transcendence> descended.

"So, there's no place for you. Even if you rush over now, the person has probably been snatched away." Lu Renjia spread his hands, raised his chin slightly, and said.

To be honest, he is also very interested in this so-called <Transcendent>.

The same person who has gone through three mission worlds and came to the space of the Lord God, is there anything special about him?Lu Renjia thought to himself.

The uncle didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and ran towards the east side. Although the hope was slim, he didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

"Hmm... what happened?" At this time, Yao Qianshu, who had been lying dead for a long time, finally woke up.

"Huh?" Lu Renjia turned his face sideways and glanced at Yao Qianshu who was slowly getting up from the ground.

Is this person a newcomer...or is he a guide like the guy just now?Lu Renjia wondered in his heart.

After observing for three seconds, Lu Renjia concluded: This person should be a newcomer.

For my own future considerations, it is good to make some friends in such an unfamiliar place, but it is natural to avoid talking with those experienced guides. Newcomers, so... just to be on the safe side, of course choose a rookie who is also a newcomer as a partner.

That's what Lu Renjia planned, but... this guy looks a little smart, so he shouldn't be fooled.

"Why is there no one? Could it be that the meeting is over?" Yao Qianshu got up from the ground, looked around, and said in a daze.

At this time, Yao Qianshu finally noticed Lu Renjia who had been standing beside him for a long time.

"Hi, hello, my name is Lu Renjia." Lu Renjia was still thinking about how to develop here. After noticing Yao Qianshu looking at him, he responded decisively.

Generally speaking, when you are very enthusiastic, you will give people a kind and reliable feeling, which can inexplicably shorten the distance between the two of you.

"Oh... oh, my name is Yao Qianshu, nice to meet you." Yao Qianshu froze for a moment, probably because he hadn't fully recovered from the coma, then stretched out his right hand and smiled friendly.

Unaccustomed to it, Lu Renjia stretched out his right hand and shook it with Yao Qianshu.

To give him a kind feeling... to endure, to endure... for future development.

In the first three experience worlds, Lu Renjia's image has always been arrogant. After all, relying on the system, he looked down on the group of natives from the bottom of his heart. The important thing is that he encountered some things in the first world. , making Lu Renjia, who was calm at first, become arrogant.

"Excuse me, where have all the people in the square gone?" Of course Yao Qianshu couldn't see Lu Renjia's true face, there was only such a person in front of him, and he could only ask him if he had any questions.

"They went to the east side of the square. It seems that a <Transcendor> has descended." Lu Renjia took his hand back from Yao Qianshu, carried it behind his back, took out the handkerchief in his pocket and wiped it while he was not paying attention. .

"<Transcendence>? There is actually a <Transcendence> descending? Really?" Yao Qianshu asked in surprise.

" the way..." Although Lu Renjia was puzzled by his reaction, he did not doubt his identity as a newcomer.

After all, he exuded the aura of a rookie all over his body, no matter how he looked at it, this kind of person would not be a guide sent by those guilds.

Lu Renjia was very sure. After all, according to his observation, the guides who came to the square seemed to be veterans with vicious eyes and excellent eloquence. How could the guild send such rookies to participate in such an important annual event.

Turning his head, Lu Renjia saw that Yao Qianshu was already a long way away from him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lu Renjia called out and stopped Yao Qianshu who was running.

"Of course I'm going to the east side to find <Transcendent>, why don't you go?" Yao Qianshu turned his head and asked suspiciously.

According to his speculation, the person in front of him should be the same as himself, a guide sent by the guild. Judging by his sophisticated appearance, calm demeanor, straight waist, and confidence revealed in his brows, he must be an experienced senior. !
Looking for <The Transcendent>?Oh~ I understand, he wants to hug this thigh... This is not allowed, you are the younger brother I will accept in the future, how can you let it go to someone else?Lu Renjia thought dissatisfiedly.

Wait, if this <Transcendence> is also a rookie, then can I take him in as a younger brother by the way?In this way...

After all, no one said that <Transcendence> must have a high IQ. They just said that he was directly summoned by the main god. Maybe the main god thought he was stupid and gave him some benefits?As the saying goes: stupid people have stupid blessings?

After some thinking, Lu Renjia followed Yao Qianshu's pace and ran towards the east side.


The picture came to the altar on the east side of the square.

The originally desolate altar was crowded with people at this time. Since the area of ​​the altar itself is not large, only 50 people have already occupied it.

On the altar, in the center, a khaki egg-shaped object was emitting a faint light. The size of the egg was about the same as a three-meter-high boulder, and the width of nearly two meters was one of the reasons why this place looked very crowded.

"Why is there no movement?" Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia asked puzzledly after they came here and looked at the scene in front of them.

"I don't understand either. After all, I haven't seen the scene of the <Transcendence> coming. I don't know what's going on now." The uncle with a mischievous eyebrow scratched his head and said embarrassingly.

"Should we try to break this egg? He must be inside the egg." Someone suggested.

"Small it open? What if this egg is one of the treasures collected by others? In order to cushion the fall, it was deliberately taken out. If we destroy it, how should we explain it?" Someone objected.

"How about...wait a little longer?"

At this time, the egg surrounded by everyone moved.

A crack suddenly appeared on the top of the gigantic egg, and the crack spread from the top to the surroundings.

After about a minute, the giant egg was covered with cracks, and with a crisp sound, the egg burst.

But what is miraculous is that the eggshells that exploded towards the surroundings turned into light and disappeared at the moment of explosion.

"There are quite a lot of people..."


(End of this chapter)

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