Chapter 332 New arrival
Renyi glanced at the people in front of him with a look of disgust, some were shaken and hadn't had time to get up, while others looked at him warily.

"Xiao Jin, we have no malicious intentions." At this moment, a big man stood out from the crowd and said with a kind smile on his face.

This burly man is exceptionally different, not only because of his head that is so smooth that it can be used as a mirror, but also because of his representative muscles, which give people a sense of sight of a powerful player in appearance.

"That's right, Brother Jin, we are the guides sent by the major guilds to guide you newcomers." Seeing someone taking the lead, the others couldn't sit still.

"We also care about you. Look, this person is unfamiliar with the place and has no guide. Newcomers like you are easily deceived."

It seems that they really think that I have golden abilities... Renyi thought to himself.

"Let me tell you, Xiaojin, we are all people who have come here. Everyone has experienced the trials and tribulations of the three worlds, and we finally meet here. As the saying goes, meeting is fate." The big man said, Approaching Renyi.

"You don't know how many people die in the experience world every year because of mission failures, and how many weak-willed young people are addicted to the experience world and don't want to come here, so the reason why we can meet is It also makes sense."

Um?Can the three worlds of love die?Renyi was a little surprised. He called up the system panel by the way, and glanced at the dog charm in the status bar... Well, there is no problem, it is indeed immortal.

"Hey, what he said... young people who are addicted to it..." On the other side, Lu Renjia, who was standing by and watching the play, glanced at Yao Qianshu after hearing this.

"Ahem, I'm not addicted, I just stayed for half a year." Yao Qianshu buried his head down, not daring to look at Lu Renjia.

"You? Are you addicted too?" Lu Renjia said with a look of disdain on his face.

"Ah? That...not..." Yao Qianshu's mind was a little confused, could it be that you didn't know about my stay for half a year?
"So, Xiao Jin, join our guild. There are many people and great strength. When everyone gathers firewood, the fire is high. When the wall is overturned, everyone pushes it. It is not tiring to work with men and women..." The big man said with a confident smile. A snow-white tooth was exposed in front of everyone. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ren Yi seemed to see his tooth shine.

"First of all, I'm not Xiao Jin, and I don't have the ability of Jin Shining." After a moment of silence, Ren Yi said slowly.

"'s not impossible for me to join your guild, but...why do I not believe that your guild has women?"

The second half of the sentence hit the heart of the big man... Yes, that's right, the woman from my guild, I think back then, I was full of passion... I was fooled into the guild by the president, and I dreamed of a group of mature women... Sexy beautiful sisters are waiting for themselves in the guild.

It's a pity, the reality is cruel, not to mention sexy and beautiful, even girls...ah no, there are no female creatures... even everyone's mount is male!

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but draw a conclusion in their hearts: this person is lustful, as long as he says there are girls in his guild, there is a chance to lure him into the guild.

"Xiao Jin...ah no, little brother, our guild has many beautiful big sisters~" A thin and strong young man jumped out from behind the big man and said with a smile.

Ren Yi stared at this person expressionlessly. If he hadn't been an insider, he would have thought it was some unscrupulous young man who was seducing innocent young people.

It's not a problem to spend it like this... Ren Yi automatically ignored the person in front of him, and his eyes began to wander.

Suddenly, the two foreign aids in the crowd caught Renyi's attention.

Those two were Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia who had been watching the show for a long time.

"Is he looking at us?" Yao Qianshu asked Lu Renjia uncertainly.

Lu Renjia also felt Renyi's gaze, and nodded silently.

Most of the people here are older than me (by visual inspection), so it's not easy to deal with. Why don't you find someone who is about my age first, pretend to join the club, and just leave after getting rid of the crowd?Ren Yi was thinking in his heart.

After all, I'm new here, if I beat this group of people away, it will inevitably trip me up in the future, so I'd better bear with it.

"Little brother? Little brother!" The young man yelled at Ren Yi a few times, and by the way, stretched out his right hand and waved it in front of Ren Yi's eyes a few times.

"Sorry, I've already decided to join that person's guild." Ren Yi squinted his eyes halfway, pointing to Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia who were not far away.

"Huh?" Yao Qianshu froze on the spot when he heard the words, and looked around blankly.


"You really choose to join our guild?" Yao Qianshu asked in disbelief on the way.This is the third time he has asked.

"Of course." Ren Yi just responded with a smile.

"But... why?" Yao Qianshu expressed his incomprehension.

Lu Renjia next to him was also puzzled. For his own future plans, he temporarily followed him, but... this young man with blond hair and red pupils did not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance.

Will it disrupt my plan... Lu Renjia frowned slightly.

etc!At this time, a thought came to Lu Renjia's mind.

Well, absolutely yes, it must be so, and only so reasonable.Lu Renjia thought to himself.

Immediately, Renyi felt that Lu Renjia's gaze became less friendly, and seemed to be filled with resentment.

I don't seem to provoke this person, do I?
"It's almost here, just turn the corner ahead and go straight to our guild." Yao Qianshu said excitedly.I didn't expect that I was so lucky to pick up two newcomers for nothing, one of whom was the legendary <Transcendent>.

Ren Yi nodded upon hearing this, it's time.

Just when the three of them were about to turn around, Ren Yi suddenly pointed his finger at the sky and shouted: "Ah! What is that?!"

"Hey, hey, who would fall for such a trick." Lu Renjia sneered twice and muttered disdainfully.

"Hey? Where is where? What?" However, Yao Qianshu looked towards the sky very well.

Renyi's move made Lu Renjia full of vigilance, and immediately focused his attention on the past, but...

People are gone?
Lu Renjia looked in front of him in disbelief, what's going on?In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared?You must know that I have been paying attention to him from the very beginning, and the only thing that slacked off was the moment he yelled that sentence, I blinked, but when I blinked, I could guarantee that my attention was absolutely on him, why did I close my eyelids? Disappeared after driving?

(End of this chapter)

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