Chapter 335

This is an extremely luxurious lounge.

The dining table filled with delicacies occupies nearly one-third of the room area, and there are all kinds of food on the table.

In the closet next to the dining table, you can see through the glass, all kinds of wine are available.

A muscular man with a bare upper body picked up the wine glass on the dining table, took out the red wine in the closet, poured half of it, and shook it.

"My lord, do you need me to open the broadcast screen for you?" A waiter walked into the room and asked the man respectfully.

"Of course, it's not bad to watch entertainment programs while eating." The man said with a smile, shaking his wine glass.

"Understood..." The waiter agreed and stepped forward, turning on the monitor in front of the dining table that occupied almost a wall.

After the waiter stepped back, the man gently brought the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip.

"Ah~ this mellow breath, this sweet taste, this charming color..."

I don't know if it's because the arena is too picky or this muscular man's personal preference. The lighting in this room is extremely dim, like the villas' rooms in anime.

Holding a wine glass in one hand, the man sat on the sofa directly in front of the screen.

Watching the two people fighting in the arena shown on the screen, the man raised his glass and drank it down.

"boring boring boring……"

"Is there nothing better to beat?" The man was a little agitated, grabbed a handful of French fries, and swallowed them without chewing.

"Pounce on him! Oops... Take a step back, step back! Stupid..."

"Where are you going to hit him? Kick his knee, yes, it's right to hit him at the knee!"

"Do you know how to fight? What are you two gesticulating? Go up and beat!"

After yelling for a while, the man leaned on the sofa weakly.

"It's the worst challenger I've ever seen."

Although he said so on the lips, the man felt happier when he saw that the group of people got better and better.

Sure enough, they can't compare to me, I'm the best~ These people want to challenge me?A few hundred years earlier, hehe...

In the position of the champion, you only need to play one game every time, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, and you can still get the dividends of the arena. Alas~ This is not making me fall... But, falling is not bad, who made me so strong? .

A bunch of rookies~ I don't know who will be lucky enough to be beaten by me personally in the end?The man thought and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the door opened again, and the host walked in.

"Leader, you should prepare first, the next match is up to you." The host said while bending over.

"It's me? Those challengers have already decided the winner?" the man asked a little puzzled.

" is said that a challenger beat up everyone else in the waiting room, so..."

When the man heard this, a smile appeared on his serious face.

"Interesting... let's go, get on stage."

"Uh...don't you put on your clothes?" the host asked, looking at his naked upper body.

"Wearing clothes? You really don't understand anything... The collision of the body is the romance of a man!"


"Friends in the audience, due to some minor emergencies, this time the schedule has changed a little bit. We will directly enter the challenger competition. Next, we will invite this challenger to come on stage!"

Accompanied by the BGM and cheers, Ren Yi slowly walked onto the stage.

It’s quite relatable... The familiar cheers and BGM, why do I always feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before... Renyi couldn’t help but look around, and sure enough, there was a row of speakers under the auditorium...

"On the other hand, he is invincible and has trampled countless arrogant challengers under his feet; he is brave and fearless, and never retreats even when he encounters the strongest challenger; he has gathered thousands of glory..."

Ren Yi, who listened to this rainbow fart, couldn't help but want to go over and give the host two slaps.

There is no end to it. After talking so much, why haven't I seen anyone yet.

Finally, a figure came from the shadows in the background.

It was a burly man with a wide and windy cloak on his back, fluttering with the wind rising from nowhere.

Muscle curves with clear texture, thick and powerful biceps, two chest muscles comparable to a D-shirt...

in the audience.

"Why isn't he wearing clothes?" asked an audience member.

"You're new here, right? The ringleader has always been like this. It's said that you can only feel it if you play like this." An old audience explained.

"How did his cloak float up? There seems to be no wind here?" the audience asked again.

"Special effects, special effects, you know, it looks more cool this way."

on the ring.

"Boy, I heard you're crazy?" The ring master walked up to Ren Yi as soon as he came up, looked down at him, and said in a low tone.

Is this trying to give yourself a blow?Renyi thought to himself.

"Countdown to the game, ten seconds, ten, nine, eight..."

The ringleader gave Ren Yi a provocative look, and took a few steps back. According to the regulations, a good distance should be kept before the fight begins.

"I announce below, the game begins!"

As the host's voice fell, the host rushed out almost at the same time, hitting Renyi like a hurricane.

"Ola!" With the yell of the ring master, his right fist hit Ren Yi's abdomen hard.

"Is it over?" A spectator asked a little sluggishly.

"Probably...Looking at the man's body, after being punched like this, I'm afraid..."

"Wait, something is wrong, he doesn't seem to be moving."

"Didn't react..."

"No, you see, he was punched, but he remained motionless."

Sure enough, when everyone looked at Renyi, it was obvious that although Renyi had been punched, Renyi's expression at this time was as if the punch hadn't hit him, nothing happened, not even his body shape. Never moved.

"You..." The ring master was also a little surprised by this, and quickly withdrew his fist. At the same time, the other hand suddenly swung towards Ren Yi's face.

However... the effect of this punch is not as good as the first punch, because this punch didn't hit at all.

That's right, when the ring master punched for the second time, Ren Yi dodged it with a slight head tilt.

"Two punches..." Just as the ring master was surprised, he vaguely heard Ren Yi say two words silently.

In such a tense state, suddenly hearing the other party say such unclear words in a relaxed tone, it is inevitable that there will be an overreaction.

So, while punching the air, the ring master raised his right leg and kicked Ren Yi's waist with a sweeping kick.


"Impossible... this is..." The ring master clearly felt that his sweeping leg was blocked by something, and when he looked down, he saw a black hand sticking out from the ground, grasping it tightly. own legs.

Before the ring master could react, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

"Your appearance is not good for you... No, it's not good for you either." Ren Yi shook his right hand, looked at the ring master who was punched flying by him, and taunted.

"Pfft! You..." The ring master clutched his abdomen in pain, and struggled to get up.

"You can still stand up after being punched by me? Not bad...Since that's the case..." Ren Yi said, laughing maliciously.

"Come out, Shadow Corps!"

Following Ren Yi's order, puddles of black water oozed from the bottom of the arena and condensed into a human shape.

The ringleader now understands what was blocking his sweeping legs just now, but...

Is this really considered a foul... The ring master glanced around, looking at the twenty or thirty ninjas who suddenly appeared, and couldn't help thinking.

When the Black Shadow Corps was fighting with the ring master, Ren Yi was free, and he watched the fight between the two while yelling:

"Pounce on him! Oh, take advantage of the number of people to suppress him! Stupid..."

"Take a step back, take a step back! Sigh~ Did you see that I told you not to take a step back, did you get scattered?"

"Hey hey~ That one over there, where are you going to hit it? Don't you see those two big chest muscles? Is that where you can hit? You want to kick his knees, yes, kick his knees!"

"Hey! That one on the edge, what are you gesticulating? Go up and fuck him!"


(End of this chapter)

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