The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 342 So This Is a Math Problem

Chapter 342 So This Is a Math Problem

"You two..." Ren Yi looked at the surprised two with a flat expression.

"Why are you here? And how did you manage to disappear in an instant?" Lu Renjia walked up to Ren Yi and asked.

Although Yao Qianshu also had doubts, he didn't speak, but just stood there and watched.

"I don't seem to be obliged to answer your question, and I'm very busy right now." Ren Yi said as he turned around and shouted towards the door leading to the inner room.

"Gorzan, hurry up, it must be decorated before the guests come."

"I'm coming!"

There was only a burst of shouting from inside the house, and then, as the door opened, a beautiful woman with purple-red long hair ran out of the house holding something.

"Brother, where do you want to hang this?" Gorzan said as he raised the item in his hand.

"Let's hang it there, it's more conspicuous, and the guests can see it as soon as they enter the door." Ren Yi pointed to the wall facing the door and said.

"Okay!" Gorzan responded, and hung the thing up very neatly.

After hanging up, Lu Renjia and Yao Qianshu really saw what it was.

It was a plaque, although it was not very big, but there were six neat Chinese characters written on it: Customer is God.

"Well, it's not bad." Ren Yi scrutinized it repeatedly and praised him constantly.

"It fits the image of our store very well."

"That, big brother." At this moment, Meng patted Renyi on the shoulder.

"What's wrong? Meng." Ren Yi asked with some doubts.

Meng turned her head and looked at the two people who were stupefied at the door, then leaned into Ren Yi's ear and said:

"Those two seem to be customers."

"Really?" Ren Yi's expression immediately became serious, and he went straight to the two of them.

"Welcome, two, do you need any help?"

"You..." Lu Renjia obviously wanted to ask about what happened just now, but Yao Qianshu who was standing beside him stopped him.

"We want to hire some people to help us with the mission." Yao Qianshu replied with a smile.

"Well, what is the task content? How many people do you plan to hire? We can also get a discount if we hire more than one person here." A little smile appeared on Ren Yi's face.

"Go to JOJO to look for stone ghost noodles. Since the funds are limited this time, let's hire two." Yao Qianshu gestured with his fingers as he said.

Renyi nodded, thought for a while, and said to the dream behind him:

"Ho Ho, Meng, come with me."

"Wait!" At this moment, Gorzan who was standing under the plaque roared.

"Brother, I want to go with you." Gorzan ran up to Renyi quickly, pouted and said.

"Er...they are all the same, then..." Ren Yi just wanted to change his words, but...

"Wait a little longer! Gorzan, brother wants me to accompany you." Meng Meng stood up from the side.

"Actually..." Ren Yi had a bad premonition, and was about to intervene when Gorzan interrupted:

"Brother just said the same thing, and taking me is not more eye-catching than taking you, a big man with a picky foot?"

"Hehe, of course you have to bring someone who is strong, otherwise it will only be a disservice, so it seems that I am more suitable." Mengyi said relentlessly.

"It has nothing to do with being strong or not, and you are not necessarily stronger than me. Those who accompany you must have a heart that loves your brother deeply, so that you can better consider and take care of your brother." Gorzan said Take a step.

"Who says I don't love my elder brother anymore, my love for my elder brother can be described as a blue ocean, broad and magnificent." Meng said and took a step forward.

"My love for big brother is twice as much as yours!" Gorzan said.

"I love Big Brother three times as much as you!" Meng Ye shouted.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Ren Yi wanted to step forward to stop it, but unexpectedly, the two at the door also made noise.

"In this way..." Yao Qianshu suddenly said.

"Suppose this little brother's love for him is x, and this young lady's love for him is y. From the meaning of the question, we can know: 3y=2x, we can get: x=y=0."

"It looks like..."

Suddenly, the scene fell into a mysterious silence.

"Wait, you just said to go to JOJO to find stone ghost noodles?" Ren Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked.

"That's right." Yao Qianshu glanced at the two people who were confused by him, then looked at Ren Yi, and replied.

Renyi slowly took out a pale white mask from the system backpack.

"Is this it?" Renyi asked.

"Stone Ghost Face!" x2
"Why do you have it?" Lu Renjia asked in surprise.

"Can you sell this thing to us?" Yao Qianshu then asked.

Renyi fiddled with the mask in his hand a few times, and lowered his head thoughtfully.

"That depends on what you exchange."

"How about I give you all the points for this employment?" Yao Qianshu answered almost instantly.

"But I feel that it's a bit of a loss to exchange this thing for points~ Besides, I haven't figured out what the points are for." Ren Yi said with some embarrassment.

"We are customers, isn't your purpose: the customer is God?" Lu Renjia who was on the side suddenly jumped out and argued.

"The customer is God... well, it is indeed our purpose." Renyi nodded.

"Then..." Lu Renjia's expression gradually relaxed.

"But I believe in Buddhism..."


(End of this chapter)

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