Chapter 345 New arrival
"Are you sure this node is correct?" The leader of the black robe stared at the locator in his hand, with a suspicious tone.

"It should be right, I have already investigated it in advance..." The team member named Z took a step closer, took out a notepad out of thin air, and handed it to the team leader.

The team leader took the notepad, browsed it aside, and nodded.

"It's really detailed..."

Yao Qianshu, the main divine calendar came on x month x day of xx year, when he came, he grabbed the ground with his head, weighed 55 kg, and was 172 cm tall...

"This is..." Suddenly, the team leader's expression changed.

"Gender male, hobbies... male?"


Leaving aside the black robes and the others, the camera turned to Ren Yi.

After the four of them stepped into the portal, the surrounding scene began to change wonderfully, the space began to distort in an incomprehensible way, dazzling and weird light filled everyone around, Renyi felt himself being surrounded by a warm wave Shrouded by the heat, the bright light in front of him was a bit dazzling, he squinted his eyes and looked around, Gorzan, Lu Renjia, Yao Qianshu had disappeared.

"It seems to be the rule of traversing... Although they are in a team in name, they still have to travel alone." Ren Yi gave himself an explanation in his heart.

After figuring out that this is the rule of the main god's space, Ren Yi was relieved, and calmly began to appreciate the surrounding environment.

Renyi bets that no one has created this space on earth, or no one has thought of it at all... This kind of light combination can basically be said to be light pollution at the level of a nuclear leak.

"No, I'm going to go blind if I look at it any further." Ren Yi said and rubbed his eyes. Of course, this was just a joke. With the Horse Charm, even if the eyeballs are plucked out, they can grow back.

"I really don't know what the Lord God thought when he designed this space..."

If the Lord God heard it, I would probably cry out for grievances... I'm just the boss of this space, and I didn't set up your daily land and travel packages. Which school principal have you seen teach in person?It's just that I have nothing to do in peacetime and go to substitute for the class.

Not long after, Renyi's system responded.

"System prompt: It has been detected that the host has entered the main portal. Next, please select the world you want to go to and the time of this world."

"Are you here... Choose <Dragon Ball>." After Ren Yi finished speaking, an operation panel reflected by the system appeared in front of him.

"I remember the time node they said is..."


"Yes, the detector has responded again, and they have already left." Z raised the machine and handed it to the leader excitedly.

"Well... very good, remember this time point, let's go!" The leader took the detector, waved his hand, and entered the selection space.

"Everyone, keep up, don't fall behind!" Z saw that his boss had disappeared, and hurriedly shouted.

"Wait!" At this moment, someone stopped Z who was about to enter the selection space.

"Is there anything else? X." Z frowned, and turned to look at X behind him.

"We... haven't seen which time point it is yet." X said with some embarrassment.

"Huh? The detector is not..." Z straightened up, and subconsciously opened the system backpack.

"It was taken away by the boss..."

"Z, didn't you hold the detector just now, you should know the time node?" At this moment, C on the side spoke.

"Well... I was excited for a while, I forgot..." Z scratched his head as he spoke, his tone gradually losing confidence.

"Ah! The boss..."

"It doesn't matter, we have a trump card, even if only the boss is alone, we should be able to succeed, we have to trust the boss!" C said and patted the shoulders of the two.

At this time, Z spoke again, and he took out a black object from his backpack, and said with a pale face, "Boss forgot to take..."


Accompanied by a sense of dizziness, when he realized it, Ren Yi had already come to a piece of grass.

"Have you entered the Dragon Ball yet?" Ren Yi looked around, but he didn't find any traces of other people, and said to himself.

"System prompt: It is detected that the host has come to the world of Dragon Ball, the basic module has been installed, the map settings have been updated, and the task list has been loaded..."

"The task of leaving... Collect all seven dragon balls..." Ren Yi repeated the task on the panel and nodded.

"Anyway, I came here to find Dragon Ball."

In order to familiarize himself with the terrain, Ren Yi used the floating ability of the Chicken Charm to go to a high altitude, looked down at the ground, and figured out the current location - in a grassland.

"System, open the map and find the way automatically."

"System prompt: The map module is being imported, the task log has been updated, and the first ring task will start now...

main mission:

Task [-]: Find a star dragon ball.

Reward: Dragon Ball x1, World Participation +1...

Side tasks:

Task [-]: Participate in the No. [-] Martial Arts Association in the world and win.

Reward: 50 Sony...

Task Two: Defeat Monkey King.

Reward: Saiyan Serum x1...

Task Three: Defeat the Turtle Immortal.

Reward: Kamepai Qigong cultivation method..."

Renyi looked at the task list with a flat face, and said with some disappointment: "Sure enough, if the time point is selected in the early stage, these are the only rewards..."

"But then again, where did those two clients go?"


(End of this chapter)

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