The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 347 The True Martial Arts Master

Chapter 347 The True Martial Arts Master

As Ren Yi, who has watched countless movies, anime, and online movies, this kind of stuff is not a good thing at first glance.

Such a shameless tone is obviously a liar.

And to play the role of a martial arts master, no matter what, you have to have a lot of muscle. With this body, who knows why these villagers believe that he is a martial arts master.

"Okay, then today's lecture will begin." Master Ma glanced at the crowd, then at the heavy box, and said with narrowed eyes.

"Huh? Who!" However, just when everyone thought that the martial arts lecture was about to start, Master Ma suddenly turned around and yelled at an open space under the big clock.

"You found me?" Ren Yi just got off the stage when Master Ma yelled at him.

Does this guy have something?Can you really feel Qi?Could it be that he is a martial arts master?Doubts arose in Ren Yi's mind.

"I didn't expect you to see me?" Ren Yi said, gradually revealing his figure.

"Ah? This..." Unexpectedly, Master Ma looked blank, and even took a step back in horror.

"What? Am I scary?" Ren Yi expressed his incomprehension at his behavior.

" just..." At this moment, another strange voice came from behind Renyi.

Ren Yi looked back, and saw a man in a brown-gray cloth standing not far behind him, with the word "Wu" written on his chest, a long face, and an afro protruding to the sides.

"Huh?" Ren Yi was a little puzzled by the current situation.

"Oh!!! As expected of a master!" At this moment, a villager suddenly shouted excitedly.

"We didn't notice anyone was there!"

"Master Ma's observation skills are astonishing!"

"Could this be the legend that judges the opponent's position by sensing the breath?"

This play by the villagers made Renyi instantly understand the current situation.

Ren Yi took a closer look at the man behind him, then at Master Ma and the others, and nodded with a smile.

If there are no accidents... this man should be cooperating with him in acting, but he just happened to trick me out...

"Master Ma...Master, you can see through my concealment. It is as extraordinary as the rumors..." Although the man looked a little surprised, according to the script, he came to be a green leaf to set off Master Ma. An unexpected factor, but it does not affect the actor's performance in the slightest.

"Cough... I never thought you'd heard of me, but you dared to challenge me. I admire your courage. Come on, I'll let you do three tricks first!" Master Ma coughed, looked for a status, and took on the show with the other party. .

"Hmph, Master Ma, Master Ma, even if you are a recognized master in the martial arts circle, isn't it a bit inappropriate to be so defiant..." The man said with an aggressive posture.

"Whether it's safe or not, don't you know if you try it yourself?" Master Ma put on an air of a master, standing still on the spot.

Just like that, the two left Ren Yi aside and started to play wildly.

Although Ren Yi was very dissatisfied with being ignored by them like this, he was also curious about what kind of drama they would play, just to see how good Master Ma was.

I saw the challenger man pounced on Master Ma like a hungry tiger, his legs and feet were very powerful, as can be seen from the dust he swayed and the sound of rubbing against the ground when he jumped up.

From the appearance, this man has plump muscles. Through his practice clothes, it can be seen that the muscles on his chest are very developed. It can be seen that he has been trained, and his jumping posture is quite professional.

On the other hand, Master Ma's performance is unpredictable, he neither dodges nor greets, with an indifferent attitude, the only change from just now is that he stretched out his right palm.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. After jumping up, the man seemed to realize that the distance was too far. When he was two bodies away from Master Ma, he suddenly stepped on the ground again with his foot, and the position where he jumped up also followed suit. The change was originally facing Master Ma, but in this way it became an attack from the side of Master Ma.

From the perspective of perception alone, it seems to be the case.

Finally, when the two of them had only one body, the man launched an attack, and he swung his right fist fiercely, hitting Master Ma's neck directly.

Master Ma just squinted at this. His hands and feet did not move. Seeing that the opponent's fist was about to hit his fragile neck, his thin body made the villagers start to worry.

In the next second, Master Ma took a sharp step back, facing the man. Then, his head moved forward slightly, his eyes widened, and he met the man's eyes.

Immediately afterwards... as if possessed by a demon, the man twitched all over his body, his movements froze, and he fell to the ground.

"Master Ma is amazing!"

A young villager shouted.


"Master Ma is indeed powerful."


Turning a deaf ear to the admiration and admiration of the villagers, Master Ma once again put on a superior posture and began to explain:

"Actually, the situation just now was very dangerous."

"Do you know why he suddenly changed direction when he was three bodies away from me?" Master Ma asked the villagers.

"That's because if he doesn't change his direction and comes straight to me, then when he is two bodies away from me, I will directly use my right hand to pinch his neck at a speed invisible to the naked eye."

As soon as this remark came out, the villagers became even more excited.

"Then do you see how he lost to me in the end?" Master Ma asked again.

"I warned him with my eyes at the time, and he instantly understood what I meant. If he chose to attack me, he would face my block and counterattack. At the same time, he also saw that I was stronger than him. times, so my counterattack could be fatal, but if he chooses not to attack, but flees, in such a close position, showing his back to me, then I may instinctively attack him, thereby killing him Hitting the spike, under such a great pressure, his movements stopped, and at the same time, the sense of fear and crisis occupied his heart, so he twitched all over and fell to the ground." Master Ma replied again.

Well, it's over now, and the cheers of the villagers are almost tearing down the roof.

"Master Horse!"

"Master Horse!"

"Master Horse!"

Gradually, the cheers of the villagers began to unify, getting closer and closer to the voice of support.

"Master Ma, there is one more person." At this time, the young villager pointed at Ren Yi and said.

"That's right, Master Ma, he should also be here to challenge, don't you consider making two moves with him?"

"What do you mean by two moves? If he can catch Master Ma's one move, it's not bad."

"One move? Didn't you see how that person was defeated just now? Master Ma didn't even make a move, just standing there frightened him into unconsciousness!"

In the neat cheers, these few special voices were particularly loud.

Um?Two tricks with me?
This aroused Ren Yi's interest. He had already seen that this guy was a complete liar, and he was a long as he had a brain, he wouldn't trouble himself.

Unexpectedly, Master Ma just smiled at this, and beckoned to Ren Yi.

"In that case, little brother, come on, let's make a move."


(End of this chapter)

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