Chapter 350 Dawei Tianlong!

Looking at Ren Yi who had turned into a spot of light on the horizon, Master Ma stood up tremblingly.

"so close……"

"Master, are you alright?" At this moment, a disciple of Master Ma came over to support him.

Master Ma gave him a complicated look and sighed.

"It's okay, let's go back today."

As he spoke, Master Ma looked around, and the disciples who had just dispersed gathered back one after another.

Little brats... I'll take care of you when I get back!

"By the way, master, aren't we here to purchase supplies this time?" At this moment, the disciple supporting Master Ma reminded.

"Ah~ yes, I still need to purchase supplies, I almost forgot... Hehe, thanks for your reminder, Satan." Master Ma replied with a smile.

Bah, are you still purchasing supplies?Seeing that the situation is not good just now, they actually think that disaster is imminent and fly separately?Waiting to go back to the mountain to eat carrots for a month!

"You go and prepare the car first, I'll go to the market." Master Ma said, leaving Satan's hand behind, and walked towards the market.

"Hey, when are you going to act?" After Master Ma left, the disciple behind Satan approached and asked quietly.

"Don't worry, he is our master after all, how could he just leave so silently..." Satan glared at the man with some annoyance.

"Tch~ You really think of him as a master? You don't know why we recognize him as a master?" The man retorted dissatisfied.

"Bah, what do you know! A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life, not to mention..." Satan said, staring at the man, getting closer step by step, and stopped when he was about to touch his face.

"Our salary for this month hasn't been paid yet..."


The screen turned to Renyi's side.

After leaving that town, Ren Yi followed the guidance of the system and flew straight towards the Dragon Ball.

Since the movement of the dragon ball was detected, Ren Yi deliberately accelerated the speed, but in order to accidentally fly too fast, Ren Yi adjusted the power of the Rabbit Charm to [-]%, which is about three times the speed of sound.

"It's's there!" Ren Yi glanced at the system map, determined an approximate location, and then closed it.

Looking down, although according to the instructions on the map, Dragon Ball is below, but...

It was an ancient forest, and as far as the eye could see, there were dense green trees. Because Ren Yi's speed was too fast, when he stopped, he caused a huge wind and wave, blowing half of the forest into an extremely noisy environment.

Countless birds and beasts fell their leaves against the wind, and even a few big trees that were closer to Ren Yi were uprooted and flew high into the sky.

The sonic boom caused by the high-speed movement made the ground below Renyi full of dust, and even the ground was shaken to create a shallow crack.

It may be because of too much movement, the holder of Dragon Ball noticed the situation on Ren Yi's side.

"Huh? That person is coming towards me?" Ren Yi looked at the map in confusion.

It stands to reason, shouldn't you run away when you encounter such an emergency on the way to collect dragon balls?How is this guy...

Just when Ren Yi was wondering, the Dragon Ball holder had already arrived in front of his eyes.

"Huh? This outfit is not for ordinary people!"

Renyi immediately decided that this person was not simple when he saw that person.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the hot weather caused the air to be somewhat blurred. From the perspective of human eyesight, even the sun's light was distorted.

But the man in front of him, in such a weather, was actually wearing a pure black robe and wrapped himself up tightly. Not only that, he was also wearing a dark green gas mask under his pitch-black hood.

The most conspicuous among them is the orange bead hanging around his neck - Dragon Ball.

"Hehehe, sure enough, as long as you bring the Dragon Ball, you people will fall for you..." The man in black started to sneer after seeing Ren Yi.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sharp pain from his abdomen.

"Bold and monstrous, I can tell at a glance that you are not human!" Ren Yi withdrew his fist and said viciously to the man in black.

"Wait!" The man in black was obviously stunned by Ren Yi's sudden attack, he staggered back a few steps while clutching his stomach, and waved his hand hastily.

But Renyi didn't intend to listen to him continue to push, so...

"Dawei Tianlong!" Ren Yi yelled and punched again. This time the fist was not only extremely fierce, but also wrapped around a small dragon made of flames.


With a scream, the man in black was punched flying, suspended in the air, and the black robe on his body also started to burn.

"Big Luo Dharma!" Ren Yi continued to shout without intending to stop.

Suddenly, a group of pitch-black clouds condensed in the sky, covering the entire forest.

A thick golden bolt of lightning instantly struck down, hitting the man in black in the air.

"Pfft!" There was another scream, and the mask worn by the man in black fell off, and it was still stained with sticky blood. The whole person was as black as coke, with traces of white cigarette……

"World Honored One Ksitigarbha!" Another cry came.

I saw that the flat ground began to crack and deform, and the trees on the ground twisted one after another. A huge palm made of mud rose from the ground, firmly holding the fallen man in black.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

This is Renyi's latest combo technique, and the last move is to fly to the outer atmosphere, borrow the weight of the mountain demon Bo Gang to increase its own mass, and use the surrounding fire as a booster to fall straight down...

The stunned man in black saw the growing light spot and began to struggle violently, but the giant clay hand remained motionless as if it was really fixed to the ground. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't feel it. Signs of looseness.

have no choice……

"Could it be... Do I... want to sacrifice that magic weapon right now..." The man in black muttered unwillingly, but because he had already been seriously injured, his breathing was short and unstable.

In fact, when he received the first punch, the man in black had already started defending with magic weapons, otherwise he would definitely not be able to resist for so long.

Unexpectedly, the car overturned... This time it was a hard stubble... The man in black thought helplessly in his heart.

"There's no time to hesitate, let's take the move!" The man in black looked at the huge burning man who was getting closer and closer to him, and his whole body began to emit a strong light.


At this moment, the entire forest was shrouded in light, and the intensity of the light even overwhelmed Ren Yi's flying dragon in the sky.

Of course, Ren Yi also noticed this unexpected situation, so he interrupted Feilong Zaitian by himself, and chose to stay in the air to observe.

After observation, Ren Yi came to a conclusion.

he became light...


(End of this chapter)

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