Chapter 356 Plan Failed
How can it be repaired, this little red guy has been smearing something from the beginning, honestly come up and punch me...

Gorzan looked at Tiga who was charging complainingly, and flicked his tail in dissatisfaction.

How can I act like this?If he still keeps attacking with those light rays that don't hurt, I'll go up and slap him to death!
Gorzan made a silent decision in his heart.

"Okay, let's continue." Ren Yi withdrew his right hand that was pressing the Tiga color timer, stopped the horse charm, and floated towards the sky.

Dijia stood up, twisted his body, and subconsciously glanced at Renyi who flew away from him.

This guy's ability is really weird...

"Are you ready?" Gorzan's words attracted Di Jia's attention.

Di Jia heard the words, nodded, and put on a fighting posture again.

Seeing this, Gorzan also nodded, and pretended to take a step forward, opening his arms, giving off a vicious feeling.

All right, come beat me up!Hit me straight!
Seeing Gorzan's posture, Dijia sighed inwardly.

With this appearance, is he planning to use his full strength? absolutely can't fight her hand to hand, you have to use long-distance consumption...

"I've already understood, your defense is amazing..." At the moment when the battle resumed, Di Jia started his offensive.

Because he had already understood during this half-hour of probing that it was impossible to beat the opponent to residual blood through normal battles.

That is to say, a frontal fight cannot meet the activation conditions of the pet fruit, so...

"I must have had hard special training..." Dijia moved a few steps while talking, but the distance between him and Gorzan remained unchanged.

The residual blood defined by pet fruit not only refers to the residual blood of the body, but also refers to the spirit...

So, if you can't beat the opponent, then use your mouth to convince him!
"Special training?" Gorzan was feeling upset at this moment, and his anger soared even more after seeing that the other party was still like this.

"Ah~ It is true that there is special is quite hard..." Gorzan replied.

Eating, sleeping, molesting the big brother, that is not easy... If you are not careful, the big brother will run away without a trace.

"It can be seen... that you are allowed to do this kind of dirty and tiring work, your big brother is really..." Di Jia suddenly closed his mouth and sneered twice as he spoke.

"Oh?" Gorzan heard him say that, although he didn't react on the surface, he had already condemned him to death in his heart.

To overthrow the previous one-punch kill plan...that would be too cheap for him...

Dijia didn't feel the killing intent from Gorzan, seeing that the other party didn't respond, he thought that the mouth escape effect was quite successful so far.

"You should have fought with the genuine Dijia..." Dijia said and took a step closer.

When using Zoudun, silently narrowing the distance between two people can increase the degree of favorability - from "Naruto-Naruto"

Seeing the other party take a step forward, Gorzan sneered inwardly.

"It's true, it's much better than a fake like you." Gorzan said and took a step forward.

A little closer... a little closer and you can tie him with your tail... when the time comes...

After seeing Gorzan taking a step with him, Di Jia thought to himself: It seems that he has successfully diverted her attention to the chat, so that he can temporarily stabilize her and reduce the possibility of her attacking.

"That's true, I'm definitely not as good as a fake one, alas ~ that's why I feel unhappy for you..." Di Jia said and shook his head.

"Oh?" Gorzan responded, moving his body quietly.

"To deal with a piece of trash like me, I have to bother you, oh~ are you the last little brother in the eyes of your elder brother?" Di Jia sighed, his tone full of grief and indignation.

Hearing this, Gorzan almost couldn't hold back and rushed over to tear him apart, but rationality told her that it was too kind to this guy, so she had to endure it until the other party entered her attack range, adjust her mentality, and use her tail first Grab him, control the strength, don't strangle him directly, and then...

"Hehe, this can only show that brother still loves me. He was afraid that I hadn't done anything for too long, so he specially arranged for me to deal with you. It also shows that brother trusts me and believes that I am definitely better than you, this piece of trash. It’s a Milky Way, so that’s why it’s continuously supporting you.” Gorzan replied with a half-smile.

"Oh~ sometimes ignorance is a good thing." Di Jia shook his head again, as if he couldn't teach a child.

Gorzan almost broke out, but he kept reminding himself in his heart: Don't be impulsive, absolutely not impulsive, you must wait for the opponent to advance to the range, and you can't just start beating, if you don't master the strength, it will be over...

"Your behavior of deceiving yourself disappoints me, and at the same time... I also sympathize with you..." Diga said and took another step forward.

It's almost there... just one step away... Gorzan counted silently in his heart.

Hearing this, Gorzan followed silently.

Very good... It seems that the effect of mouth escape is outstanding. From her performance, it can be seen that she is about to break through the psychological defense line. The first follow-up is anger, the second follow-up is suspicion, and the third follow-up is shaken. The fourth follow-up is...

She has moved three times now, although one time was quietly, but she couldn't hide from my eyes... Di Jia thought proudly.

"Are you willing to be the younger brother for the rest of your life?" Dijia's voice gradually became high-pitched.

"With your strength, are you willing to submit to others and be a dog for others?"

people?How dare you call Big Brother a human?
dog?Dare to call me a dog?
If anger has a definite form, then Gorzan is almost breaking through the limit of the form.

Dijia noticed Gorzan's strangeness. At this time, Gorzan's head was deeply lowered with his whole body shaking slightly.

This is a sign of contemplation, which means that she has already begun to think about whether she should leave that guy... But once you start thinking about this problem, it's over. Once you have this thought, it means...

Zuidun succeeded...then...the last step.

"I know you're struggling now, it's okay, I can understand you." Diga stood up straight as he spoke, handed out his right hand to Gorzan, and at the same time took another step closer.

It's now!

At this time, Tiga had already entered the attack range of Gorzan's tail.

"You asked for it!" Gorzan said as he turned around, and his thick and powerful tail swiftly attacked Di Jia.

But Diga didn't dodge because he understood.

This is a true expression of a person's wavering, as long as he can bear it, then he can deceive her trust through the drama of bitterness...

"Come on." Diga said, opening his arms, revealing the most vulnerable abdomen.

Gorzan also didn't expect that the opponent didn't choose to defend at all, and the moment the tail hit him, it began to bend and circle.

But it was already too late, even though he started to bend and unload the force at the first hit, but because the gap between the two was too large, and the opponent had no defense at all, so...

"Depend on!"

With a scream, Di Jia lost consciousness.


(End of this chapter)

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