The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 359 Why Do You Feel Lost?

Chapter 359 Why Do You Feel Lost?
"System prompt: Your final task has been completed, whether to choose to leave this world immediately."

On the top of a mountain, Ren Yi looked at the sea of ​​clouds and played with the six dragon balls in his hand.

Six crystal clear orange beads floated back and forth in front of Ren Yi, like spirits.

"Brother, why don't you let me approach you..." About a hundred meters away from Renyi, Gorzan asked while clutching a dragon ball with an aggrieved expression on his face.

"Because once you get close, the seven dragon balls will summon the dragon uncontrollably, so keep a distance from me before finding our employer." Ren Yi said casually, admiring the scenery in the clouds.

That's weird, but it's hard to find a reason to distance yourself from Gorzan, if you don't make good use of it, how can you do it.

Ever since Gorzan was awakened after arriving in the Lord God's Dimension, this guy longed to stick to Ren Yi's body all the time.

Through long-term observation and the final test just now, Ren Yi has already made a judgment that some in-depth communication with Gorzan cannot take place.

But as a man, if a beautiful woman actively seduces you, it is normally unstoppable at all, unless you have flaws in that area.

Although Ren Yi has a tough physique and a tenacious will, but as the saying goes, a hero is sad and a beauty passes, and he may fall at any time.

Especially in this...environment where there are no other younger brothers, and he is alone with Gorzan.

Although Ren Yi is still an innocent little virgin, he, who had read countless movies in his previous life, learned about the pain of the island country actor through a chance.

Why do we see that the main force is a group of middle-aged uncles, but there are very few young and energetic young men?

First, the desire of young people is stronger than that of middle-aged people, so they can't grasp the measure well, and don't know when to stop, which may lead to excessive indulgence, making the body thinner and weaker.

Second, as the saying goes, when you are young, you don’t know what it is like to be sad. When you grow old, you look at your acupuncture points and shed tears. If you overindulge when you are young, you may ruin your sexual happiness in the second half of your life.

Third, by collecting information from netizens and major platforms, Renyi learned that if the number of times is too high and the frequency is too high, the time of each time may become shorter and shorter, and eventually, the title of fast shooter will be achieved.

"No matter where you look at it, my significant other should be the same as myself, a person who can reasonably plan his life, know how to control himself, and not be dominated by sensibility..." Renyi said, glanced at Gorzan, and shook his head. Shake your head.

It's a pity... Women are all emotional animals. Although complete rationality does not exist, even if it does exist, most people would not be able to accept it. , a mature woman who is considerate.

"No matter how you look at her, she is a young girl, obviously not suitable, alas~pass."

To sum it up, Renyi is a royal sister-in-law!
"But if you think about it carefully, self-discipline (except for sleeping and being in a daze), understanding (not too pushy), and no excess desires... Jiatanjiehe seems to be good~" Renyi nodded to himself .

It turns out that I'm just a simple lsp... (X)

No, plain and clear lsp (√)


"Gerzan, you stay here for now, I'll go to Namek to look for those two people." After admiring the scenery, Renyi came to Gorzan and took the dragon ball without any explanation, and then ordered.

"Okay..." Gorzan nodded reluctantly.

Turning around, Ren Yi had disappeared.

"Huh?" Gorzan pondered his empty pockets twice.

Didn't it mean that seven dragon balls can't be together? !

While Renyi was rushing to Namek, Yao Qianshu was here.

"Are you the victim who came to our planet from the universe?" A Namek elder who looked elderly at first glance asked while observing Yao Qianshu.

Yao Qianshu quickly waved his hand, turned on the translation function, and said, "No, no, elder, you misunderstood. I'm just staying here for a while, and I'm leaving soon."

The elder rubbed his chin, the drooping eyelids made it impossible for Yao Qianshu to look directly into his eyes...he really couldn't see.

"Oh~ you can actually speak our language?" After a while, the elder finally spoke.

Yao Qianshu felt uncomfortable at this time. Although there was always a chill of being peeped at, there were only three people in the room, an elder and two guards. As for the two guards, they were also guarding the door, not looking at themselves at all. ...Could it be...

"This is really strange." Seeing that Yao Qianshu seemed a little nervous, the elder said slowly, and at the same time called a guard to go out.

It should be this elder... As expected of the Two-dimensional world, my eyes are almost squeezed and I can still see...

Originally thought that squinting eyes was already the limit of small eyes, good guy, this time I just closed them all.

After a while, the guard who went out earlier came in with a bowl of fruit and put it in front of Yao Qianshu.

"Eat, outsider, don't be nervous." The elder's tone was somewhat kind, which gave Yao Qianshu a friendly feeling.

Yao Qianshu didn't refuse either, picked up two fruits and gnawed them.

Although the appearance of this fruit looks strange, it tastes really good.

"Outsider, can you tell me about your experience now?" Seeing Yao Qianshu eating happily, the elder asked unhurriedly.

Yao Qianshu heard the words, quickly swallowed the residue in his mouth, and pursed his mouth.

"What I said is true, Elder, I really have something urgent to leave immediately."

"Then do you have a way to get out of here?" The elder touched his chin and asked.

"I..." Yao Qianshu was at a loss for words.

Yes, although I want to find my teammates, I don’t know where they are. After all, it’s the world of Dragon Ball. There are so many planets. If calculated according to the time point, it’s the early stage, and there are many open maps. If we only look at the planets, Earth And Planet Namek, Planet Vegeta... Who knows where they were all thrown...

Moreover, even if he knew, he didn't have any means of transportation to go there...

"So, don't worry, if you really have something urgent to leave here, I have a better way." The elder stood up and came to Yao Qianshu's side.

"I don't know if you have heard of it, but there is a very magical thing on our planet, which can help people realize various wishes..."

Yao Qianshu was taken aback, isn't this just talking about Dragon Ball?
"As long as you pass it, you can do it even if you want to live forever." The elder said and patted Yao Qianshu on the shoulder.

Now Yao Qianshu understands... In order to make the money spent on employment more valuable, I decided not to collect dragon balls, but to find Renyi and the others, but if I want to find them, I have to collect dragon balls first?

How do I feel like I'm at a loss?


(End of this chapter)

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