The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 361 Suppression from the Soul

Chapter 361 Suppression from the Soul

Yao Qianshu looked at the group of unfriendly strong men in front of him, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Several, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to..."

A dozen or so Namekian warriors seemed unwilling to listen to Yao Qianshu's explanation, and stretched out their right hands involuntarily, ready to emit light waves.

"Hey, don't be impulsive, I really don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to meet your great elder..." Yao Qianshu panicked when he saw this situation.

"Sure enough, they came for the dragon ball in the elder's hand!" A Namek warrior said firmly.

"That should be this guy, that's right, catch him!"

When Yao Qianshu heard what they said, he immediately understood that he probably took the blame for someone else, and was taken advantage of by someone who collected Dragon Balls.

Then I can't just get caught like this, can I?But...if he is caught, he should be sent directly to the Great Elder. Anyway, he is worried about how to find him, so why don't he submit obediently first?
After finalizing the plan, Yao Qianshu nodded and scanned the group of Namekians around him.

Although I don't know how powerful their light waves are, I should be able to withstand them.

The Namek warriors didn't have the time to analyze what he was thinking. Their duty was to protect their own planet from malicious outsiders.

Just when their attack was about to hit Yao Qianshu, Yao Qianshu felt a burst of strong air pressure falling from the top of his head, accompanied by violent wind and swirling dust, a figure appeared in front of him.

"As an employer, watching my employer get hurt is not in line with my principles..." At this moment, a familiar voice came into Yao Qianshu's ears.

When the dust dispersed, Yao Qianshu recognized the person who blocked the attack for him at a glance.

"Remember to give a good review~" Renyi turned his head and said to Yao Qianshu with a smile.

"Who are you?" On the other side, the Namekian warrior questioned Renyi, who fell from the sky and was unharmed by his own light wave attack.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is..." The smile on Ren Yi's face gradually disappeared, replaced by sharp eyes.

Renyi's gaze was as sharp as a bayonet, cutting the souls of every Namekian present. No one dared to look at him, because just looking at each other for a moment would cause pain like a knife cut all over his body .

"I'm very interested in Dragon Ball."

This can’t be blamed on Benevolence. The bonus brought by the sheep charm is related to the soul, and the soul can also be understood as the origin of everyone. A strong soul has a natural ability to suppress a weak soul, just like sheep are born afraid of wolves... This It is the result of the realization of a fear that originated from the heart.

Since Ren Yi's soul is already many times stronger than ordinary people under the blessing of the fifth-level sheep charm, when Ren Yi deliberately releases malice, creatures that are much weaker than his own soul power will naturally feel uncomfortable.

"I believe that you will lead me the way, right?" Ren Yi looked at the group of Namek warriors whose foreheads were covered with sweat, and although he felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart, he still maintained a flat expression expression.

But the plain expression just means that he is calm and powerful, it is the symbol of the strong, and it is also a kind of silent... coercion.

The leading Namekian warrior didn't answer, but just called everyone to go back the same way, even though Renyi was following them, they acted as if they hadn't seen anything.

"To a certain extent, this approach should be considered wise. It can reduce his own casualties. As a soldier whose job is to defend his home and country, it seems that it is against the principle to take the initiative to lure the enemy into the village, but he clearly realizes that The gap between us, so we choose to reduce casualties, even if we violate the principle, we don't want our teammates to sacrifice..." Ren Yi analyzed the captain.

"Then what...we..." Yao Qianshu, who was behind Renyi, was a little confused by this reversal.

One second I was ready to resist and give in, and then I was caught in front of the Great Elder like a prisoner, and the next second... just...

It seems that the employment was worth it this time!

Ren Yi and Yao Qianshu walked on the street with many Namek warriors, attracting countless residents to watch.

As hospitable Namekians, they showed no malice towards the two of them, just pure curiosity.

Although the news of someone playing Dragon Ball has spread like wildfire recently, the people who know the inside story are still in the minority.

"The Great Elder is inside." The warrior captain brought Ren Yi to the door of a house. This house was similar to other houses, but it was several times the size of others. It was obviously the residence of a big man.

"Thank you." Ren Yi said, ready to open the door and enter.

Unexpectedly, the soldier captain suddenly grabbed Ren Yi's arm. Although Ren Yi could clearly feel his hand, even his whole body was trembling, but from the other party's eyes, Ren Yi read An indescribable fortitude.

"Oh...understood, then I'll wait for a while." Ren Yi smiled, retracted his right hand that was about to push the door, and let the soldier walk into the room alone.

After the man entered the room, Yao Qianshu stepped forward and patted Ren Yi.

"You guys just..."

"Oh~ By the way, you shouldn't have forgotten my extra reward, right?" Renyi said without waiting for Yao Qianshu to ask.

"Ah? Extra reward... Dragon Ball right?" Yao Qianshu had no choice but to swallow the question back and continued.

"Of course, here~ I'll give you this stone ghost mask. In contrast, the dragon ball here is mine." Renyi said and threw a mask to Yao Qianshu.

Yao Qianshu caught Shi Guimian with a blank expression, subconsciously looked at it several times, and after confirming that it was correct, he looked at Renyi again.

"I'm not afraid of your refusal. Although I can ask for everything, but for future business, I decided to act honestly. That's it. I've given you the stone ghost face, so the Dragon Ball should be mine." Ren Yi said. He stretched out his hand to Yao Qianshu.

Yao Qianshu put the stone ghost face into the backpack, and at the same time hugged the dragon ball out of the backpack with a face full of helplessness.

It turned out that the other party had already discovered that there were dragon balls hidden in his body...

Renyi looked at the dragon ball with satisfaction, and with the help of the power of the chicken charm, it floated in front of him, so he didn't need to hold it with both hands.

After about four or five minutes, the previous soldier captain came out of the room.

"Can I go in?" Renyi asked, taking back the dragon ball.

Although the other party was a little surprised when he saw Renyi's process of disappearing the Dragon Ball, he didn't ask, but just nodded.

"Let's go then."

Hearing that, the soldier turned around again, pushed open the door, and walked in.

Ren Yi and Yao Qianshu followed closely behind.


(End of this chapter)

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