Chapter 365 Battle Plan

Gorzan bared his teeth and claws, and marched towards the nuclear power plant.

Looking at the nuclear power plant getting closer and closer, something seemed to flow out of Gorzan's mouth.

Liquid that seemed to be saliva slipped from Gorzan's mouth, and a drop of water about the size of a person hit the ground heavily.

The moment the saliva touched the ground, the surrounding green plants withered quickly as if their life had been sucked away.

"Right there...delicious candy."

Just when Gorzan was less than 1000 meters away from the nuclear power plant, the air defense siren sounded suddenly.

However, how could Gorzan, who was attracted by the delicious nuclear energy, care so much, sirens?Just think of it as cicadas shouting, anyway, it is summer now.


Along with Gorzan's progress, the railings around the nuclear power plant have become somewhat unstable.

On the street not far from the nuclear power plant, a photographer carrying a camera and a reporter were moving towards the opposite direction of the flow of people.

"There are really monsters..." the deputy editor exclaimed as he greeted the cameraman.

"Hurry up, turn on the camera, as long as you finish shooting this time, it will be easy in the next half month, ah no, one month."

"No, it's too far away, and it's too noisy here, so there's no way to take a good shot." The photographer put down the camera and complained.

"In that case, let's get closer." The deputy editor gritted his teeth, waved at the photographer, and ran in Gorzan's direction.

"It's too dangerous, it's forbidden to pass here."

Just when the two ran to the park and planned to cross the park and take a small road to the nuclear power plant, they were stopped by a policeman on duty along the way.

"We are reporters, please let us go." The deputy editor said and showed his press credentials.

Still shaking his head, the policeman reached out to stop the anxious deputy editor.

"Even if you are reporters, you can't go in there. If you want to take pictures, just stand here and take pictures." The policeman said and glanced at the photographer.

"If you go further inside, if a nuclear leak occurs, there is basically no way out."

"But..." The deputy editor seemed to want to fight for it, but from the expression on the policeman's face, it can be seen that this point is not negotiable.

It's a pity... Seeing this, the photographer reluctantly set up the camera and started shooting.

"Call Shuke, call Shuke, this is Beta, the demobilization of the residents is going smoothly, and air strikes can be carried out."

I only heard the pager and there was a reply soon.

"Shu Ke received it, and the air strike will begin immediately. In order to avoid accidental injury, please evacuate quickly."

"Beta received..." the policeman put the pager back into his pocket and looked at the deputy editor and the photographer beside him.

"It's dangerous here, evacuate as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Beta left from the side. He has other jobs, but he just came to support the evacuation work before that. Anyway, these two guys are reporters, and their profession is stronger than cattle. It is better to return to your post as soon as possible.

Watching Beta's departure until he disappeared from his field of vision, the deputy editor patted the photographer on the shoulder.

"Okay, no one is blocking us now, let's go, get closer."

"Ah? But..." The photographer was stunned for a moment, and seemed to want to say something, but was frightened by the deputy editor's fierce expression and swallowed it back.


"It seems that there is no one around, and we can start covering firepower."

In the port not far away, in the combat command room of the military, an officer looked at the electronic version in front of him, picked up the communicator and said.

"Should we just cover it with firepower? Shouldn't it be..." At this moment, an adjutant next to him questioned.

The officer glanced at the adjutant with some dissatisfaction.

"Temptation? Do you know what the consequences of temptation will be?"

"Consequences..." The adjutant couldn't understand.

"If we don't directly use all our firepower to block the monster's footsteps, or even kill him, then this nuclear power plant built since the xx period will be destroyed under his iron ride, which will lead to a nuclear leak and make the surrounding The land has become wasteland and dead soil, and we will no longer be able to live on this land for many years to come." The officer said and moved two steps closer to the position of the adjutant.

"As an adjutant, don't you even have these thoughts?"

"No... I just feel that using large-scale killing weapons from the beginning may cause waste. Maybe there is no need for firepower coverage, and only need to send some fighter jets to kill this monster?"

"Heh...hahaha...that's right, why didn't I think of it, you are really a good officer who thinks about the military." The officer patted the adjutant on the shoulder with a half-smile.

"So do you think the cost of some shells is high, or the cost of a nuclear power plant?"


The officer didn't wait for the adjutant to answer, and waved his hand, signaling for the guards to take the adjutant down.

"His adjutant's status can be removed. Okay, let's start the combat meeting." The officer said and looked at the people present.

"Although it is interesting to see you show off your maturity and majesty as an army commander, we are not gathered here to watch this." A white-haired man in a suit and leather shoes tapped his finger on the paulownia table twice and said .

"Commander, this incident happened suddenly, and this kind of monster incident that has never happened before, the crowd is very panic..." On the other side, a middle-aged man in casual clothes but with an extraordinary temperament said. .

"Society desperately needs a kind of reassurance, even if it is a lie. Of course, I hope it is the truth. The nuclear power plant is intact, and the monsters were easily wiped out by the Self-Defense Forces..."

"Hehehe... Of course, our current evacuation work is perfect as expected, and in order to deal with this unexpected situation, we have already made full preparations." The commander said and pressed the button in front of him a few times, A picture appeared on the big screen.

It was Gorzan's march.

"It's unbelievable..." A beautiful woman covered her mouth and sighed.

"Looking at it this way is really shocking... But how could you not have noticed such a monster before it appeared?" The man in casual clothes with extraordinary temperament asked, rather than asking, it was more like questioning.

"I admit that this is our responsibility, but... Although I am curious about how he escaped our detection, I can guarantee that at this moment, that forest is his burial place." The commander just laughed at this. Smiled and said.

"From now on, this monster will be forever...forgotten just like the incident in 1999."


(End of this chapter)

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