The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 370 Double Insurance

Chapter 370 Double Insurance
Such a good thing, you have to find a way to get it.

Although Ren Yi thought that this would be the case, after all, although the stone ghost face looks strong and can transform humans into vampires, its shortcomings are fatal. After all, even if you have an army of vampires, once the sun comes out, you don’t need to The enemy made a move, and the group was directly wiped out.

But it's different with Ai Zhe's red stone and stone ghost face...

The nature of the two is completely different.

If I had known this, I should have asked for a higher price. It is a pity to hand over the stone ghost noodles so easily.

A tinge of remorse rose in Ren Yi's heart, but he was soon relieved.

Such good things, how can I leave them to you, after all, I am the protagonist, with the blessing of the protagonist's halo, usually such bug-type items will eventually fall into my hands.

Renyi walked behind Yao Qianshu, stretched out his finger and poked him on the top of the head.

"Huh? Are there mosquitoes?" Yao Qianshu felt his head was poked by something, turned his head and yelled.

Because of the invisibility blessing of the snake charm, Ren Yi would naturally not be discovered.

"Mosquitoes? How could there be mosquitoes in space? I don't think I've encountered mosquitoes on Namek yet." Lu Renjia muttered.

"Could it be the product of the evolution of mosquitoes...cosmic mosquitoes?!" Yao Qianshu clapped his hands, as if he had made some great discovery.

"Then you have to catch it and study it. Maybe we can gain the ability to live in space through scientific experiments." Lu Renjia said with a smile.

Lu Renjia's joke seemed to be taken seriously by Yao Qianshu.

At this time, Yao Qianshu couldn't sit still anymore, and started to wander around in the lounge, as if looking for the mosquito that just bit him.

Seeing this scene, Ren Yi began to have doubts about his behavior just now.

Give the other party a psychological hint through the sheep charm, let him get Ai Zhe's red stone and stone ghost face and give it to him, but this guy... can I really get it...

After thinking for a while, Ren Yi felt that there was a double insurance.

"Oh shit, are there really mosquitos?" Lu Renjia who was sitting in the cockpit suddenly jumped up and looked at Yao Qianshu with a bitter expression.

"That's right, didn't I just say that there are mosquitoes?" Yao Qianshu nodded.

"Damn, this is definitely a new breed, it hurts so much to bite!" Lu Renjia rubbed his head and looked around cursingly.

"I said, is it really okay if you don't fly the spaceship?" Although I am very happy to have a companion to catch mosquitoes with me, but if the other party is the pilot, then... one accident will give the mosquito a double kill.

"No, I have to find this mosquito today, even Jesus can't keep it!" Lu Renjia seemed to be annoyed by that, and he didn't care about the spaceship driving.

Not surprisingly, less than 30 seconds after the voice was spoken, a violent shaking of the hull interrupted the mosquito-catching action of the two.

"I'm going, what happened?" Lu Renjia suffered another blow to the head. He felt dizzy now, and it's good that he didn't just fall to the ground and get up.

"It seems... hit a meteorite..." Yao Qianshu supported the wall, touched the cockpit, glanced at the situation outside, and said.

"Ah? The spaceship didn't crash, did it?" Lu Renjia panicked when he heard that, and hurried over.


"Why do you feel that this second layer of insurance is not very reliable..." Ren Yi frowned and looked at Lu Renjia.

"Forget it, since the first layer of induction was successful, it's time for me to appear."

"What should I do? The instrument seems to be malfunctioning." Lu Renjia pulled the joystick, but unfortunately, the spaceship did not move as expected.

"The power unit appears to have been crashed."

You know, in space, if the power plant of a spacecraft is damaged, it means it is scrapped.

After all, if the power plant is broken, the spaceship will not be able to move, and the people inside will have to wait to die unless a miracle happens.

"Are we going to die here?" Yao Qianshu raised his head to the sky and screamed.

"Don't we still have a chance to be resurrected, why don't we just jump into space and suffocate to death and then resurrect?" Lu Renjia thought suddenly.

"It's useless, the resurrection can only be resurrected in place, if you jump into space, you will really die." Yao Qianshu shook his head, dispelling his idea.

"I can only pray that an alien spacecraft passes by here, so that we still have a glimmer of hope that we can get help and be rescued."

At this moment, a fiery light suddenly appeared in front of the spaceship, illuminating the spaceship they were in like the sun.

"It seems that we have already reached the solar system, not far from the earth." Lu Renjia looked at the little sun in front and said.

"Two lost lambs, do you need my help?"

At this time, a voice sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"Huh? Are we dying? Why do I have auditory hallucinations?" Yao Qianshu patted his ears and asked Lu Renjia who was beside him.

"Don't ask me, I heard it too, this sun can talk?" Lu Renjia also looked very surprised.

"Didn't it say that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum?"

At this moment, Lu Renjia felt that his nine-year compulsory education was for nothing.

"Please, you have traveled through time, and you still believe in science?" Yao Qianshu waved his hand and joked.

That's right, even time travel has happened to me, so it's not surprising that the sun can talk.

"So, do you two need help? I'll leave if you don't. You two just wait here to die."

At this time, the voice sounded again.

"Yes!" Yao Qianshu replied hastily.

"Very well, what I'm waiting for is your words." Suddenly, someone patted the shoulders of the two from behind.

"I'll go! When did you come in?" Lu Renjia looked back, and it was Renyi standing behind him.

When I turned my head again, the sun had disappeared.

"Did you mess with that sun just now? Are you talking?" Lu Renjia asked.

"Yes, what else?" Ren Yi tilted his head.

"Your spaceship hit a meteorite. Fortunately, the spaceship is hard enough and the meteorite is not too big, so it didn't crash directly, but the fragments of the meteorite were scattered in front. If you don't use fire to burn them, you can't continue. Go ahead."

"Oh~ you have a way to take us back to Earth?" Yao Qianshu nodded, then asked.

"I can't take you back to Earth." Ren Yi shook his head.

"then you……"

"But I can take you to the Lord God's Space." After speaking, regardless of how the two answered, Ren Yi took out seven dragon balls directly.

"Since you can take us back directly, why did you burn those pieces?" Lu Renjia looked back and forth and asked in confusion.

"Because... such an appearance is so pretentious~"


(End of this chapter)

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