The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 372 One Undeniable Reason

Chapter 372 An Undeniable Reason
"That's great, we will be regarded as cadres in the guild in the future." Yao Qianshu said excitedly to Lu Renjia.

"Oh~" Lu Renjia replied perfunctorily, looking at him, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"I don't think you look very happy, what's wrong?" Yao Qianshu asked while pushing open the door of the guild.

"It's okay, I'm very happy." Lu Renjia replied blankly.

It's different from what I imagined, didn't I agree that I can be the vice president?Didn't it be agreed that it could evolve into a JO-level creature?But……

Furthermore, who spread this rumor?Is it possible...

"Okay, we just finished a task, we can rest for a while, just take advantage of this opportunity..." Yao Qianshu said, pulling Lu Renjia to run in one direction.

After the two left the guild, in the president's room.

"It's not far from the final goal..." The president put the stone ghost mask on his face and looked up at the light bulb on the ceiling.

"As long as you win the game and get Ai Zhe's red stone, you can evolve into a JO-level creature..."

Immediately afterwards, the president put one hand on the forehead of the mask, smiled lightly and sat down on the chair.

"I didn't expect that as long as a little rumor is released, a group of idiots will believe it, and even the efficiency of doing tasks will be improved a lot..."

Yao Qianshu, who was walking on the street, suddenly sneezed.

"Could it be that someone is missing me?" Yao Qianshu pursed his nose and said to himself.

"Tell me, where are you taking me?" Lu Renjia asked, breaking away from Yao Qianshu's right hand.

"Go and thank Big Brother Renyi for his help. Although it is true that we had an employment relationship before, he saved us after all." Yao Qianshu explained.

"I really don't know how your character has survived until now..." Lu Renjia patted his forehead helplessly. If he had experienced my three worlds, he would have died long ago.

"I really envy your innocence."

I think I was such a curious and passionate young man when I just traveled through time, but...

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we're here, let's go in." As they spoke, the two had already arrived in front of Ren Yi's office.

It was the same as the last time I came here, it was a very elegantly decorated door, but after seeing such an imposing door twice, there was a wry smile on my face.

Who would have thought that the gate is so grand, but the inside is empty, just like an empty house.

Pushing open the door, unlike last time, there are obviously many more decorations in the house.

"Hey? Is the decoration finished..." Yao Qianshu half opened his mouth, looking around.

"It's still a retro style~" Lu Renjia looked at the murals on the wall and the style of the tables and chairs.

This should be the customary decoration of the American Mafia family in the 40s.

Stepping into the gate, in addition to these various retro decorations that look very expensive, there are two staircases, and there is a table in the middle of the stairs, and a painting behind the table , but the two of them don't know exactly what the painting is, it looks like a prone person...

"Welcome both of you." At this moment, a voice came from the second floor.

"It's really a big change..." Lu Renjia secretly sighed.

"Excuse me, are you a guest looking for employment?" The voice came again.

"No, no, no, we are the employers from last time. We want to treat brother Renyi to a meal and thank him for saving his life." Yao Qianshu raised his head and looked towards the second floor, but he didn't see the person who spoke. The appearance of a person.

After a while, the two didn't receive an answer, so they had to stand where they were and wait.

Not long after, a figure appeared at the railing on the second floor.

"Brother told you to come up." A purple-red haired girl with an excellent figure said.

Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia remembered her, she was the one who was hired with Renyi last time...but... how do you feel, she is a bit different from the last time they met...

Walking up to the second floor, the two were once again shocked by the points Ren Yi spent on decoration.

"Space expansion technology is actually used, which is very expensive." Yao Qianshu looked at the long corridor on the second floor and sighed.

"Hey, how much did you pay him?" Lu Renjia patted Yao Qianshu's back and asked in his ear.

"I don't know. The president gave me ten coupons in total. I first gave him three deposits, and then gave him the remaining seven, but I didn't pay attention to the exact number." Yao Qianshu Scratching his head, he replied hesitantly.

"Please keep quiet, brother is dealing with important matters." Gorzan, who was walking in front of the two, stopped and turned his head to remind them.

Yao Qianshu nodded quickly, and covered his mouth with his hands, indicating that he would cooperate.

As for Lu Renjia, he just nodded.

What are you doing, the shelf is so big...

After walking for a while, Gorzan left the two of them outside a door and walked in alone.

"This guy is really willing to spend money. I looked at it, and I guess it's just the interior decoration... We may not be able to make up enough for dozens of tasks." Lu Renjia said with a sigh.

"Shh, be quiet." Yao Qianshu looked very disciplined, and directly covered his mouth with his hands.

"Why are you panicking? Could it be that he still has a good ear? Besides, what's the matter if you say a few words." Lu Renjia pushed Yao Qianshu's hand away with a look of disgust, and muttered.

After waiting for two or three minutes, Gorzan still didn't come out.

"I said, why don't we go in directly." Lu Renjia suggested.

"That's not good... just in case..." Yao Qianshu just wanted to stop it, but it was too late, because Lu Renjia started directly after speaking.

After pushing open the door, the two saw a white-haired man standing there trembling in front of him.

After hearing the movement from the door, everyone in the room turned their attention to Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia.

Only then did the two realize that there are still so many people in this firm, but why are there so many women?They're all beauties, even Lolita, um... It's just that those rough guys are a bit eye-catching, yo, and Xiao Zhengtai.

After entering, the two found that the space in the room was neither too big nor too small, but it was very stylish, giving people the feeling that this was the boss's room, and facing Ren Yi's desk, there was A leather seat, and various things on the table, without exception, are all retro, Yao Qianshu even saw Ren Yi holding a cat in his arms.

After Renyi found the two of them, he didn't talk to them. He just stroked the cat while talking, as if he was talking to the white-haired man in front of him.

"Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng, do you still remember what I taught you?"

"I... I was wrong..." Meng lowered her head and said falteringly.

Renyi put the cat in his arms on the table, stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"Please... please give me one more chance!" Meng raised her head suddenly and begged.

Renyi turned around and sighed.

"Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng, what did I do to make you disrespect me so much, you don't even want to call me big brother..." Ren Yi came to Meng, sighed, and patted him shoulders.

"I...Brother! I was wrong, if it wasn't for that guy who tempted me, I would definitely..." Meng lowered her head again, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

"Understood, Xiao Meng, I don't blame you for this matter, let me handle it." Ren Yi said, patted Meng's shoulder again, and returned to his seat.

"But big brother... what do you want..." Meng Meng's crying expression improved a little, and she asked.

"Hehe..." Ren Yi smiled, and stretched out the middle finger and index finger of his right hand.

Gorzan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately walked over and handed a strawberry-flavored candy to Renyi's hand.

"I'll give him...a reason he can't refuse..."


"What the hell is going on..." Lu Renjia leaned into Yao Qianshu's ear and asked.

"I don't know..." Yao Qianshu expressed a confused face.

"Oh~ Isn't this our big client? Why, there is another task to hire us?" Renyi stood up, walked towards the two with a smile on his face, and said.

"No... just want to thank you, but... can I ask you this..."

"Oh~ don't make a fuss, it's just that my careless little brother made some mistakes, and I was educating him just now." Ren Yi said with a smile.


"Yes, when this guy bought something for me, he didn't issue an invoice because he was greedy for cheap things. I was really mad at me."


(End of this chapter)

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