The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 381 Mobilization Before the Game

Chapter 381 Mobilization Before the Game
"Take me, take me, big brother, I promise I won't cause trouble for you." Gorzan hugged Renyi and said coquettishly.

"You can't take my younger brother in the arena... just give up!" Renyi desperately grabbed Gorzan's face, trying to push her away.

Finally, with Renyi's unremitting efforts (blessed by the cow charm), he successfully pushed Gorzan aside.

" are ruthless...beep." Gorzan glanced at Ren Yi with a mournful face, and then lay on the wall and began to cry.

Ren Yi doesn't like this, acting so obviously... How come I didn't know you were such a soft and cute character? !

Speechlessly glanced at the setting of Gorzan on the system introduction, the glaring word "black belly" was placed in the first column.

"Brother, we also want to participate, can we..." At this time, Jakumar (brother) came to Renyi's side, tugged at the corner of Renyi's clothes, and asked.

Ren Yi knelt down and patted his head.

"Of course... it is allowed to appear in the form of a summoned object."

Said, gave him a bright smile.

"Really? That's great!" Jakumar (brother) said and threw himself into Jakumar's (brother) arms.

"Brother, we can finally bully people."

"Yeah, brother, I can finally crush those ignorant and insignificant ants."

"Brother, you are too cruel to use such words as crushing."

"That's right, brother, let's get rid of this group of ignorant and insignificant ants."

"No! It's better to turn them into stones and eat them. It's been a long time since we've eaten stones turned into people."

"Oh~ As expected of my brother, my brother didn't think of this, so he did as you said."

Ignoring the intimate time of the two brothers, Ren Yi was just about to go back to the house to rest, but was stopped by Camilla.

"Wait a minute, brother..." Camila stood in front of Ren Yi, as if she had something to say.

"What? What's the matter?" Ren Yi asked.

But this time she didn't follow Durham and Hitler behind her, which is really rare.

You know, these three guys are usually inseparable, at least in front of Ren Yi.

"Hmm... Brother, I want to discuss something with you..." Camilla looked a little embarrassed.

"Tell me."

"That's... can you take me with you?"

"Huh?" Ren Yi raised his eyebrows, looking at the awkward Camilla in front of him.

"Just... don't bring Durham, Hitler and the others, just bring me." Camilla added.

"Eh?" Ren Yi glanced at her with a strange expression.

"Speaking of which, where are they? Why didn't you see them?"

"The two of them were dismissed by me. If they were still there, they would definitely follow me." Camilla said helplessly.

"These two guys have been too lacking in training during this period. If they are allowed to follow, they will definitely slow down the eldest brother, so..."

Ren Yi suddenly realized and nodded, it turned out to be the case.

"But it's you who decides whether to take them, so I..."

"That's fine, I won't take them both." Ren Yi agreed.

"That's good..." Camilla seemed relieved.

At this time, Durham and Hitler pushed open the door and walked in.

"Dahlam, Hitler, you two come here." Camila turned into her usual aloof look in the blink of an eye, and shouted at the two of them.

"Brother decided to take me to the arena alone this time. The two of you are likely to be delayed due to lack of training."

"Ah? No... no, big brother..." Hearing this, Dalam walked towards Renyi pleadingly.

"Come back!" Unfortunately, before taking two steps, Kami dragged her back.

"So, when we compete, I want you to complete the exercise program I specified." Camila said with a smile.

Ren Yi silently turned his back and walked away, pretending to be ignorant of all this, and walked into his room.

"Brother Jakuma, Camila... these should be enough..." Ren Yi sat on his leather seat, turning around and talking to himself.

"After all, this kind of arena is open, and it seems a bit troublesome to bring too many..."

Through Renyi's investigations these days, monsters like Gorzan and Jakuma... are classified as high-level warriors here. If other people know that someone has such a monster army under their hands, they will definitely try everything No way to investigate, Renyi doesn't want to be stared at every day...

"Although it can play a role in publicizing the firm through high-profile publicity, it seems that it is not worthwhile to weigh the pros and cons."

At this time, someone knocked on the door of Ren Yi's room.

"Come in." Ren Yi had to temporarily stop thinking about those questions and said.

"Big brother..."

It was Meng who pushed the door and entered, and his face was not very good-looking at this time.

"Brother, I've been a little restless lately..."

"What? You said you had a cerebral thrombosis?"

Meng was a little confused at first, then took a step closer and said, "I said I don't really want to eat recently."

"Oh~ you think you're almost finished."

Meng frowned, and looked at Ren Yi blankly.

"I said I couldn't eat anymore."

"Yeah? Your mouth is a little open?"

I saw that Meng's hand clutching her belly went directly to her waist and walked in front of Ren Yi.


Before he could say anything, Ren Yi slapped him on the door.

"Isn't this good? What can I pretend to be here?" Ren Yi clapped his hands and said lightly.

"Er...Brother, I just want to..." Meng struggled to get up, and prepared to say something with a sad face.

"Then you just think about it, it's impossible." Ren Yi stretched out his hand and interrupted him directly.

"I... I haven't said anything yet..." Meng rubbed her head blankly and said.

"It's nothing more than wanting to follow me to the arena~" Ren Yi leaned back on the chair, looking at Meng with disdain.

With this little thought, I wouldn't guess it?Why don't you leave me here to pretend to be sick?

"Oh~ By the way, you just said you were sick, right?" Ren Yi suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh, what a pity, I can't bring a patient to the competition~"

"Hey? Wait, brother, I..." Meng seemed to realize that what she did was inappropriate, so she hurriedly opened her mouth.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's do this, I will give you a few days off to recuperate at home, this... you don't have to worry about the arena." Ren Yi continued, not intending to give Meng a chance to refute.


"Come here, take Mengmeng back to his room to recuperate."

As he said that, Ren Yi waved his hand, and a group of black-clothed ninjas emerged from the ground, holding Meng, and dragging him out.


(End of this chapter)

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